Start with an Archangel

Chapter 728 Escape Plan

When Beelzebub, disguised as Brown, called to the Da Liang Bandit, the pirates in front of Da Liang immediately made way for him to lead to the bridge.

At this time, the black-haired name has spread throughout Brady.

The youngest senior ship designer in the Brady Ship Designers Association, the designer of the brigantine destroyer, and the captain of the aerospace battleship Black Pearl.

Under all kinds of aura, Daliang became a well-known figure among pirates.

Daliang, who originally wanted to observe in a low-key manner, did not expect that he would be called out by Brown.

The bridge of the "Code" is not accessible to just anyone. Brown is a member of the Brady City Council and the current captain of the "Code".

There are five other people on the bridge of the "Code", who are the five pirate kings canonized by Brady City.

Da Liang reluctantly boarded the bridge of the "Code" under the gaze of the pirates. He glanced at the five expressionless pirate kings, but his eyes did not stay too much on the hunting dogs and Xinyue.

It is the rule set by Daliang, Hound Dog and Crescent Moon not to reveal the relationship between the three alliances unless necessary, and do everything possible to reduce the chance of being noticed.

As soon as Daliang stood still, Brown said to the pirate leader on the deck below: "The five pirate kings are the most powerful kings on the ocean. The black-haired president is the vice president of the Brady Ship Designers Association. They are all They are people with status and prestige. I invited them to the bridge of the Codex just to ask them to witness the agreement we reached and supervise its implementation.

Fellow leaders, if you have any objections, you can raise them now. "

There was silence on the deck.

No one objected to the witnesses selected by Brown. The five pirate kings and the vice president of the Brady Ship Designers Association were indeed the six highest-ranking people in the treasure hunt team.

Silence represented agreement, and Brown continued: "Everyone is here for the Poseidon's treasure. But there is only one treasure, and everyone wants it, so competition and war are inevitable.

I originally wanted to propose that during the entire treasure hunt, no one should attack each other, and whoever finds the treasure will own it. But given who we all are and how we act, this proposal doesn’t seem realistic and won’t be accepted by most people.

But as we stay here and are in this tense atmosphere, I'm afraid there will be unnecessary fights.

Therefore, I think we should leave here as soon as possible and head to the Storm Strait. At the same time, for everyone’s safety, I suggest leaving in batches..."

After hearing what Brown said, the pirates started talking.

The pirates all know that it is good for everyone to leave here as soon as possible, but what about leaving in batches?

Who goes first? Who goes last? Who goes with whom?

When the pirates were a little confused about this proposal, Brown continued: "The order of departure is determined by drawing lots. A group of people will leave every half hour, and the others must wait in place during this period. The five pirate kings, black-haired The President and I will ensure that the entire departure process goes smoothly, and my fleet will be the last to depart.

Within one day, everyone must leave here, so we need you to form 47 teams, plus me, a total of 48 teams.

Now you all discuss who to form a fleet with, and choose a captain to come to me to draw lots..."

The pirates felt that this method was feasible, and it would be safer to go with people they knew well. The two teams are half an hour apart, so no matter what the people in front and behind want to do, they can find out in advance.

This was a good idea, and just when the pirate leaders were about to invite familiar pirates to form a fleet, Daliang suddenly asked: "Mr. Brown... I want to go on my own, and I believe that the five pirate kings also plan to go on their own. There must be many team leaders who are unwilling to form teams with others.

Each of us occupies a quota for one team. It is very likely that there will be more than 48 teams, and we will definitely not be able to finish it in one day. "

Brown's proposal seemed very feasible, but Daliang felt that there was a big crisis in it.

If you form a team at will, there will definitely be strong and weak ones, and with helpers, you will definitely be much more courageous. Naturally, your thoughts are not limited to ensuring your own safety.

Half an hour's sea journey is not too far, especially since the pirates here are very strong, so flying is not a problem for them. There is only one route to the nearest water element gathering place. Will those powerful pirate fleets attack the weak pirate fleets?

Look at the five pirate kings, none of them are good.

If Hound Dog and Xinyue didn't know the entire treasure hunt layout, they might have taken action to eliminate weak competitors on the road.

Although Brown's proposal seems very feasible, once it is implemented, the pirates will be suspicious of the teams in front and behind when driving on the road. Just like escape games and movies, there is a series of pirate fleets on the only route, and everyone has very serious hostility. As long as there are a few battles, it will immediately cause a chain reaction.

At that time, it was impossible not to fight. Only by destroying enemies and potential enemies could you survive.

The result was that all the small pirates were killed, and a few large pirates reached the Storm Strait together with a tacit agreement not to start a fight.

Da Liang didn't know what purpose Brown had in making this suggestion, but he had a little doubt about his identity.

But if he is Beelzebub in disguise, this proposal is naturally to reduce the number of pirates entering the death zone so that he can monitor it; however, as a treasure hunter, Brown's approach is understandable. Reducing competitors is what everyone is willing to do. things.

However, the reduction in the number of pirates was very detrimental to Daliang, so he immediately raised questions.

Beelzebub looked at Da Liang, wondering if he was the one who had seen through his plan and attracted so many pirates.

But he quickly denied his speculation.

Because he didn't sell the treasure map to the black-haired captain, it was impossible for him to see through his plan and take countermeasures. He didn't even have a treasure map, so what was he using to spread the news?

At the same time, Daliang was promoted to senior ship designer and made the best cover for his purpose of coming to Brady. No one could guess that he came to Brady to actually go to the Death Forbidden Zone to find the Poseidon Treasure. Designing skill upgrades for your own ships is just a side matter.

However, Daliang's proposal destroyed the escape route designed by Beelzebub.

In his plan, as long as the pirates line up on the route, even if the pirates don't fight, he will create chaos and cause conflicts.

But if Black Hair and the five pirate kings go on their own, other pirates will inevitably follow suit, and the number of teams will increase.

There are so many pirates that it would take several days to move around in half an hour. Those who left first have already reached the Storm Strait, while those behind may not have set off yet.

At that time, everyone was in a hurry and without any help, who would waste the treasure hunting time to attack other pirates?

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