Start with an Archangel

Chapter 714 Pirates’ Sanctuary

As the pilot of Brady City, Suosi also has the responsibility of patrol outside Brady City. He has seen countless pirates and pirate ships.

Whether a pirate group is strong or not, he can basically make a rough judgment at a glance.

When approaching the Black Pearl, he carefully observed this warship that had suddenly appeared in the recent past and became famous in the ocean.

First of all, he discovered that the shell of this battleship was all made of alchemical metal. To replace the alchemical shell of an aerial battleship, there were too many things needed. In addition to rare alchemical materials, top alchemist masters also had to process them personally. At the same time, the appearance design of this battleship is definitely the work of a ship design master, and being able to design many powerful features into a three-masted battleship is not something that ordinary ship design masters can do.

The origin of this battleship is extraordinary.

Then Suo Xi noticed the power possessed by this White Fang pirate group after boarding the battleship. Advanced magic-forbidden devices, advanced magic amplification devices, alchemical artillery, puppet sailors; a battle group composed of all heroes; there is an archangel monitoring the surroundings from high altitude, and Suo Xi knew that he had just left his ship and was seen by the archangel. , under the gaze of this archangel, Suo Xi felt like there was a sharp edge on her back. She was a very strong angel.

There is also the first mate standing next to the black-haired captain. The undead person covering his appearance exudes a terrifying aura. Such strong men are very rare in the entire Brady City.

Not to mention the captain who owns the ship.

A black-haired pirate, a mage who can single-handedly destroy an aerial battleship.

Facing such a pirate group, Suo Xi did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. He immediately said: "Now I will pilot the Black Pearl into Brady City. During this flight, I will introduce you to some of the things in Brady City." rule.

According to the "Pirate Code" recognized by most pirates, Brady City is a neutral zone, and any private grudges are not allowed to be fought in the city.

Any Buccaneer eligible for Brady who declares compliance with the Brady Defense Act is free to use all of Brady's vortex passages to the overworld. Otherwise, in addition to free entry for the first time, you will need to pay a usage fee for each subsequent use, and you will need to pay for entry and exit.


The Black Pearl flew towards the southern sea under the guidance of Suo Xi. At the same time, Daliang also gained some understanding of Dobrady City through Suo Xi's introduction.

Brady City is a neutral city. It does not participate in any maritime disputes, and its fleet will not conduct any maritime robbery at sea. Brady City's responsibility is to establish a safe trading market for pirates and black marketeers. Fighting is not allowed within the city, but there are no restrictions on the sea outside the city.

Brady City is now ruled by a black market businessman organization. The Brady City Council they jointly established has made this city a default existence by the coastal city-states of the main world by virtue of their influence and Brady City's policy of not participating in direct robbery. .

Of course, Brady City has not been attacked since the demise of Neptune City, which is also related to Brady City's strong military strength and the Brady City Defense Act.

Brady City controls a convenient passage to the main world. In order to save high passage usage fees, most pirates are willing to abide by the Brady City Defense Act.

When Brady City is invaded, the Buccaneers who abide by the bill must fully assist Brady City's defense free of charge...

Suosi said: "During the rule of the Congress, Brady City has never been invaded by outsiders, and the chance of being invaded in the future is very small. Therefore, as long as you declare to comply with the Brady City Defense Act, you can use the vortex channel here at will. , it is a benefit for every pirate group."

But the answer Suo Xi waited for was rejection, "I have no interest in helping people, so don't talk about the defense bill anymore. The leader of this regiment has plenty of money."

Da Liang knows that the wheels of the plane war have already started, and Brady City may not be immune to this environment. I don't know how binding this defense bill is. If it is mandatory, Da Liang doesn't want to be forced to come to Brady City to defend against invasion when the plane war turns into a pot of porridge.

Suo Xi was too surprised at Daliang's refusal. He had seen too many pirates who grabbed a big deal and had money but no place to spend it. When these pirates saw the whirlpool channel usage fee, they would basically obediently declare that they would abide by it. Brady City defensive bill.

"This is your freedom. When you enter Brady City, you will find that this city has more freedom than any other main world city.

Look Brady City is here…

Welcome to the City of Liberty. "

In the direction that Suo Xi pointed, Daliang saw an island appearing on the sea in the distance, which was Brady Island.

As the distance got closer, Da Liang also saw what Brady Island looked like.

This island is a ring-shaped island. The entire outer circle of the island is surrounded by towering cliffs. There is only one channel leading to the inner lake of the island.

The only channel leading in and out of the island is also flanked by straight cliffs. It is an extremely dangerous terrain that is easy to defend.

Soon after Black Pearl flew to Brady Island.

There are more ships here, and there is no sign of interruption coming in and out of the hundred-meter-wide entrance. It is estimated that the daily volume of goods traded in Brady City will not be inferior to any city on the coast of the main world.

No wonder Brady City never robs at sea. People don't need it at all. They can make a lot of money from just taxes, rents and commercial activities.

Just when Da Liang was about to let the Black Pearl fly directly into Brady Island, Suo Xi said: "Brady City does not allow anyone to enter from the sky. Please captain to enter from the entrance according to normal procedures."

Da Liang looked around Brady. The surrounding cliffs were a natural defense system, densely covered with arrow towers, forts, and military camps... This was Brady City's most important defense circle, and people could not easily peek from above. Other ships entering and leaving Brady, whether flying in the sky or floating on the sea, all enter the interior of the island through the only channel.

Let the Black Pearl turn to the island channel, and the treasure hunting team officially entered Brady.

Descending altitude, the Black Pearl sailed into the island channel.

At the entrance of the channel, a statue dozens of meters high stands on the sea. Over the years, the statue has been severely weathered and covered with various vegetation, but its appearance can still be recognized.

An elementalist from the elemental plane, the Builder of Brady, once created the emperor of a legendary period.


Every ship entering or leaving Brady must pass by the statue of the Poseidon, enjoy the shelter he built, feel the miracles created by the Poseidon, and remember the most glorious days of pirates.

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