Start with an Archangel

Chapter 734 Reverse Attack

The strategy for arresting Beelzebub has been finalized, but this is definitely not a plan that must be implemented. The lack of understanding of Beelzebub's strength and manpower limitations will make the outcome of this capture unpredictable. Therefore, this is a measure that will only be implemented when he finally has to face Beelzebub directly.

For now, the first principle is to get rid of Beelzebub's surveillance and quietly take away the treasure.

Geese, Prophet and Nicole focused on the information on the treasure map and Matthew's notes to study the location and plan to ambush Beelzebub. At the same time, they also needed to make some alchemy props urgently.

Leaving the three masters in a tightly isolated room, Da Liang returned to the bridge of the Black Pearl.

One pirate fleet after another left outside, embarking on a journey of treasure hunting.

The sea in the elemental plane is still colorful and full of magical energy. The pirates directly use air magic to speed up their ships.

The battleship broke through the water and drove quickly into the distance.

Daliang looked at the flagship of the Moon Dance pirate group not far away.

The fourth-level aerospace battleship "Hunter" was hovering in the airspace less than a kilometer away from the Black Pearl. There were no colorful flags with code words raised on its masts and ropes, which gave Da Liang some bad premonitions.

It stands to reason that after Xinyue found out that Brown was fake, she should have raised the agreed-upon signal on her battleship and informed another ally, Hound Dog. Why is there no movement now...

Could it be that Beelzebub saw Xinyue's suspicion of him and killed him?

When it was the Black Pearl's turn to sail, there was still no movement from the Hunter. However, through the telescope, Da Liang could see Xinyue standing on the bridge directing his Moon Dance pirate group to prepare for sailing.

The new moon at this time is no longer trustworthy.

As for the hunting dogs...

I don’t know if something happened to him. Anyway, Daliang didn’t value this kind of temporary ally. Therefore, when he couldn’t be sure whether the hunting dog had been killed by Beelzebub, he didn’t send any signal to the hunting dog’s ship.

At this time, a sailor from the Brady fleet rode a Pegasus to the outside of the Black Pearl and said to Da Liang: "President Black-haired, it's time for the Black Pearl to leave. Councilman Brown asked me to tell you that the way to maintain this voyage is In order, before arriving at the water element gathering place, do not rely on the speed of the aerial battleship to leave others behind.

Otherwise, you may be attacked by other pirates. "

Daliang knew that Beelzebub was exerting control over the pirates. When he arrived at the water element gathering place, the number of pirates would be reduced to the number he hoped to survive, and then he could monitor these pirates. At that time, the pirates would No matter how you run, you can't escape his control.

"Please tell Mr. Brown that the Black Pearl will not abandon its companions and arrive at the Storm Strait first, and we will not miss this opportunity to reduce our competitors."

Beelzebub did not attack himself, indicating that even if Xinyue encountered an unexpected incident, Beelzebub did not learn much from him.

Daliang felt that he was safe for the time being, but after all, he had been in contact with Xinyue, so he used this method to let Beelzebub know that he would attack other pirates to dispel Beelzebub's possible suspicion.

The crew of the Brady fleet who had sent the order left, and Da Liang ordered the Black Pearl to start: "Keep sailing at a low speed, prepare the entire ship for combat, and enter attack operations after dark."

The black sky battleship slowly moved under the watchful eyes of the waiting pirates. At this time, the setting sun had touched the western sea level, and darkness was about to fall on this sea area.

The dimmed light makes the beautiful magical elements on the sea even more dazzling.

Under Da Liang's order, all members of the Black Pearl quickly prepared for battle. As Black Pearl becomes more proficient in magic, magic can do more things, and the number of alchemy puppets needed by the ship is also constantly decreasing.

The gunpowder barrels and shell boxes were carried onto the deck under the support of magic energy, and the entire process of loading and loading became simpler and faster under the control of black pearl magic. Firing two shells per minute is the speed that the Black Pearl can now achieve, which is 50% faster than the fastest speed of an excellent gun crew.

In the future, as the Black Pearl hero level increases, her magic energy will become more powerful. Nicole is thinking about replacing the Black Pearl with a fully magic-driven alchemical cannon. At that time, the Black Pearl's cannon will no longer require gunpowder to launch the shells, but will use air magic to increase the chamber pressure and directly push the shells out.

This kind of alchemical artillery can shoot farther and more accurately.

In addition, Gith is also thinking of using the excess magic energy of the Black Pearl to replace the entire hull with alchemical metal. When the time comes to make the transmission of magic energy inside the Black Pearl more convenient, we can consider removing the physical sails and adopting invisible magic sails that use concentrated wind power more effectively and save a lot of deck space.

The Prophet is considering using space magic to expand the Black Pearl's internal space and load more things.

In short, Black Pearl is the daughter of the three masters, she can do whatever she wants.

As for what the Black Pearl will look like in the end, Daliang said he couldn't imagine it and just let the three technical geeks do whatever they want.

First think about how to get the Poseidon Treasure.

By the time it was completely dark, the Black Pearl had left the starting point for nearly an hour, which meant that there were two pirate fleets following behind them.

The light emitted by the magic elements illuminates the entire sea surface. Against the background of the black sky, the colorful light clouds show magical colors. Standing on the bridge of the Black Pearl, Da Liang set up his telescope and looked behind.

Water-based magic elements gathered on the sea surface, emitting a light blue light curtain. The ship is relatively easy to identify in this light. Da Liang soon saw that the pirate fleet that set off half an hour after Black Pearl left was on the distant sea.

Daliang ordered the battleship: "Accelerate, turn backwards, and wipe out the two pirate fleets behind us!"

The Black Pearl, which immediately entered combat mode, suddenly accelerated its speed. She drew a circle in the air to complete the turn, and then rushed towards the pirate fleet traveling behind.

The pirate fleet behind the Black Pearl has been staring at the black battleship in the sky in front of it since its departure. Their fleet consists of thirteen surface ships, and an aerial warship poses a considerable threat to them.

Just after entering the night, although there was still a lot of bright light in the sky, the small black spot representing the Black Pearl gradually blurred in the dimming light and dazzling light clouds, until it lost its trace.

When the pirates discovered the Black Pearl again, she was rushing towards the pirate fleet.

At this time, the distance between the Black Pearl and them was already very close, but it was still shrinking rapidly. When the pirates were surprised by the burst of speed of the Black Pearl, they also saw that the magic eye on the magic amplification device on the poop of the aerial battleship had opened.

"Enemy attack! We are attacked by the Black Pearl, all personnel are ready to fight!"

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