Start with an Archangel

Chapter 687 Entering the World of Heroic Spirits

One after another, Angela and Macaulay left Daliang satisfied.

Angela has gained access to hell. She will gather some of her subordinates who are still loyal to her and hand them over to Howard. They will first establish a territory in a remote part of hell, accumulate troops and supplies, and prepare for the future return of the Hell Lord King to Hell.

Macaulay received permission from Hell's army to enter the Kingdom of Death, marking that Hell was finally able to intervene in the civil war in the Kingdom of Death. Although the Melancholy Monarch does not allow Hell's garrison to cross the border to attack the Cyan Alliance, the Fallen Angels can completely use small forces to attack the Angel Legion. Hell's Furnace City will join forces with Yunzhong City to conduct a contest on a third-party land to understand the strength of future enemies. To what extent.

As for Da Liang...he is only responsible for opening the door for the Hell Lord King and the Fallen Angels. Regardless of whether the Hell Lord King launches a war to retake Hell, or Hell's military actions in the Kingdom of Death, the Black Fire Lord does not have the strength to intervene, and Da Liang does not intend to choose sides in the early stages of the war.

What Daliang has to do now is to try his best to enhance his strength in this free time and come up with a sufficient army when he needs to join the war.

The Judgment Territory has completed its war mobilization into the world of heroic spirits, and its troops and supplies are right next to the plane transfer formation.

Daliang exercised his authority as a lord: to connect to the dimensional passage of the world of heroes in the Judgment Domain.

[Dear Lord Da Liang, you will enter an extremely dangerous plane. In order to prevent your territory from being targeted by a powerful creature, we strongly recommend that you do not use the name of the main world in the dangerous plane. You can use a second name. Name as your identity in the Danger Plane. 】

The use of a second title for the public territory of the Judgment Territory does not mean much to Daliang. In fact, most player lords will not choose to re-activate an identity when they enter the base camp plane. Those lords whose development relies heavily on players will use their existing names to bring prestige and increase the cohesion of the team.

"Don't use second names."

[Hello, Lord Daliang, please choose your landing point. If you do not make a choice, you will be teleported to a random location between 500 kilometers and 1000 kilometers away from Yunzhong City in the World of Heroes. Note that once selected, the descent point cannot be changed. 】

"Teleport to Cloud City."

[The transmission beacon is generated in the Sunshine Plain, 354 kilometers southwest of Yunzhong City. When the teleportation begins, please complete the defense of the teleportation area as soon as possible. 】

The scene changed, and Da Liang appeared on a grassland full of warm sunshine.

Ten kilometers to the east and west of Daliang, there are continuous undulating hills, and the flat land in the middle of the hills is the Sunshine Plain.

Regardless of the surrounding resources, this place is definitely a difficult-to-attack place. It is open on all sides and there is no dangerous place to station troops to stop the enemy. The open wilderness makes it easier for the attackers to deploy their troops and teleport from all sides. The door is under siege.

There happened to be eight enemies in Daliang now. This terrain was simply a battlefield for superior forces to be pushed and crushed.

Although the terrain is very unfavorable for defense, Da Liang does not intend to destroy the teleportation array and rebuild it to change to another teleportation point. It is uncertain where it will be assigned to. If the teleportation point is too dangerous, it will be very convenient for defense. , but the transportation is definitely inconvenient.

At least it is very easy to build roads on flat ground here, and both the transportation of materials and the deployment of military forces will be very convenient.

That's it.

Daliang commanded the troops on standby in the Judgment Territory to officially enter the world of heroes.

The ultimate creature that can fly takes the lead in teleporting with its griffons and Judgment air combat troops.

At this time, Daliang was already standing outside the teleportation array. Within the twenty-meter-diameter circular teleportation array, angels and dragons soared into the sky, followed by densely packed griffins.

In order to speed up the passage, all flying creatures flew upward after passing through the door, and the entire teleportation array was like a huge ignited firework. Led by angels and dragons, the griffins continued to charge upwards, and then dispersed in all directions after reaching an altitude of several hundred meters.

The cry of the gryphon soon filled the entire sunny plain, mixed with high-pitched dragon roars.

In a short period of time, Daliang's Judgment Leader army completed its air deployment. The Judgment air combat troops were divided into squadrons to conduct reconnaissance farther away.

Then the ground troops began to enter the world of heroes...

Building materials were also transferred in.

The defensive offensive around the teleportation array is under construction.

And when the whole world is paying attention to the ruling leader's entry into the world of heroic spirits, and using intelligence from all parties to find the location of the ruling leader's teleportation array in the world of heroic spirits.

Daliang said on the World Channel:

Hello to all friends who are concerned about my ruling leader’s official entry into the world of heroic spirits!

I am Daliang, the lord of the Judgment Territory in the Chinese game area.

The exit of my territory in the World of Heroes is located in the Sunshine Plain, 354 kilometers southwest of Yunzhong City. All friends who are willing to jointly develop the World of Heroes with the Judgment Leader can contact the Judgment Leader, and we can have deeper cooperation with mutual benefit.

To all enemies who intend to cause trouble for the ruling, I solemnly remind you that before you make a decision, you must be prepared to bear the consequences.

After Daliang finished his speech, Yunxiao Leader, Jiuding Leader, Dongyue Leader... all the northern lords in the Chinese game area all expressed their congratulations on the World Channel.

The major shareholders of Yingshi Virtual Bank and some well-known guilds in the Chinese game area have also marked their support for Daliang on the World Channel and are willing to jointly develop the World of Heroes with the Judgment Leader.

The Judgment Leader entered the world of Heroic Spirits, causing waves in the game. Even the stock price of Yingshi Virtual Bank began to rise sharply at this moment...

When the local tycoons in the Chinese gaming area occupied the World Channel, showing off their wealth while congratulating the ruling leader.

The eight human lords who had originally threatened to teach Daliang a lesson in the world of heroic spirits and stepped on the Judgment Leader Teleportation Formation held an emergency video conference.

Daliang has already published a video of the process of leading the army into the world of heroic spirits on the official website of the Judgment Army. The gushing way of entry is indeed very shocking.

Archangel 2 (Human Level 14), Angel 3 (Human Level 13), Black Dragon 1 (Dungeon Level 14), Red Dragon 1 (Dungeon Level 13), Gold Dragon 1 (Elf Level 14), Green Dragon 1 (Elf 13 Level), Green Crystal Dragon 1 (elf level 14), Ancient Behemoth 1 (orc level 14), Daliang showed off his ultimate creatures to the world.

"Lords, the Judgment Leader in China has officially entered the World of Heroic Spirits, and the exit location has been announced. Da Liang clearly knows that we will attack him, and still being so high-profile must be very confident in his own military power.

In this video, we can see that the Judgment Territory has 6 level 14 ultimate creatures and 5 level 13 ultimate creatures. If you include the Archangel Julian and the Frost Dragon who did not appear, Da Liang has at least 8 level 14 ultimate creatures. indivual.

This is a very strong deterrent force, and Daliang does have arrogant strength. It can be said that no single territory of ours is the opponent of the Judgment Territory.

If the Judgment Leader is allowed to develop in the World of Heroes and Daliang is allowed to integrate the power of the Chinese game area in the World of Heroes, based on the blind aggression of Chinese players, they will soon threaten our interests in the World of Heroes.

Therefore, we must destroy Da Liang’s arrogance at this time. The more arrogant he is to threaten us, the more we must teach him a lesson and let him know that he must follow our rules if he wants to survive in the world of heroes. "

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