Start with an Archangel

Chapter 695 Cunning

Da Liang couldn't be sure whether Hunter Deer still had a hand ax in his hand, but as long as Hunter Deer didn't attack every time, he would have a chance to break in.

After testing it again, Hunting Deer also did not attack, but was fully alert for every arc impact point.

Seeing that the supporting crew members were about to climb onto the bridge, Da Liang decided not to wait any longer.

Jumping to the hunter's side, Da Liang casually threw out a prepared spell.

After launching the attack, Da Liang also emerged from invisibility.

At this time, Captain Stag Hunter's cyan face showed a smile of success. After he knew that the enemy was consuming his own hand axes, he used the trick to throw 12 hand axes and then stopped throwing them, pretending that the hand axes had been used up.

In fact, after upgrading to a hero, the maximum number of hand axes that Hunter can throw per day is 24.

In other words, the number of hand axes that can be thrown by Deer Hunter is still abundant. He just wants to lure the enemy to his side and give him a surprise when the enemy thinks that he does not have a hand axe.

"Storm of Blades and Axes"

This is a unique skill for hunting deer. When a hand ax is thrown, it will turn into 36 hand axes to form an area-wide attack. If you use this skill on a small bridge, even if the opponent repeats his old trick of hiding and pretending to jump, the dense hand axes will knock the enemy out of the invisible body.

Of course, the enemy had already launched their magic skills first, and Captain Deer Hunter knew that he would definitely take the first blow.

But what Captain Stag Hunter is more taboo about is the enemy's repelling skills and status magic just displayed on the deck.

Hunting Deer is not worried about knocking back. He is good at medium and long-distance ax throwing skills, and keeping the distance will not cause him too much trouble.

Status magic, Xunlu has imposed a magic ban on himself. The Magic Forbidden Technique can theoretically resist all attacks and status magic effects, but the effectiveness of the Magic Forbidden Magic Technique is related to the caster and the intensity of the magic suffered. It is a competition between intelligence and intelligence. Although Hunting Deer is not good at magic, his hero level is very high, and his accumulated magic energy can resist several magic attacks without any problem.

Deer Hunt is very confident in his plan.

There is no reason to lose...

At this time, the distance between the two parties was very close, less than 4 meters apart, almost standing face to face. When Da Liang's spell hit the hunting deer, the hunting deer's hand had already been raised.

When the skill is activated, a hand ax appears out of thin air...and then disappears...


Hunting Deer never expected that his skills would be forcibly terminated. Realizing that something was wrong, he didn't think too much about it, but wanted to continue attacking, but another magic hit him.

what happened? Why can't I see? I'm blinded by magic!

How was the forbidden magic state eliminated...

Da Liang, who was standing opposite Captain Hunter, let out a secret breath, and then quickly used magic and skills to knock down the crew members who climbed onto the bridge.

The cunning deer-hunting captain was finally brought under control.

Just after Daliang used "Nicole's Leap" to bypass the force field shield and break through to Hunter Deer, for the sake of safety, he immediately released the Holy Word on Hunter Deer.

Holy Word is the own skill of the Angel's equipment "Crown of Oracle". It uses spiritual shock to evil creatures to interrupt the opponent's release of skills and eliminate all the magical effects of the opponent.

The evil creatures here do not refer to the evil camp, but adhere to Yunzhong City's powerful style of "saying you are evil, you are evil."

Sure enough, Hunter Hunter wanted to use a dirty trick. When Daliang saw a hand ax appear in Hunter Hunter's hand, he knew that he had used this skill very correctly.

Holy Word interrupted the release of "Axe Storm" and at the same time eliminated all the magical effects of Hunter Deer. Then when Da Liang was about to activate the skill again, a "blindness" made him unable to see anything. .

The "blind" state will exist as long as it is not attacked until the effect expires. The duration is also related to the intelligence comparison of both parties. Daliang knew that he couldn't control a high-level hero for too long, but it was enough to move his position and clean up the mobs. He even had time to observe the battle situation in other places.

The Black Pearl has already launched an attack on the Giant Wood. She used her super maneuver to circle the Giant Wood and fired continuously. The powerful penetration and destructive power forced the Giant Wood to switch to a defensive state.

After several tug-of-wars, the new ship's Assault was unable to keep up with the formation and was isolated.

The air battle was still fierce. The threat from the Black Pearl to the Giant Wood prompted Captain Vernon to urgently order the air combat troops to board the Black Pearl immediately. Shu Xiao and the air combat personnel struggled to resist.

The battlefield shrank, and the Assault seemed to be forgotten at this moment.

"Julian, enter the battlefield..."

When the time was right, Daliang gave the coordinates and issued the order to seize the ship.

A dark red portal suddenly opened above the Assault. Archangel Julian rushed out first, and then exploded with all his speed like a meteor to strike the bridge of the Assault.

The Assault's bridge was severely damaged by an explosion.

At this time, Jones rushed out with the Destruction Knights, and the red-armored men landed on the sail of the Assault, and then rushed to the deck on the canvas and ropes regardless of gravity.

"Soul Gathering Coffin"

Depression and heaviness enveloped the entire battlefield.

Da Liang wore the evil power combined with Ergos's gaze and Misuka's induction. All members of the Maritime Merchant Association felt the pressure from the Hell Lord King.

When strategic-level skills appeared, all enemy creatures on the battlefield were severely weakened.

Julian violently beat the captain of the Assault on the broken bridge. The Destruction Knight directly opened a hole in the deck and rushed into the cabin. Finally, the frost dragon that came out of the portal controlled the sky above the battleship and used its dragon breath to clean up the ships. Crew on deck.

It's stable this time...

The whole breakthrough happened very quickly.

When the frost dragon flew over the Assault, Da Liang turned his attention to his own battle.

The invisible Captain Stag continued to release "storms of swords and axes" around him, slowly retreated to the wall of the ship and stood, and then used exorcism to eliminate his blindness.

When he could see things, a magic shot hit him and made him lose consciousness.


In the world of heroes, when the spellcasting profession reaches a certain level, it is really powerful. Especially after mastering advanced magic skills, the corresponding magic is different from before in terms of power, consumption and recovery time.

This battle made Daliang know that he was finally no longer a weak mage who had to hide behind heroes and armies whenever there was a battle.

A variety of spells, advanced magic skills, top-notch equipment, and overwhelming intelligence and knowledge.

Brother can now fight a boatload of people.

Wa hahaha……

The chaotic and fierce battlefield echoed with bright laughter, and then the bridge and deck of the Rock were washed away by various attack magics, and the floor was washed repeatedly...

The sail fell, the Rock slowly lowered its speed, and a huge fire cloud formed in the sky.

Under the shining of the morning sun, rain of fire washed the sky. The majestic aerial warship began to explode, crack, and shatter under the impact of the meteorite, and then burned and floated to the sea below.

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