Start with an Archangel

Chapter 724 Invitation

When the pirates were waiting for President Adolf to tell how much the defense of this two-masted modified ship had been reduced, what they heard was that the defense had increased by 13%.

How can this be?

Although the pirates don't know much about ship design, they also know that when modifying a warship, improving one attribute will reduce other performance. Excellent ship designers can make this reduction smaller, but increasing the ship speed by 8% and increasing the defense by 13% only reduces the storage capacity by 10...

This is a lie.

If someone else had said what they just said, the pirates would have taken it as a joke, but this was said by the president of the Brady Ship Designers Association himself. The other two vice presidents did not refute, and they obviously agreed with Adolf's evaluation.

As veterans of naval battles, the pirates knew what the appearance of this brigantine destroyer meant. If you don't have a brig, and your enemy does, then your entire maritime logistics line is under the threat of the enemy's brig; in a decisive battle at sea, when you use your capital ships to fight the enemy, you will find that the perimeter The entire front line is likely to be lost in a short period of time.

President Adolf was right. The moment this ketch appeared, everyone was forced to upgrade their ketch to a ketch. At the same time, we need to purchase brigantine destroyers in large quantities, because this battleship is really too practical.

The entire dock was silent at this moment, and all the pirates were thinking about how much change the appearance of the brigantine destroyer would bring to them. President Adolf added: "Due to the outstanding performance of the brigantine destroyer, our Brady Ship Designers Association will welcome our fourth senior ship designer. I will negotiate with the designers of the brigantine destroyer and hope that He could agree that the brig would become our Brady's exclusive supply ship.

We will do our best to prioritize the supply of Brady's guardians and guests on this battleship. "

The cheers were instantly remembered on the dock. If the brigantine destroyer became the exclusive warship of pirates, then robberies would be easier in the future.

When the news of the appearance of the brigantine destroyer spread quickly, Da Liang followed the three presidents and returned to the Brady Ship Designers Association.

"Congratulations to your black-haired captain. The brigantine destroyer you designed has received the best evaluation from all our reviewers. From now on, you will be a senior ship designer. I believe you will not stay at this stage for too long, He will become a master ship designer."

After Adolf announced that Da Liang would be promoted, the experience bar for mid-level ship design skills was cleared and changed to advanced level.

[Your reputation with Brady increases to friendly]

[You pass the Brady ship designer review and are promoted to senior ship designer, and the success rate of ship design increases by 10%]

[You get the highest rating in the ship design review, and the success rate of ship design increases by 10%]

[The brigantine destroyer is added to the system ship map and becomes your exclusive design. 】

Finally promoted to senior ship designer.

There is no proficiency after advanced ship design, so senior ship designers cannot improve the success rate of ship design through proficiency.

Based on past experience, the basic success rate of advanced ship design should be negative, which means that the white diagram cannot generate a drawing of a three-masted ship, and even if the sketch does not meet the standards, there is no possibility of successful design.

If you don't get the success rate bonus before being promoted to senior ship designer, you will find that it is too difficult to successfully produce a drawing of a normal three-masted ship.

At this point, follow Giese's arrangements. Those who are promoted through the evaluation of the Ship Designers Association will receive an additional bonus to increase their success rate than other ship designers.

Promoted to Intermediate Ship Designer, Ship Design Winning Badge, Senior Ship Designer, and Highest Rating in Ship Design.

Daliang's battleship design success rate increased by 40%.

This not only means that he has a very high starting point for designing the three-masted battleship. When designing a single-masted warship, based on his proficiency in primary ship design, he can directly use blank drawings to directly produce a single-masted warship; to design a two-masted warship, he only needs a very simple piece of straw paper to reach 100 % drawing rate, if you are in a hurry and use blank drawings directly, you will still have a very high drawing rate.

At the same time, Daliang, who was already very familiar with ship design, knew that senior ship designers were not just designing three-masted battleships.

In fact, senior ship designer is just a new starting point.

In addition to designing general-purpose three-masted ships, senior ship designers can also learn and design aerospace battleships. They also have the ability to design ship drawings for manual construction.

If the senior ship designer can successfully design a battleship, he will be promoted to a ship design master, and then he can design super aerospace battleships and air fortresses similar to the Oath.

The money scene is really vast...

Now Daliang can't wait to install two-masted escort ships on a large scale for his fleet, and also wants to add three-masted warships and three-masted merchant ships to strengthen maritime transportation and escort capabilities. At this time, Snowfield City has completed its pre-war preparations, and Kuka is about to launch a battle to open up the Snowfield River. By then, all supplies in and out of Snowfield City will need to be transported by sea.

Daliang was thinking about the next development strategy of the Black Fire Leader, and at the same time he did not forget to express his gratitude to the three presidents Adolf.

After accepting Daliang's thanks, Adolf said: "Black-haired Captain, you heard what I just said at the Neihu Port Pier.

Brady really needs talented ship designers like you. I sincerely invite you to join the Brady Ship Designers Association and serve as the vice president of the association. "

In order to keep the Liang, the two-masted destroyer and the future master of ship design in Brady, Adolf offered a very high salary. According to the status of Brady ship designers among pirates, although the Designers Association has no actual rights in Brady, it has a very large influence.

Just like in martial arts novels, the status of miracle doctors in the world is the same. No matter how unruly a pirate is, he will show due respect when facing an excellent ship designer, especially a designer who specializes in designing ships for pirates.

Regarding Adolf's invitation, Daliang agreed after thinking about it for a while.

After becoming a senior ship designer, you not only need to learn, but also need to communicate with other ship designers. Although the level of the Brady Ship Designers Association is much lower than that of the China Ship Designers can be said to be a huge difference.

But with Daliang's performance in Beixing City last time, it was almost impossible to get into the China Ship Designers Association. Even if he goes in, he will still be a humble and unknown person among the many masters.

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