Start with an Archangel

Chapter 688 Preparing for War

The person who presided over this meeting of the eight human lords was "Brave Heart", a player from the British game area. His territory, Scotland Castle, ranked third in the Eye of Insight rankings, second only to the Flying Dragon Star Territory and the American Sun Waiter. King's Landing, and has always maintained the first place in the ranking of human territories.

Braveheart is the first player to enter the world of heroic spirits. He has laid a good foundation in this human race base camp and firmly maintains his advantage in territorial development.

However, Scotland Castle's advantage is being threatened by Da Liang's ruling leader.

The impact that the Judgment Territory has shown in its development is really too great. Whether it is the regional environment or human resources, Scotland Castle is far inferior to the Judgment Territory of Daliang. The UK is no longer the center of the world. It is more like a geographical area in the game. The east is the European Union and the west is the United States. Players in the British game area feel isolated.

Therefore, Braveheart, which has the third largest territory in the world, has also become a symbol of the British gaming area, which has won the support of many large financial groups for the Scottish Fort.

Brave Heart will never allow any territory to threaten his advantage. In the main world, he is far away from Asia and cannot cross the ocean to attack the Judgment Territory, so he will block the Judgment Territory in the Heroic Spirit World.

The rapid development of the Judgment Territory also threatens those veteran human lords. Every time the territory ranking increases or drops by one rank, real money is affected.

After Daliang showed off his military power in a high-profile manner, the eight human lords felt the crisis and strengthened their determination to eliminate the troops led by the Judgment Leaders who entered the world of heroes.

The plan to launch an attack on Sunny Plains was quickly adopted.

The eight lords reported the troops they could mobilize, and then the eight territories entered into war mobilization, and the NPC army and the legions under the territory began to assemble...

Immediately afterwards, the news that a player-lord war was about to break out in the world of heroic spirits spread quickly.

On one side, the coalition of eight lords, led by Scotland Castle, which ranked third in the territory, was strong and powerful, and gathered the most elite forces among the human lords. The other side is the ruling leader who is very popular and full of potential. The military power shown publicly is enough to dwarf the others.

Once a war breaks out, the decisive battle should take place in an open sunny plain. By then both sides can deploy their forces, and the scale of the fight will definitely be as exciting as a comet hitting the earth.

As for the outcome of the war...

Except for a small number of big fans of Daliang who firmly believe that "the Judgment Legion is invincible and invincible," most players are not optimistic about Daliang's Judgment Army.

Looking at all the wars that Daliang and the Judgment Legion have participated in, almost all of them were duels at sea. Naval warfare is a technical war. An excellent commander and a few excellent warships can determine the outcome of a war.

The land battle is a real competition of strength. Everyone faced each other on land, and the generals formed their formations, and marched together. You can see me, I can see you. Conspiracies, plots, ambushes and surprise attacks are all invisible under the gaze of countless players.

Daliang wanted to fight one against eight, and it was on a plain. Even if he could get help from some human players in the Chinese game area, he would not be a match for the eight powerful lords.

But for the melon-eating masses, the tension, intensity, and excitement brought by war are the most important.

"Fight, we must fight! Daliang, you must not be a coward. I spent all my wealth to buy you to be wiped out."

The Judgment Territory has entered a state of war.

Xu Man used the joint intelligence department of the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone to conduct comprehensive intelligence collection on the eight lords who launched the attack. Thirty thousand elven troops were transferred from the Yunxiao Territory to the Judgment Territory, and at the same time, the subordinate legions of the College Alliance were mobilized to enter the world of heroes through the Judgment Territory to participate in the war at any time.

Yingshi Virtual Bank provided Daliang with an interest-free loan of up to 400 million gold coins, and opened all the bank's material reserve warehouses in Shangjiang to the ruling community.

There are countless other guilds and individuals who have donated money and materials to the Judgment.

"Accept all the donations and support. These people who support us are all friends of the Judgment Leader. Write down their names. Tell them that a friend in need is a friend indeed, and that all the materials and property that the Judgment has accepted will be sent to us after the war is over. I will repay them in full, and they will also get priority in all future cooperation projects."

When the world is not optimistic about the Judgment Leader, someone who is willing to lend a helping hand to the Judgment Leader at this time is really a friend that can be made.

If something good happens in the future, of course you should take care of your own people first.

The army of the Judgment Leader is building various defensive offensives around the teleportation array.

The ruling leader is preparing to build four lines of defense around the teleportation array. Thanks to the terrain of the Sunshine Plain, a defense system specially designed for plain offensive and defensive warfare can be built at the same time.

Tens of thousands of laborers were scattered across the plains.

Due to time constraints, the vanguard of the players sent by the Eight Lords has already marched towards the Sunshine Plain. Instead of building a city wall fortress, Daliang chose a tunnel defense line that could be quickly deployed. Four circles of trenches were quickly dug into shape, and the excavated soil was pushed and built into high platforms. After being reinforced with stones and wood, they became arrow towers and forts.

Then the Judgment Leader built a small independent defensive stronghold through tunnels and low walls around the Arrow Tower Fort. In this way, even if the trench defense line is breached, the attacker cannot quickly directly attack the next line of defense without slowly pulling out these nails.

With investment regardless of cost, the Sunshine Plain defense line was built really quickly.

Daliang looked through the information about the Eight Lords Alliance sent from various channels, but he did not pay too much attention to the performance of the war in Sunshine Plain.

The generation gap between Daliang and other players in this game is really too big...

By handing over the war in Sunshine Plains to the command team of the Judgment Legion, Da Liang no longer cares about this matter. His mission is to maintain his current advantage over players and continuously expand this advantage.

Moreover, Joyce's information has also been sent over. The aerial battleship ordered by Manila City will be shipped out from Osaka City soon. If you want to snatch it, hurry up and arrange it.

Da Liang immediately found his intelligence personnel in Osaka and asked them to monitor the alchemy equipment manufacturing plant in Osaka around the clock. At the same time, he also paid attention to whether any air and space battleships from the Maritime Merchant Association arrived in the reservoir near the Osaka alchemy manufacturing plant.

Intelligence personnel in Osaka soon sent image information for Da Liang.

This is a video shot from the air.

As the main city of the academy, Osaka Castle has very high alchemy technology. Their alchemy factory is located in the center of the city, covering an area as large as a city within a city. Here we accept orders for any alchemy equipment and sell high-end alchemy equipment developed by ourselves.

At this time, the roof of a warehouse next to the reservoir of the alchemy factory has been opened, and the ship mast can be seen standing inside.

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