Start with an Archangel

Chapter 712 Camp Confrontation

Four people who decided to go treasure hunting boarded the Black Pearl.

Daliang brings Julian, Sophia and his guards. The Vampire Sword Guards are capable of both air combat and land combat. All hero units have their own strengths, allowing Daliang to respond promptly and correctly when encountering special events.

Everyone boarded the ship and prepared to set sail, but Liang saw that Geese had not boarded the bridge, but was standing on the deck with Prophet and Nicole.

Who will be the captain?

I am afraid that Giese, who was once a pirate, is more qualified, but Giese said to Daliang: "I don't want too many people in Brady City to know that I am back. You will still be the captain of the Black Pearl on this journey. I think you are qualified to be admitted to Brett City."

Robbery of the fourth-level aerospace battleship Assault was definitely a big deal, especially if it was snatched from the hands of the Maritime Merchant Association. This time, the Maritime Merchant Association not only suffered the sinking of a fourth-level aerospace battleship, the Rock, but also had to pay compensation to the city of Manila for the loss of cargo. The losses were really extremely heavy.

The Maritime Merchant Association has issued a wanted order for the White Fang Pirates and the Black-Haired Pirates. The Black-Haired Pirates' reputation suddenly shot up on the sea, and together with the red-haired female pirates wreaking havoc in Asia and the South Sea, they were two rising pirate stars.

Daliang is definitely qualified to enter Brady City.

Since Giese asked him to be the captain of the Black Pearl, Daliang did not refuse and walked directly to the bridge and ordered: "Gis serves as the first mate of the Black Pearl, assisting the captain in managing the warship; Nicole serves as the energy source of the Black Pearl The core mage is responsible for the energy supply of the battleship; the prophet serves as the garrison mage and is responsible for the magic prohibition device and magic amplification device; Sophia serves as the boatswain, responsible for managing the crew; Julian serves as the scout, responsible for monitoring the airspace around the battleship.

All personnel get into position immediately.

The Black Pearl sets sail! "

The Black Pearl sneaked out of the cave, flew into the air, and then flew towards the location given by Giese at cruising speed.

At this time, after receiving the news that Daliang refused to cease the war, Brave Heart gave up all hope and concentrated all the help he could find to prepare for the defense of Lionheart Fortress. Although he can think of his final outcome, he must not back down in any way.

He had to prove to the sponsors of the Scottish Castle that he had the courage to fight. A full retreat without fighting would seem to result in less losses, but would result in more losses in the future.

Just as Braveheart was looking for help, a player found him.

"I believe that after experiencing the battle in Sunny Plains, you can clearly recognize the gap between the lords and our mission stream players. Daliang was able to defeat the joint attack of eight of you lords, not because of how strong his ruling domain is, but because of his mission If you have a high level, you can get reinforcements from system cities.

Now we get a very advanced story mission, a mission that allows you to talk directly to the Supreme God Gabriel. As long as we can continue to follow this plot mission, our future achievements will not be comparable to those of Daliang and others.

How about it? This is our final invitation to you. If you refuse, we will go find Da Liang. He should be very interested in the mission we are currently undertaking. "

Brave Heart thought about it and said, "You won't find Da Liang. As you can see from Shangjiang City in China, he is a very powerful plot mission strategy expert. He is also the first player to lead Archangel, and may have already cooperated with Yunzhong There is a certain connection with the city, and the Shangjiang City where he is located is the main city of the human race.

If you recruit Da Liang into the team and share team information, he may complete the task ahead of you and become the leader of the team. "

As if being told by Braveheart, the player shrugged: "You are right. But you have just been defeated and your strength has been greatly reduced. You are no longer our only choice, not even the best choice. But I still Take a fancy to your abilities and potential in Fort Scotland.

How about it? Have you thought it through? "

Braveheart asked: "If I join you, can you stop the Adjudicator's attack on me?"

"No," the other party answered very simply: "We have just formed this planar confrontation team to serve Yunzhong City under the authorization of Michael's holy left-wing angel. It has not affected the strength of Yunzhong City. Daliang this time The system troops in Shangjiang City were mobilized, which is almost unsolvable for current players.

But we are directly under the command of the Holy Left Wing. The Holy Left Wing is the most trusted angel of Michael, the ruler of Yunzhong City. Following his mission process, it is only a matter of time before the angels can cooperate with us in fighting.

Your revenge will definitely be returned to Daliang twice as much in the future. "

Brave Heart's little hope was extinguished. At the same time, he also truly realized that the lord was not the top player in the game. At least until the player lord did not have the strength to compete with the city in the system, those who did high-level plot missions Players who reach the extreme are the real peak.

He didn't realize this before and rejected the solicitation of the player in front of him, but now he has a chance to make amends.

"Okay, I agree to join you."

The player smiled and said: "You will be very glad that you made this decision in time in the future. Welcome to join the temple.

Now that you are a glorious Templar, prepare to enter the Kingdom of Death with us, where the Supreme Angel Gabriel is launching a war against the Lord of Death. The player's camp confrontation has begun, and our opponent is the Shadow of Death. "

Go to the Kingdom of Death now, Braveheart said: "But the Lord of Judgment is about to attack my Lionheart Fortress."

The player laughed and said: "Daliang has collected a month's advertising fees from advertisers. How can he really knock down your Lion Heart Fortress and end the war within a month? He will refund the money."

Brave Heart is right to think about it. Daliang can only bombard the Lion Heart Fortress indiscriminately and cannot really capture it. In a month, his player mercenaries will be disbanded, and Shangjiang City's army will not be able to help him fight for a long time.

This war may not be as pessimistic as one thinks.

As long as the Lionheart Fortress can be preserved, those sponsors will have the confidence to continue supporting the Scottish Castle. He also joined the Holy Church, which had direct contact with the top leaders of Yunzhong City, and embraced the thick thighs of the Holy Left Wing, and he would soon be able to make a comeback.

At that time, when Daliang begged me for peace talks, I also said to him: No talks.

The player camp directly under Yunzhong City fights against the team-Temple, preparing to enter the Kingdom of Death to participate in the war.

Shi Fei, who was in the dreamland, also successfully formed his own camp confrontation team in Bauhinia City.

"Now Yunzhong City has triggered a civil war in the Kingdom of Death. They and the Wizards Guild have formed a cyan alliance to fight against the Death Monarch. The owner of Bauhinia City has decided to intervene in this war to a limited extent and cooperate with Yunzhong City's strategy in the Kingdom of Death.

We will also follow the Elf Army of Redbud into the Kingdom of Death, and are likely to encounter the opposing team of the Kingdom of Death camp - the Shadow of Death. "

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