Start with an Archangel

Chapter 732 The hint of the new moon

Congressman Brown is Beelzebub in disguise.

Although I doesn't seem to have improved the current situation much.

The portal from the elemental plane to Brady has been closed, and it is impossible for Da Liang to find helpers to deal with Beelzebub. Now he only has one Black Pearl and two unreliable allies, but Beelzebub is commanding the Brady fleet to bring the entire treasure hunt back under his control.

The escape route has been laid out. How to reduce the pirates' losses without arousing Beelzebub's suspicion is a very severe test for Daliang.

Now... first sign this agreement that I don't know whether it will take effect, send Beelzebub away, and save the new moon from leaking the relationship between them.

Daliang looked at Xinyue next to him. He was teasing his vampire sword guards with a pair of coquettish eyes, which made Daliang very unhappy.

Is this guy a boy or a girl? If it's a woman, I'll tolerate it; if it's a man... I'll find a way to sell her.

Daliang quickly signed his name on the agreement, and Beelzebub also signed Brown's name on it.

The discussion ended smoothly without any complications.

After drinking the celebratory wine, Beelzebub said to Daliang: "Does the black-haired president know anything else about the war in the kingdom of death? War is a business opportunity for us businessmen. If the cyan coalition has the ability to shake the rule of the death monarch , the scale of the war must be very large, and the consumption of various materials must also be very large."

But Daliang did not intend to reveal too much information to Beelzebub. He said: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Brown. I don't know much about the war in the country of death. Maybe when you return to Brady, you can go and die in person. Let’s find out about the country.”

"Yes, I will go to the Kingdom of Death." Beelzebub completed the signing and was about to leave. Then he seemed to remember something and asked Xinyue: "Captain Xinyue, when I signed the contract just now, you kept staring at my hand. Is there anything you think is inappropriate about the agreement?"

Xinyue immediately responded with a smile: "I only knew you as Brown before, and I was just curious about your full name. There is no problem with the agreement. I believe that better warships will appear on Brady's merchandise list in the future. "

"Captain Xinyue believes that there is no problem with the agreement, so I have made a right decision. You two are here to enjoy the wine, and I will take my leave first... The fleet still has many things to deal with."

When Beelzebub was about to leave, Xinyue immediately put down the wine glass and stood up: "Yes... there are many things to deal with in the treasure hunt. I will leave with Mr. Brown. By the way, I would like to thank the black-haired captain for the wine and of course the beauty..."

Xinyue thanked Daliang, and then left the Black Pearl with Beelzebub.

While saluting, Xinyue quietly made a gesture to Daliang.

Crescent Moon has also discovered that Brown is fake.

After Da Liang, Crescent Moon, and Hound formed an alliance, in order to communicate in the presence of the pretender, they formulated a simple and covert gesture.

The gesture just made by Xinyue means: Pretenders are present, be careful!

The pretender must be Brown. Xinyue came to the Black Pearl this time because she had doubts about Brown, and then followed up to confirm.

Although Da Liang didn't know how Xinyue determined that Brown was the pretender, it seemed that Xinyue's observation caught Beelzebub's attention.

I wonder if Xinyue’s explanation can dispel Beelzebub’s wariness...

After Daliang sent Beelzebub and Xinyue out of the Black Pearl, he immediately gathered all the important personnel in the treasure hunting team into the cabin where the energy core was placed.

Guice, Prophet, Nicole, Julian, Sophia.

Da Liang first said to Black Pearl: "Now enter the highest level of alert. Use detection magic to monitor the entire hull and isolate the cabin from sound. Anti-remote peeping, anti-divination, anti-spiritual intrusion, anti-keyword reflection magic (hidden magic) , when the set keyword appears in the conversation, the magic becomes explicit. If Beelzebub deploys reflection magic with Beelzebub as the keyword on the Black Pearl, when someone says goodbye on the Black Pearl He will know immediately when Xibao)..."

Waves of magic were released by the black pearl, and layers of anti-detection barriers blocked out all means of detecting the conversation.

When Black Pearl confirmed that others could not monitor the conversation, Daliang said: "I told you last time that someone set up a trap to let the pirates find the Poseidon Treasure and then rob it. I already knew this person was who?"

Guice said: "Is it Brown? It should be him. I have met him several times before when Brady was here, but he didn't have any impression of me just now. He must be someone else pretending to be him."

The prophet said: "The disguise that can hide from our eyes should be a master-level disguise. This is a very difficult enemy, and as the earl said last time, if he dares to set up this trap, he will definitely be able to deal with all pirates." Strength.

This confidence is really scary. "

Nicole said: "If we can't defeat him, can't we just run away? When it's our turn to leave, let the Black Pearl deviate from the course and speed away, and then dive...

In terms of speed, none of the ships here can be our opponent. After we transport the treasure away, they probably haven't even entered the death zone yet. "

Both Geese and the Prophet believe that Nicole's suggestion is feasible. They have accurate treasure maps and can use the speed of the Black Pearl to find the treasure first.

But Daliang said: "As for our next plan, I think everyone should wait until I reveal the identity of this pretender."

The three masters did not expect that Daliang would even know the true identity of the pretender through a test, and they looked over curiously, waiting for his next words.

"Everyone knows that the five hell lord kings who were imprisoned in Yunzhong City escaped. Among them, the first lord king, Satan, is looking for his doomsday blade. According to reliable intelligence, he is in the elemental plane.

Originally, I thought that Satan would have nothing to do with Poseidon's treasure, but some recent sporadic information shows that Poseidon's strength greatly increased and his temperament changed drastically after he obtained the Doomsday Blade. Therefore, the Doomsday Blade is likely to be among the Poseidon's treasures.

Satan knew that Poseidon had taken away his Doomsday Blade, and he was also looking for Poseidon's treasure. At the same time, the Fallen Angel and Cloud City are also looking for him. He doesn't have much time and needs to find the treasure as soon as possible and get back the Doomsday Blade.

So there was this incident where large-scale pirates got the treasure map and went to the Death Zone to hunt for treasure. "

No one expected that this treasure hunt would involve Satan and the Doomsday Blade. This is the legendary demon king and artifact who likes to destroy heaven and earth...

"Could Brown be Satan in disguise?"

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