Start with an Archangel

Chapter 725 Exclusive

Daliang believed that the Ship Designers Association in Beixing City would not bring him much benefit.

Instead, as the vice president of the Brady Ship Designers Association, he has direct access to all ship design materials of the entire Brady Association. More importantly, it serves all pirates in the entire main world. The designed drawings and ships are not worried about being sold. At the same time, pirates are always on the front line of the battle and can provide the latest and most practical data for the design of warships.

Giese said that the reason why he was promoted to master of ship design so quickly was not only because of his talent, but also because he had seen and modified too many warships that had experienced naval battles in the Brady Ship Designers Association. In order to facilitate supply, most of the warships of the Shangjiang Navy are basic models that have not been modified, and these warships spend more time parked in the military port or on patrol.

As an apprentice of Gith, what Daliang lacked was not the acquisition of new ship design technology, but a large amount of practical experience.

So Daliang happily agreed to Adolf's invitation: "Thank you, Mr. President, for trusting me. I am willing to join the Brady Ship Designers Association, and I am also willing to serve as the vice president of the association."

Adolf was very happy to be able to successfully invite a talented senior ship designer to join the association, and then talked with Daliang about the brigantine destroyer becoming Brady's exclusive battleship.

If you want the ketch to become Brady's exclusive battleship, you need to open the ketch design drawings to the Brady Ship Designers Association. Intermediate and above designers in the association will have ketch when designing the ketch. Destroyer options.

At the same time, Da Liang will not be able to authorize other non-Brady ship designers to design brig destroyers.

Of course, Daliang's own design drawings are not within the requirements for exclusive battleships. As the owner of the design, he can design the drawings by himself, and Brady has no right to interfere with the purpose.

The brigantine destroyer drawings are Daliang's exclusive drawings. After each brigantine destroyer is built, the cost will be 30% more than the ordinary model. This part is the exclusive design usage fee, which will be directly transferred to Daliang's account.

As a two-masted destroyer whose performance exceeds that of ordinary two-masted battleships, a 30% increase in cost will definitely not affect its sales.

It is definitely a good thing to make money while lying down, but Brady wants the brigantine destroyer to become his own exclusive battleship, which means that Liang will no longer be able to authorize other ship designers to design the brigantine destroyer.

Although Daliang did not originally intend to license the brigantine destroyer drawings to more people, Brady wanted to get exclusive rights and did not take the opportunity to ask for more benefits, which was obviously not in line with Daliang's character.

So Daliang pretended to be a little embarrassed and said: "Mr. President, although as the vice president of the Brady Ship Designers Association, it is reasonable for the ketch to become Brady's exclusive battleship. However, if the two-masted destroyer is allowed to become Brady's exclusive battleship, If the mast destroyer becomes Brady’s exclusive battleship, I will make a lot less money..."

Adolf realized that his suggestion had hurt Daliang's interests. He said: "I didn't consider this matter well. I will transfer this matter to the Brady City Council. I think the council should be willing to provide a generous Compensation to get exclusive to brig destroyer.”

The emergence of the brigantine destroyer caused a storm for Brady. Almost everyone in Brady was talking about this battleship and the impact of its appearance on future maritime battles.

In general, the side without brigantine destroyers will feel very uncomfortable in naval battles in the future.

Those who wanted to leave Brady decided to stay here for a few days, waiting for news when the two-masted destroyer would go on sale.

But while everyone was paying attention to the brigantine destroyer and asking for information about the new senior ship designer, a piece of information quietly spread among the pirate community.

No one knows where this information first leaked out, but it spread rapidly. Almost overnight, almost every pirate group in Brady, large and small, did not know this information.

"The treasure of the Neptune Emperor is in the Death Forbidden Zone on the Elemental Plane, and a safe way to enter the Death Forbidden Zone has been found. If the Elemental Plane opens this time and we don't go to the Death Forbidden Zone to find treasure, there will no longer be the Poseidon Emperor's treasure. Because it has been found and moved.”

The Neptune Emperor's treasure once attracted countless treasure hunters to the elemental plane, but as time went by, the treasure hunt had never been confirmed and the popularity of treasure hunting had cooled down a lot. The information that suddenly appeared this time immediately revealed Feng Shen's memory and reminded the pirates of the treasure that everyone coveted.

Along with the information about Neptune's treasure, there is also a treasure map.

This hand-drawn treasure map is very simple and sloppy, but you can still see the safe routes into the death zone.

However, as the treasure map was circulated among pirates and copied, the person who finally got the treasure map was completely confused when faced with the treasure map that had completely changed his face.

No one knows whether this information is true or false.

But now that I have a treasure map in my hand and the elemental plane is about to open, is there any reason not to give it a try? Anyway, there is no exact location of the treasure on the treasure map. Whether you can find the treasure in the end depends on luck.

The attraction of the treasure made the pirates temporarily forget about the brigantine destroyer, and everyone was actively purchasing supplies to go to the elemental plane to hunt for treasure.

Then the other three pirate kings arrived at Brady one after another, which made the pirates even more excited. The reason why so many big names came to Brady at this time must be for the Poseidon Treasure.

Then the treasure map is probably real.

More and more pirates came after hearing the news, crowding the originally spacious Brady Harbor.

The Black Pearl is also making final preparations for entering the elemental plane. Various materials are being transported into the cabin. The three masters are trying their best to teach the Black Pearl as much knowledge as possible. This battleship is the last one they can Can't find the key to the treasure.

Daliang, who was promoted to senior ship designer, wasted no time in making drawings of three-masted warships and three-masted merchant ships. At the same time, he also used prefabricated legion assembly flags to travel between his various sites and delegate his affairs in the future.

The elemental plane is a very special plane. He is not sure whether the legion assembly flag can allow him to enter and exit the elemental plane. At the same time, there are two hell lord kings peeping nearby. Once the treasure hunt begins, he will probably not have time to do other things, so some things need to be explained clearly to his subordinates in advance.

And just as the elemental plane was about to open its doors, and Wanfan was preparing to set sail at Bradyne Lake Port, Da Liang welcomed a visitor.

"Hello, black-haired vice president, I am Andrew Brown, the Congressman from Brady City. I am here this time to discuss with you on behalf of the Brady Council about the brigantine destroyer becoming Brady's exclusive warship."

Daliang looked at the gentle elf in front of him and said: "I'm very sorry, Congressman Brown. My ship is about to enter the elemental plane. As for the brig destroyer becoming Brady's exclusive battleship, I can only wait until I come back from the elemental plane. Let’s talk about it later.”

Brown maintained his elf demeanor: "The treasure hunt will not delay our discussions. As a representative of the Brady Council, I will also bring a fleet into the elemental plane this time. We have time to talk slowly..."

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