No matter what time it is, whether inside or outside the game, the sunny, quiet and peaceful sea always gives people a refreshing feeling.

A new day comes, and the rising sun illuminates the sea again, separating the Black Pearl from the darkness and clearly revealing it on the sea.

At this time, the Black Pearl was suspended in the sky less than a hundred meters above the sea. Below her was a very large ocean whirlpool.

The whirlpool channel is a new navigation route discovered by players. After continuous testing by players, it is found that sailing through the whirlpool channel is faster than taking the ocean current route.

For example, through a whirlpool connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, ships can directly reach the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean through these two whirlpools, and then follow the ocean current route, which will greatly shorten the navigation distance.

However, there is great danger in passing through the whirlpool channel. Ships passing through the whirlpool will randomly lose cargo and sailors, and the loss ratio is related to the captain's navigation skill level.

If you are an ordinary merchant on the sea, losing cargo and sailors to save time would be a bit outweighing the gain.

Therefore, the player's fleet will generally not use the whirlpool channel to sail unless there is something very urgent.

At least until players master advanced navigation skills, sailing through the vortex channel is not the best option and can only be regarded as an emergency path.

After two days and one night of continuous flying, the Black Pearl arrived above a sea whirlpool.

Daliang looked at his chart. This place is located in the waters north of Hawaii. Since this place is already deep in the Pacific Ocean and is not on the ocean current route, players have not yet explored this vast sea area.

The entrance to Brady City should be this whirlpool, but Daliang only mastered intermediate navigation skills at this time, so he would definitely suffer a lot of losses when entering the whirlpool passage.

"Teacher Giese, how do we enter Brady City?"

In response to Da Liang's question, Giese first took out a monocular to look at the surrounding situation, and then said: "Raise our White Fang pirate flag. If we are qualified to enter Brady City, the people guarding this whirlpool passage will , will redirect the channel’s path toward Brady City.”

Da Liang did not see anyone guarding the whirlpool channel from the nearby sea, but since Giss said so, the guards should exist.

The sailors were ordered to hoist the White Fang pirate flag and awaited Brady City's response.

On the vast sea there is only the hunting sea breeze, which makes the White Fang pirate flag swing violently. The ripples on the water reflected sunlight onto the dark hull.

The Black Pearl is hovering above the whirlpool.

The diameter of this vortex reaches a hundred meters. The blue water rotates rapidly clockwise, forming a cylindrical downward channel in the middle. At the bottom of the channel is a teleportation array that emits light blue light.

After a while, the bottom of the whirlpool channel suddenly emitted a strong red light. The red color quickly spread upwards in the sea water, and soon the entire whirlpool channel turned red. Then the vortex channel stopped rotating, as if time had stood still.

Giese, who was standing next to Daliang, said: "Our identity has been recognized by Brady City, and the captain can order the Black Pearl to enter the vortex."

Looking at all this, Daliang couldn't help but admire the greatness of Conquer and Magic. After receiving the prompt from Keith, he issued an order: "The Black Pearl enters the passage..."

The Black Pearl fell towards the center of the vortex. Entering the passage, all sides are surrounded by solidified red seawater, which is getting higher and higher like a mountain wall as the Black Pearl descends.

And just when Da Liang couldn't help but turn on the game's shooting function to take a picture of this spectacle, the screen suddenly flashed, and the Black Pearl appeared from the bottom of the sea above the sea.

Reached the plane where Brady City is located.

Brady is a plane separated from the main world. It is connected with the main world through sixteen vortex channels.

These whirlpool passages are located in the four oceans. The former King of the Sea relied on the sixteen whirlpool passages controlled by Brady to quickly move throughout the oceans of the main world and raid the places he wanted to attack at will.

After the Poseidon was encircled and killed, Brady has now become a private transportation hub for pirates. They also use these sixteen vortex channels to move across the ocean, making the entire ocean of the main world a hunting ground for pirates.

Therefore, when the Black Pearl entered the Brady Sea, what Daliang saw was not the endless sea with nothing, but multiple pirate ships riding the wind in the distance.

The map was unavailable and the location of Brady City could not be seen with the naked eye. Da Liang asked Giese: "Where should we move now?"

Giese replied: "We will wait here. The White Fang pirates will enter here first, and Brady City will send a pilot to take us into Brady."

At this time, Julian, who had flown to high altitudes to perform guard duties, said to Da Liang through the lord channel: "Sir, a two-masted battleship was found 8 kilometers south. A monster left the battleship and was heading towards the Black Pearl. Flying in. Based on his speed, I judge that it should belong to the heroic unit.

There seemed to be no animosity. "

The gods and monsters are academic level 9 creatures. Daliang once encountered the gods and monsters when he attacked the entrance of the stone cave. Their upper body is the upper body of a human and the lower body is an air ball. Their design style should be based on the djinn of Arabian legends.

This monster hero should be Brady's pilot.

Da Liang turned his attention to the sea in the south, and soon saw the opponent flying towards the sea at high speed.

After waiting for a while, the monster hero boarded the deck of the Black Pearl.

He first saluted Daliang, and then said: "Dear black-haired captain, your name and your pirate ship have already spread throughout the ocean. To rob a fourth-level air and space battleship from the Maritime Merchant Association, I'm afraid most people Pirates only dared to think about it, but they didn't dare to do it. But you did it. Not only did you steal the Assault, you also sank the Maritime Merchant Association's Rock. It was an unimaginable battle.

It is my honor to be your pilot.

My name is Isaiah Sosi, you can call me Sosi.

Is this the black high-speed air and space battleship that can confront three level four air and space battleships?

I would be honored if you could tell me its name. "

In the pirate circle, strength represents how much respect one can receive.

Although the robbery of the Assault was Daliang's first crime as a black-haired pirate, this major case earned him a lot of fame. Faced with three level four air and space battleships, the result was to sink one and seize another. The black-haired pirate immediately became as famous as the red-haired female pirate who frequently committed crimes in Southeast Asia in terms of reputation and strength.

A powerful Buccaneer enters Brady, and Brady City certainly welcomes him and shows him enough respect.

Daliang showed off his gangster style and said to Suo Xi: "This ship is called the Black Pearl, the fastest and most powerful warship. It is indeed an honor for you to stand on her deck. Now take us to lay mines Di Cheng, I still have important things to do."

As an academic race, what Suo Xi hates most are these rude pirates, who are arrogant and arrogant, thinking that they have done a few major crimes and are arrogant. However, the pirates who are allowed to enter Brady are indeed very powerful, especially the White Fang pirate group in front of them.

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