Start with an Archangel

Chapter 733 Be proactive

Several people in the room couldn't believe what Daliang had just guessed. It was too unbelievable. How could a demon king from ancient times appear in a Poseidon treasure?

But everyone also knows that Daliang will never talk nonsense on this matter.

It seems that this treasure hunt has plunged them into a struggle between the top powerhouses and forces. How should they go on this road?

And is Brown really Satan in disguise?

Faced with the question, Daliang replied: "The person disguised as Brown is not Satan, he should be attracting the attention of Cloud City and Hell now, so that they have no energy to pay attention to this treasure hunt.

I guess that the person disguised as Brown is Beelzebub. He has law-level camouflage skills. Master-level exorcism techniques are of no use to him. We can't see through him with just our eyes and perception. "

Things are really big.

One Satan is enough to give people a headache, and now there is Beelzebub added to the mix. This conspirator is sometimes even more difficult to deal with than Satan.

The two hell lord kings join forces and can wipe out all the pirates with a flip of their hands.

Now, Nicole's plan of directly using speed and the treasure map in her hand to break away from these pirates and hunt for treasure by herself... is not feasible.

In a flock of sheep being watched by lions, as long as a sheep breaks away from the group, it will be killed immediately.

How to proceed with the treasure hunt...

Thinking about the prophet's divination before leaving, the current situation is more serious than imagined.

what should we do?

At this time, everyone looked at Da Liang, waiting for him to think of a solution.

Daliang has adapted to the role of a leader. Even though most of the people in the room are individually stronger than him, Daliang can still lead them calmly.

"Before we didn't know Beelzebub's identity, we could only react passively within the rules he set. And when Beelzebub is in control of the overall situation, a slight change in his strategy can put us in crisis again.

Just like this time, I recruited more pirates to distract Beelzebub's surveillance capabilities. As a result, Beelzebub had the pirates kill each other to reduce the number.

Before that, I was thinking about how to reduce the losses of pirates in this conflict. However, it was discovered that Beelzebub's arrangement was actually looking for someone who had seen through his plan and attracted pirates.

As long as we take any action to prevent the pirates from killing each other, Beelzebub will definitely rather kill us by mistake than let us go.

The feeling of the knife hanging over my head and about to fall down at any time made me very uncomfortable. So now that we know Brown is Beelzebub, we should develop a more proactive response…

The best way is to arrest Beelzebub. "

Catch Beelzebub!

None of the three masters guessed that Daliang had such a crazy idea. This was the second hell lord king. Could they catch him if they wanted?

The prophet said: "Count Daliang, I don't think we have the strength to deal with Satan and Beelzebub at the same time now. We can't deal with either one."

This treasure hunt has made Daliang feel very depressed from the beginning to the present. A pair of invisible big hands holds the entire plot, and he is like a small fish caught in a net and can only struggle in vain.

The game shouldn't be played like this. You must change your current situation, otherwise you will be the one who is played to death.

Therefore... Da Liang suddenly came up with the idea of ​​capturing Beelzebub.

How to realize this idea will not be discussed for the time being. The first task now is to convince the three masters. If they do not have the courage to confront Beelzebub head-on, everything they say will be in vain.

Daliang said: "Beelzebub also thinks so. He must feel that no one among the pirates is his opponent, so he never thought that we would dare to deal with him.

Now that Satan is definitely not here, he must lure Cloud City and Hell away from the path of the treasure hunt.

Therefore, we only need to deal with Beelzebub, the hell lord king.

We know that Brown is Beelzebub, that he is in a period of weakness, and that his strength is at the peak of level 15 or in the early stages of level 16.

I think our strength can completely ambush Beelzebub. As long as we find a way to create our advantage, we can quickly seal him. "

In order to increase the confidence of the three masters, Daliang added: "In fact, I have already completed the arrest of the Hell Lord King. The fourth-ranked Greedy Demon King, Michuka, has been sealed and imprisoned by me."

For the three masters, this time Daliang really dropped a big news.

The fourth hell lord king was actually caught by Daliang!

This powerful man who once stood at the top of the world is in the hands of the human noble in front of him.

It’s incredible, but you can’t help but believe it.

From this point of view, it seems that the Hell Lord King is weaker than imagined. After all, they have been imprisoned for thousands of years, and their strength will definitely not recover so quickly.

Capturing Beelzebub... This is definitely a feat of a lifetime.

And only by catching Beelzebub can they get out of the desperate situation in front of them. Like now, even if I want to leave without the treasure, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave.

But how to catch it?

A simple ambush will never succeed, and a combat environment must be created to strengthen oneself or weaken Beelzebub.

When everyone was lost in thought, Keith took out the treasure map and Matthew's notes and put them on the table, and then said: "Matthew mentioned in his notes the last location of the Poseidon's treasure, which is the death zone. One of the most dangerous areas in the world was named Despair Island by Matthew.

There is a magic circle set up by the Emperor of the Sea on the island, which makes the magic elements around the Island of Despair extremely violent. Even the black dragon, which is immune to all elemental magic, will be cut into pieces in the space dislocation. Without a way to stop the magic circle, it is almost impossible to enter the center of the island, and the method of stopping the magic circle has disappeared with the Poseidon. .

And the treasure of the Poseidon is there.

However... Matthew believes that the Island of Despair can be approached from underwater. Although it is equally dangerous underwater, the Black Pearl was built to protect us underwater. As long as you can get as close as possible to the Island of Despair, you can come out closest to the shore and fly into the center of the island at the fastest speed from the air.

Affected by the violent surrounding magic, an elemental thin zone will be formed there, causing the magic power to drop significantly, making it a relatively safe area.

If we want to deal with Beelzebub, we can lead him into the forbidden spell zone outside the Island of Despair. At that time, he must resist the attack of forbidden spell level magic with all his strength, which will provide us with an opportunity to capture him. "

This was considered a way, but Daliang asked: "If we want to lead Beelzebub into the forbidden curse area, we must also be inside. The forbidden curse magic will also attack us."

Nicole laughed and said: "The magic-forbidden device and magic amplifying device I specially made for the Black Pearl are not decorations. They are prepared for the last flight to the island. There is no problem in resisting the forbidden spell attack for a period of time, but we must Seal Beelzebub during this time.”

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