Start with an Archangel

Chapter 696 Seizing the Assault

When the captain of the Rock died, a large number of crew members were lost, the ship's hull was severely damaged, and it faced the possibility of being captured.

The mages guarding the energy core chose to self-destruct.

The Rock collapsed and fell, and the Maritime Merchant Association's escort fleet lost contact with the Advance, and a negative state enveloped the entire space. Captain Vernon knew that the war situation was decided and he had failed. This time he not only lost the cargo but also lost an aerial battleship, which was an absolutely immeasurable loss to the Maritime Merchant Association.

What Captain Vernon has to do now is not to retake the Dash, but to keep his Giant Wood. The enemy's black aerial battleship was too powerful. In the battle just now, he discovered that this aerial battleship was not only fast, but its armor was also made of alchemical metal.

This is definitely a legendary-level aerial battleship. It is not something that ordinary fourth-level aerial battleships can withstand. If the fight continues... the Jumu will be finished.

Captain Vernon immediately ordered the air combat forces besieging the Black Pearl to shrink to the airspace around the Giant Wood, and the tactics changed from offensive to defensive.

"Protect the Jumu from the battlefield, and we retreat to TW Island. I have informed the association of what happened here, and an association support fleet has set off from TW Island."

The Jumu raised the retreat flag, and all its air combat forces returned to defense.

Da Liang, who had already flown to the Assault, stopped the Black Pearl's continued attack. His goal has been achieved. Now that the Assault is in hand, there is no need to sacrifice his own strength for a poor bandit.

The originally noisy battlefield instantly became calm.

The two warring parties quickly separated. The Jumu evacuated toward the southwest TW Island, and the Black Pearl returned and docked along the edge of the Assault.

The Black Pearl, which is classified as a small one in the category of fifth-level air and space battleships, looks extremely petite next to the fourth-level air and space battleships, like a child following an adult.

The two warships docked simultaneously, and the side pullers connected the two ship edges. Da Liang arranged for the sailors in the Black Pearl to quickly enter the Assault and control various important positions.

Damaged sails and rigging were replaced, and debris and debris from the battle were cleared away.

Another batch of alchemy puppets were transported from the Black Pearl, and now Da Liang had complete control of the Assault.

After completing the personnel transfer, the Black Pearl separated from the Assault. The Alchemy Puppet, who was familiar with driving the aerospace battleship, quickly moved the out-of-control Assault. The aerospace battleship turned north in the air, and then accelerated away from the sea area.

The battle is over and the fleet returns home.

Da Liang stood on the bow deck of the Assault. In front of you is the boundless sky and ocean, where azure and deep blue intersect at a very far distance. In the sky, the wind is high and the air is refreshing; in the sea, the waves are rippling, and the clouds are passing by, layer upon layer, as if you can catch them if you stretch out your hand.

Julian led the archangels flying in front of the Assault, and they spread their holy wings to lead the route for the entire fleet; the frost dragon flew with him on the left and right, and the sound of the dragon's roar spread outward, demonstrating the power of the ultimate creature; Silver The Pegasus Knight serves as the outermost guard in the further airspace.

Da Liang looked at the Black Pearl again. She was flying under the starboard side of the Dash to highlight the flagship status of the Dash in the two-ship formation.

Yes, the Rush is the flagship of this fleet, the aerial battleship that Daliang really owns.

As the saying goes, "A golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as one's own doghouse." No matter how strong Black Pearl is, it is not her own. Da Liang always comes up with various excuses to get the Black Pearl to fight for him. Now that the test of the Black Pearl has been completed, it may not be easy to borrow it again in the future.

But the Assault Number actually belongs to him.

The fourth-level air and space battleships were beaten by Black Pearl and were unable to fight back. That was because Black Pearl was too strong, not because the air and space battleships were weak.

The air and space battleship is a top-level alchemy product. It can attack ocean and land targets from the air and is a powerful firepower output platform. Its maneuverability and carrying capacity can also quickly deploy troops to the outbreak location of the battle.

The Assault is a great enhancement to the air power of the Blackfire Territory, but Da Liang does not intend to hand over the Assault to the Blackfire Fleet, but is preparing to deploy it in the Kingdom of Death.

The mission of the Blackfire Fleet in the main world is to protect the Blackfire Territory's maritime transportation lines and protect the Blackfire Territory's maritime interests and resources. The ocean area of ​​the main world is very vast. What the Blackfire Fleet needs is a large number of various surface ships to control the ocean. Air and space battleships are not what they urgently need.

A large-scale war is ongoing in the Kingdom of Death, and the teleportation arrays in most cities have been closed to the outside world. The Black Fire Leader wants to mobilize its troops over long distances, so walking on land is slow, and flying through the air consumes physical strength or magic power.

An air and space warship can transport troops to where they are needed in a timely manner and directly enter the battle.

The big-eared monster Simon knows navigation skills and has reached the intermediate level. He is also good at offensive skills. His hero level has reached 42. He has good command skills and is very suitable to serve as the captain of the Assault and perform attack missions.

When Daliang was thinking about how to use the Assault, Shu Xiao and Gu Tao fell from the sky to Daliang's side.

The hunting wind blew from the front, blowing the long hair of the two girls, one a heroic human knight, and the other a beautiful and quiet elf mage.

Da Liang looked left and right, feeling that his eyes were a bit inadequate.

A high-level air battle made Shu Xiao very excited. She took off her armor and boldly walked to the edge of the bow wearing only her civilian clothes, opened her arms in the wind and shouted loudly.


Seeing Shu Xiao's appearance, Daliang couldn't help but laugh.

Gu Tao asked: "Senior brother, what are you laughing at?"

Daliang said: "I remembered how Shu Xiaogang took off her equipment like this when she was riding a griffon, and stupidly stood on the back of the griffin, but a gust of wind blew her down. She didn't have angel wings at that time. If I hadn't saved her, she would have been the first player to fall to death while riding a gryphon."

"Standing on the back of a griffin..." Gu Tao knew that griffins were very bumpy in flight and had to be careful when riding. Unexpectedly, Shu Xiao dared to stand on the back of a griffin when she started riding. "This is really Sister Shu Xiao's way of doing things. "

Daliang smiled at Gu Tao and said, "You keep an eye on her here. I'll go over and give her a kick, and you'll know what she looked like at that time."

After saying that, Da Liang quietly walked behind Shu Xiao who was standing on the edge of the boat, then raised his foot and kicked Shu Xiao hard on the butt.

"Taozi, come here too. It feels so refreshing here."

Daliang didn't expect that Shu Xiao would turn around at this moment and just escape the sneak attack. However, due to excessive force, he kicked off the boat and fell off the bow of the boat with a "Ah" sound.

Shu Xiao turned around and was about to call Gu Tao to feel the feeling of standing here together, but saw a figure falling from his side in a flash.

Hearing the loud voice, Shu Xiao jumped directly from the bow of the ship without any hesitation.

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