Start with an Archangel

Chapter 737 Floating Shuttle Arrow

Floating Shuttle Arrow: (Special Magic Weapon) Manufacturer (New Moon)

According to the user's thoughts, it shuttles around the user.

In the floating state, the user's mana is consumed, the lethality is related to the user's intelligence, and the shuttle range is related to the user's knowledge.

Skill: Return to the bull's eye. After the user sets the return to the bull's eye, the floating shuttle arrow returns to the bull's eye regardless of space or distance. It causes double damage to the returning bull's-eye (release) and 0 damage to the returning bull's-eye (retract). (Note: Bullseye is incomplete)

In the special state, the maker Xinyue injects his soul into the floating shuttle arrow, and Xinyue has the first priority to use it.

New Moon (elf soul leaves body)

Attack: 1

Defense: 1

Kill: 1

HP: 1

Biological specialty: Immune to attacks (not damaged by attacks, incapable of attacking, the carrier is destroyed and disappears)

Hero Unit: Level 1

Attack: 4

Defense: 3

Intelligence: 4

Knowledge: 4

Hero specialty: Archery (ranged attack power increased by 20%)

Hero Perks: Not available

Skills: Not available

under threat.

In order not to be thrown into a volcanic crater or the bottom of the sea by Daliang, Xinyue can only be loyal to Daliang.

Daliang was delighted that he had deceived a powerful hero, and after eagerly clicking on Xinyue's attribute panel, he finally understood what "a phoenix without its feathers is worse than a chicken".

When you lose your body, you lose everything, and Xinyue's original levels and attributes return to their original state. Even because she has no entity, her four-dimensional biological attributes are all 1.

The hero's attributes are also average. When the hero's stunts and skills cannot be used, the current Crescent Moon is really not as good as even the tavern hero.

Daliang finally understood why Xinyue agreed to be loyal so simply. It turned out that she didn't have the capital to be reserved at all. With such rubbish attributes and an arrow, where could she go?

Looking at her knowledge, it is only 4, which means that she can only stay within four meters of the floating shuttle arrow. She wanted to attack but not to attack, and she wanted to stay away from her. If someone attacked her, she would just kneel down.

It would be better to take refuge directly with a strong person.

The mysterious captain in front of Xinyue dared to hunt for treasure even though he knew fake Brown's strength. He must have hidden strength to rely on.

When can I wait until I don’t hug such a thigh right now?

It's easy to enjoy the shade with the big tree at your back, and there are so many beauties on the boat.

Looking at Xin Yue with a smile on her face, she didn't feel any regret for being reduced from being the overlord of the sea to being someone else's younger brother...little sister.

Da Liang's complexion was very bad, and he always felt like he was luring a wolf into the house.

But the contract has been signed, so you can't cancel the contract and send people away without any reason.

Therefore... Da Liang could only hold his nose and admit it.

"Okay, Xinyue. Now that you have become my subordinate, I can tell you my identity.

My name is Daliang, Count Feichen of Shangjiang City, Admiral of the Escort Fleet of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, and Minister of Administration of Songjiang City.

My other identity is Eviscerate, a member of the Unsullied Holy See Council of the City of Sighs in the Kingdom of Death, and the ruler of the Mist District of the City of Sighs.

In addition, I also own a human territory and an undead territory.


There are many more identities, so I won’t tell you in detail here. If you stay with me, you will know them in the future.

Now...can you tell me, what can you do for me? "

Xinyue originally thought that Daliang would be flattered by her loyalty. After all, no matter how difficult she was now, she used to be a pirate king. Joining a small pirate group could make this unknown person secretly excited.

As a result, after Daliang revealed his identity, everyone was more shocked than the other.

The names of the count, admiral, and administrative minister of the main city will not be mentioned for the time being.

Why are you still serving as a councilor and district ruler in the City of Sighs of the Sad King?

No wonder he dared to look for the Poseidon Treasure in the face of such a powerful Fake Brown. It turned out that he had a strong foundation and sufficient capital.

What is the Pirate King? To put it bluntly, he is just a powerful pirate leader.

He is a serious earl of the main city and admiral of the navy.

Congressman Brady is nothing. To put it bluntly, he is just a steward in a den of thieves.

He is a member of the Immaculate Holy See Council directly under the Death Monarch.

The identities are completely incomparable.

At this time, Xinyue was a little glad that the place where he caused trouble for Daliang was in Brady. If it were somewhere other than Brady, he probably would have been finished without fake Brown taking action.

"Your identity really surprises me!" Xinyue's attitude corrected a lot: "As for what I can do for you? I probably can't do anything now, but as a floating shuttle arrow, I Still a very powerful weapon.

If you become the user of this arrow and provide me with magic power, it will no longer be a rigid weapon under my control. Adults don't need to be distracted to control, and they have a very powerful attack method. "

Xinyue's words aroused Daliang's curiosity, and he said doubtfully: "I haven't mastered the art of archery. Even if you give me a bow, I'm afraid I won't be able to exert its...your power."

Xinyue smiled confidently: "The floating shuttle arrow is a special magic weapon that I spent a lot of materials to successfully make. Its biggest feature is that it can attack without a bow."

After saying that, Xinyue snapped her fingers at the floating shuttle arrow, and the arrow stuck on the table automatically pulled out and floated in the air. The arrow body slowly rotated and lay flat, and then instantly turned into a green light and shot out. In the blink of an eye, it appeared and stopped four meters away from the crescent moon.

Xinyue curled her lips aggrievedly: "My current hero level is too low. I can only control the arrow to reach here. The power is not enough, and the magic power cannot sustain its long-term flight. If you are willing to become a user of floating shuttle arrows, with the help of Your lord's intelligence and knowledge will surely make it a weapon deadly to all your enemies."

Da Liang became really interested in floating shuttle arrows: "Okay, let me give it a try. What should I do?"

At this time, Da Liang heard the prompt sound [Xin Yue, the owner of the floating shuttle arrow, invites you to become a user of the floating shuttle arrow. Do you accept it? 】


In an instant, the floating shuttle arrow connected to Da Liang's supply of magic energy, and immediately the green light illuminated the entire captain's cabin crystal clear.

This strange vision startled Xinyue. When she used the floating shuttle arrow, the arrow did not look like this.

"My Lord's magic power is really surprising. I guess the specialty is also related to magic enhancement. It seems that the floating shuttle arrow is indeed suitable for use by high-level magicians. I, an elf ranger, use it, but I have been limiting what it can achieve. power."

As he spoke, the green light emitted by the floating shuttle arrow began to shrink and then condense. Finally, the originally ordinary-looking magic arrow turned into an emerald green color, as if it were carved out of a whole piece of jade.

Then following the direction of Da Liang's thoughts, the floating shuttle arrow shot out instantly, easily piercing the cabin and flying out of the ship.

"Black Pearl, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shoot you."

Diarrhea, late update. Feel sorry……

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