Start with an Archangel

Chapter 727 Entering the Elemental Plane

【Ding! When you enter a map with extremely active elements, the effect of elemental magic increases by 30%]

Before the brilliance in front of him dissipated, Daliang first received a notification sound from the system.

Elemental magic is increased by 30%, and the elemental plane is simply a blessed place for spellcasting professions.

Then the Black Pearl appeared in an unfamiliar sea.

This is the elemental plane...

At this time, in front of Daliang was a dreamy sea area, with various elemental creatures swimming in the clear water that could be seen to the bottom. Above the sea water are flowing water-based magic elements. Some small elemental creatures can leave the sea water and swim in the water-based magic elements.

In the sky, the gathering of magical elements formed clouds of various colors, making people unable to help but fall into this colorful beauty.

However, there are not many pirates who appreciate this beautiful scenery.

There are no weaklings and no fools among the Buccaneers who qualify for Brady. Because weak pirates have no ability to enter the wanted list, and fools cannot survive long at sea.

The pirates on the other side of the portal can still maintain relative peace under the constraints of Brady, but after reaching the elemental plane, everyone is a competitor to find the treasure of the Neptune.

Although the Poseidon's treasure is very tempting, you still need to be cautious when considering your own life.

Therefore, after arriving in the elemental plane, the pirates were not in a hurry to leave and make themselves the target of public criticism. Anyway, there is no exact location for the Poseidon Treasure. First come may not be first served. The most important thing now is not to let yourself become the special one.

The pirate ship that sailed into the elemental plane quickly anchored in the nearby waters and put on a vigilant look.

After the Black Pearl came in, Daliang was not in a hurry to command the battleship to leave.

Although Black Pearl flies fast, some ultimate creatures and high-level heroes can catch up with her, and Daliang feels that Beelzebub is hiding among these pirates, and is troubled by the presence of so many pirates.

It was best not to attract his attention now.

Da Liang asked the Black Pearl to stop in a relatively open airspace, and then looked at the entire sea.

There are approximately more than 500 pirate groups and more than 2,000 surface ships of various types entering the elemental plane this time to search for the Poseidon's treasure.

There are seventeen air and space battleships, including the Black Pearl.

The largest and only third-level air and space battleship - "Codex".

The Codex is the flagship of the Brady fleet, named after the Pirate Code was signed on this aerial battleship. The captain of the "Code" is Brown, a member of the Brady Council, and Beelzebub is now in command in disguise. The treasure-hunting fleet sent by the Brady Council this time consisted of twenty ships of various types. Following the fleet were four golden dragons and eight green dragons, making it the largest and most powerful team in this treasure hunt.

Other air and space battleships are level four and level five, and the Black Pearl is the smallest one.

The smaller pirates kept waiting and watching, and the stronger pirates did not leave in a hurry.

The entire sea was filled with warships, but there was no sound. Everyone is waiting for the first person to leave here to appear, and then they can take the next step according to the situation.

Da Liang checked the road map again during this time.

This sea area is the eastern part of a place called the Bise Sea in the elemental plane, and the Death Forbidden Zone is located in the middle of the Storm Strait.

There are tens of thousands of miles of ocean between the two locations. It takes a lot of time to sail or fly there. Moreover, there are many magic turbulence areas and powerful elemental monsters along the way. It is very difficult to reach the Storm Strait safely.

However, the magic elements in the elemental plane are very active, and some elemental creatures possess superb wisdom and master incredible magic.

If you want to get from the Bise Sea to the Storm Strait, you only need to drive west to a water element gathering place. Then you can ask the water element to help open the vortex channel of the ocean and teleport directly to the target sea area.

Water element (level 5 elemental creature)

Attack: 8

Defense: 10

Kills: 30-70

HP: 300

The road is very simple and clear, but the journey from here to the water element gathering place is a severe test for the pirates.

Almost all pirates do not know that there is a powerful mastermind behind the scenes. For them, having one less competitor means they have a better chance of getting the treasure. Therefore, as long as they have the opportunity to eliminate competitors, they will never show mercy.

However, Daliang, Hound Dog, and Xinyue tried their best to prevent the pirates from fighting among themselves and maintain the number of pirates, so that Beelzebub, who was watching from the side, did not have much energy to pay attention to them. Moreover, they cannot reveal the existence of the mastermind to other pirates, because the seamless disguise technique makes none of these pirates trustworthy, and speaking casually will only bring disaster to themselves.

In short, this treasure hunt is to fight for a chance of survival in a desperate situation, and to steal the tiger's fat in front of him.


The rule set by this ship to all crew members is, "Although we are fast, we must slow down."

Wait and see what happens, now Satan and Beelzebub are more anxious than anyone else.

In this way, amid suspicion, Daliang, like all pirates, stayed in this sea area for a day.

Until the portal from the elemental plane to Brady closed, a voice amplified by amplification magic resounded throughout the sea.

"I, Brown, the member of the Brady Council, this time I am looking for the treasure of the Poseidon on behalf of Brady City. I sincerely invite the leaders of all pirate groups to come to my 'Code Number' and we will discuss the treasure hunt together. How to proceed.

If we wait here, the treasure will not fly into our hands on its own. "

Brown was right, waiting here was definitely not the way to start a treasure hunt. But everyone was suspicious of each other, causing everyone to hesitate. In this case, Brady was willing to come forward, and the Buccaneers responded immediately.

As a result, the pirate leaders flew toward the "Code Code" in the sky.

Da Liang also flew to the "Code" on a royal griffin.

At this time, Daliang did not doubt Brown, because as Brady's representative, he was the best person to come forward to convene the Buccaneers to solve the current predicament. At the same time, Daliang also hopes that things here can be settled as soon as possible, otherwise it will not end well if the nervous pirates start a fight.

Da Liang landed on the deck of the Codex.

Since there were so many pirates coming this time, the meeting was not held in the cabin, and everyone stood on the open deck. Although the deck of the "Code" was very spacious, as more and more pirates came, the surrounding space became a little crowded.

Da Liang stood in a corner to make himself less conspicuous, and at the same time secretly observed the pirates around him, trying to find out who was pretending.

But Daliang's idea of ​​keeping a low profile soon came to nothing. Brown or Beelzebub saw him at a glance and said loudly: "Black-haired President, please come to the bridge..."

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