Start with an Archangel

Chapter 726 Congressman Brown

Brown came up with the terms negotiated by the Brady Council. If Liang was willing to make the brigantine destroyer Brady's exclusive warship, after he drew 30% of the exclusive design royalties for each warship, Brady City would give him more for each ship. 10% of the cost is taken as commission.

Daliang believed that the ketch destroyer produced in Brady City could not be sold at cost. According to convention, the price of the ship was twice the cost, or even more. Therefore, Daliang proposed to take 10% of the selling price as a commission for each warship.

At the same time, Da Liang also proposed some additional terms, such as if he builds ships in Brady, the Brady Shipyard must have preferential treatment; on the premise of not declaring compliance with the Brady Defense Act, his fleet can freely use the vortex channel in Brady waters; he They even proposed the right to purchase and sell first...

In short, Da Liang means that the lion opens his mouth and asks for prices all over the sky. Regardless of whether it is useful to you or not, just shout first, raise the starting point and then slowly lower it.

Faced with Daliang, who always said whatever he thought of, Brown always kept a smile, and his expression and behavior showed a very high level of cultivation. He wrote down all the terms Daliang said, and when Daliang racked his brains and couldn't think of anything, he said: "President Adolf spoke very highly of the brigantine destroyer you designed, and at the same time he asked us to try our best to satisfy him. Everything you ask for. Since Giese left Brady, President Adolf has been looking for his replacement again. He does not want you to leave the Brady Ship Designers Association one day.

However, your request did exceed our expectations. I need to go back and think about it and arrange the next meeting as soon as possible.

Tomorrow is the moment when the door to the elemental plane opens. I wish the black-haired captain good luck. "

With that, Brown said goodbye and left the Black Pearl.

Back at the dock, Brown did not leave immediately, but stood there and looked at the ships in the entire Brady Lake Port. At this time, all the pirates who were preparing to enter the elemental plane had completed their preparations to set off, waiting for tomorrow's The passage is open and you can go find the Neptune Treasure.

After a while, the shadow under Brown's feet shook slightly.

"King, the aerial battleship named Black Pearl seems to be a constructed creature, and our lurkers failed to infiltrate it successfully."

Brown said: "I already know. And there are many powerful heroes on that battleship. If I hadn't helped you cover it, you would have been discovered.

You don't have to worry about the Black Pearl, just leave it to me.

Have other ships been arranged? "

"King, I don't know why, but the treasure map we sent was leaked. These days, there are too many pirates preparing to enter the elemental plane to hunt for treasure. We have a serious shortage of manpower suitable for lurking, about 70% None of the ships can be monitored."

Brown said: "Obviously, someone saw my layout and saw that we were short of manpower, so they attracted more pirates, hoping to take advantage of our oversight and take away the treasure quietly.

Very smart guy...

Have you found out who leaked the treasure map? "

"I'm very sorry, Wang! The treasure map was spread in Brady City at almost the same time, and we couldn't find the source in a short time. However, one of our spies assigned to Moon Dance suddenly lost contact. Before the treasure map was leaked, , Xinyue, the leader of the Moon Dance pirate group, once had a conflict with Black Pearl, the captain of the Black Pearl, and later Hound also participated.

The reason for their conflict was the fight for the Black Pearl, and the result seemed to be that they finally reached a reconciliation. It is possible that our agent was accidentally killed during the conflict, but other scenarios cannot be ruled out.

It's just that we currently don't have enough manpower to conduct a detailed investigation on this matter. "

Brown once again looked at the Black Pearl parked on the dock ready to set off.

"I will personally investigate the leakage of the treasure map. Your task is to keep an eye on the pirates who enter the death zone. Once you find out about the Doomsday Blade, immediately notify me or King Satan. He is now taking Michael and Lucifer is traveling in circles on the elemental plane, and he can't last long without the Doomsday Blade."

"Yes, King Beelzebub. But...there are too many pirates entering the elemental plane this time. Can you give me some more spies?"

Elf Brown, a member of the Brady Council, is the second hell lord King Beelzebub in disguise, and the real Brown has been killed by him. He used this identity and the name of negotiating with Daliang to obtain the right to command the Brady fleet into the elemental plane from the Brady Council.

Beelzebub would hide among the pirates, enter the death zone with them, and monitor the pirates' treasure hunt from close range.

Therefore, he has no interest in the outcome of the negotiation with Daliang. All he wants to find is the Doomsday Blade to help Satan regain its strength as soon as possible.

Beelzebub was very embarrassed when his subordinates asked for manpower.

The hell lord kings who escaped from prison were all very embarrassed, and they did not dare to openly recruit subordinates when their strength was greatly reduced. After all, they have been imprisoned for thousands of years. Most of the hell creatures do not know them, and their former subordinates do not know whether they are still loyal.

Therefore, the hell lords and kings can only cultivate their trusted troops bit by bit from scratch. Of course, the strength of these demonic creatures is not very good, and their number is not large.

"You just need to focus on monitoring those large pirate groups, and I will find ways to reduce the number of pirates."

At this time, Daliang didn't even know that he had already met Beelzebub. He was still imagining how much benefit he could get from this exclusive authorization. Others on the Black Pearl did not realize that they had already encountered an invasion. If the Black Pearl was not a constructed creature, she would have known everything in the entire battleship. Beelzebub's spies had already lurked into the battleship. .

The day passed like this, and Brady ushered in the moment when the door to the elemental plane opened.

The entrance to the gate of the elemental plane is located on the sea in front of the statue of the Poseidon. The pirates preparing to enter the elemental plane have already parked their ships around the statue of the Poseidon early. More than a dozen small and medium-sized aerial battleships are hanging quietly. Stop in the air.

When the time arrived, after a burst of space magic turbulence, a large portal with a flowing colorful halo appeared.

The width of the entire portal reaches 100 meters, which is more than enough for two three-masted ships to sail in side by side; the height also reaches 100 meters, allowing aerial warships to fly directly in.

All of a sudden, the ships around the Poseidon Statue started to move in unison, and they exited and entered through the portal one after another.

The Black Pearl was mixed among the aerial battleships, and slowly entered the elemental plane.

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