Start with an Archangel

Chapter 729 Doubt

Although Beelzebub did not doubt Daliang's purpose, his proposal affected Beelzebub's plan.

The internal friction of pirates must be carried out among the pirates. If he takes action to eliminate most of the pirates, the remaining pirates will realize that a powerful and unmatched enemy is lurking among them, and they will guess that they are pawns being used to find treasures.

Who would continue on this journey of treasure hunting when there is no hope of obtaining the treasure of the Poseidon and their lives may be taken at any time?

Therefore, Beelzebub must continue this escape route no matter what. The first and last pirate fleets are one day apart, which will not give the pirates too much sense of urgency. They will not focus all their energy on the journey, but think about how to increase their chances of getting the treasure.

But Daliang's words aroused the support of the Pirate King.

First, the Crescent Moon of the Moon Dance Pirates indicates that his fleet is going alone.

Then there are the Hound and the other three Pirate Kings.

Looking at the deck that suddenly became quiet, Beelzebub could only say: "If there are too many teams, it will be really unfair to the last person to leave. The anxiety caused by waiting will make it difficult to maintain order, so 48 teams is the most and also The most reasonable quantity.

But if the black-haired president and the five pirate kings want to leave on their own, you each represent a team, so I think everyone will not object.

Now 7 teams have been confirmed, and there are 41 more teams... No, it's 40 teams.

I will select 40 teams based on the number of people.

For the remaining few who are not willing to form a team with other pirates, I will form them into the 41st team separately. This team does not participate in the draw, and their departure time is behind me..."

The 41st team has complicated members, is weak, and is the last to leave. It is simply a team of death.

In order not to be included in the last team, all the pirates immediately looked for friends they could trust.

The originally scattered and noisy pirates began to gather together, and soon small teams were formed on the deck.

Grouping and drawing went smoothly.

Da Liang's plan to stop this escape route failed. Now he has to consider how to let more pirates complete this route alive and safely reach the water element gathering place.

But the first thing to do before that is...

Da Liang took out his serial number from the lottery box, and then gave Brown a kind smile.

First determine if he is Beelzebub...

Looking at the serial number he drew, Da Liang said to Beelzebub disguised as Brown: "Mr. Brown, my number is 21. I need to wait here for ten and a half hours. I think during this waiting time, we can continue Let’s discuss the matter of the brig destroyer becoming Brady’s exclusive battleship.”

It was Brown's duty to negotiate with the black-haired president. Even though Beelzebub had no interest in this negotiation, he was now pretending to be Brown. Since Daliang proposed to start negotiations during this period, he had no choice but to accept it without being suspected.

Beelzebub smiled and said: "Yesterday, I have been considering the terms proposed by the black-haired president, and I also have some new ideas. Since the black-haired president has proposed to continue the negotiation, then when the draw here is over, we can go to my captain Indoors, sitting together and talking about this thing is good for all of us."

Brown seemed to want to talk on the Codex, but Daliang said: "Let's talk on my Black Pearl. There is a lot of red wine specially brewed for the royal family in my wine cabinet. It was the last time I robbed the Assault Ship. The spoils of war, I think Mr. Brown will definitely like it very much..."

Beelzebub had not yet agreed. Xinyue, who had just received his serial number next to him, said: "My order is No. 25... Captain Black Hair, we are very close. If you are willing to wait for me on the road, we can go together." .I really like your Black Pearl very much. If it weren’t for the fact that you are now the vice president of the Brady Ship Designers Association, I would probably have grabbed it directly.

I would be very honored if you invited me to visit the Black Pearl. If you invite me to taste your wine collection again, I will definitely order more of the brigantine destroyers you designed. "

Beelzebub is suspicious of Xinyue because of the disappearance of an agent assigned to the Moon Dance pirate group. He originally wanted to investigate whether Xinyue was the mastermind behind the influx of pirates into the elemental plane after the escape route was over, but he ended up bumping into the door himself.

You can take this opportunity to conduct a test.

Beelzebub was afraid that Xinyue had had a conflict with Daliang and was rejected, so he took the initiative and said: "I think the black-haired president will not refuse the goodwill of the leader of Xinyue. Some of the previous misunderstandings can be resolved by this opportunity. In addition, regarding the matter of the brigantine destroyer becoming Brady’s exclusive battleship, I also hope to listen to the advice of Commander Crescent.”

Daliang's purpose of inviting Brown this time was to test whether he was Beelzebub, but he didn't expect that Xinyue couldn't hold back his curiosity and wanted to listen. The spy lurking in the Moon Dance pirate group was killed, which was a hidden danger after all. If Brown was really Beelzebub, and at the same time, she discovered something suspicious about Xinyue during this meeting, it would be very dangerous for her.

Daliang wanted to find an excuse to refuse, but Beelzebub had already agreed.

Xinyue, I can't help you, you can only ask for your own blessings.

Daliang said to Brown and Xinyue: "I am waiting for your arrival on the Black Pearl."

Xinyue showed a slightly sweet smile, raised her eyebrows frivolously to stop the hunting dog that wanted to come closer, and then said: "Thank you very much, President Black-haired, for your understanding. When things here are over, I will go to Black Visit aboard the Pearl.”

Then, Daliang left the "Code" on the pretext of going back to prepare for the meeting.

Beelzebub continued to preside over the pirates' departure from here.

All 48 teams have been determined, and the drawing of the order of departure has also ended. The first pirate fleet to leave has already sailed towards the water element gathering place, and half an hour later, the second team will also leave here.

Everything seemed to be going very smoothly.

However, after the pirates formed a group, they were more powerful and had more ideas. Each plan was quietly discussed by these small groups.

Through reports from spies lurking in various pirate groups, Beelzebub knew that his plan was being implemented smoothly.

When night falls on this sea area, a battle of killing and escape will inevitably occur.

Now go meet that black-haired human, end this boring negotiation as soon as possible, and then find a way to test whether Xinyue is the person I think...

After all the pirate leaders left the Codex, Beelzebub flew towards the aerospace battleship Black Pearl parked nearby. When he landed on the deck of the Black Pearl, a skeleton hero wearing black linen clothes and showing great power greeted him: "Hello, Dear Congressman Brown, I am Xue Mang, the first mate of the Black Pearl, our captain. He is already waiting for your arrival in his captain's cabin..."

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