Start with an Archangel

Chapter 738 Kill to stop killing

Then Daliang asked Xinyue: "This arrow flew out and I couldn't see it. How can I make it come back..."

Who would have thought that the chair was empty, and Xinyue, who was originally sitting in it, disappeared without a trace.

Where are the people?

"Dang Dang Dang"

At this time, there was a knock on the captain's cabin door.

The hatch was opened under the control of Black Pearl, and amid the rumbling sound of cannons outside, floating shuttle arrows drifted in.

The hatch closed and the room became quiet again.

The shuttle arrow flew to the table, and the dizzy crescent moon was projected, and then sat back in the chair.

"Sir, when you order the shuttle arrow to attack, can you say hello to me first? I can hide in the arrow in advance. I really can't stand being dragged around like this."

Only then did Daliang realize that Xinyue could not leave the 4-meter range of the floating shuttle arrow. When he fired the shuttle arrow just now, Xinyue was dragged out unpreparedly.

Although Xinyue's soul state was not harmed, the sourness of the speed was really unbearable for her.

"I'm really sorry. It's my first time and I don't know how to use it. I'll pay attention next time. This arrow is really interesting."

Daliang promised Xinyue, then picked up the floating shuttle arrow from the table and observed it carefully. The captain's cabin can be said to be the most critical part of a battleship. In order to increase the defense capability of the Black Pearl's captain's cabin, Nicole and the Prophet specially performed alchemical enchantments on the captain's cabin. Therefore, the bulkhead of the Black Pearl's captain's cabin can be said to be the entire A place where the battleship has the strongest defense.

The floating shuttle arrow can go through everything. It is definitely a good thing.

After seeing that the shuttle arrow was not damaged, Da Liang unceremoniously clipped it to his belt, and was thinking about how to ask Nicole to make a special quiver to hold the shuttle arrow.

During the day he was still the all-powerful pirate king, but at night he was always being carried around. Xinyue was filled with endless emotions about his fate. However, in order to survive and have a chance to regain her body in the future, she must help Daliang successfully find the Neptune Treasure and escape the trap set by Fake Brown.

The sober Xinyue said to Daliang: "My lord, it seems that you already know the identity of the pretender. Can your power and strength in Sigh City prevent fake Brown from interfering with our treasure hunt?"

After hearing Xinyue's inquiry, Daliang returned his attention to the treasure hunt: "It can't be...according to my judgment, the person disguised as Brown is Beelzebub, one of the former rulers of hell. Satan is also in the element at this time Plane, they are looking for the Doomsday Blade, and this Doomsday Blade is probably in the Poseidon Treasure.

Not to mention that the Death Lord has not seen these two hell lords for thousands of years. Even if we still have allies, they will not let us get close to the Doomsday Blade. "

Listening to Daliang's words, Xinyue suddenly felt like he was listening to those ancient stories when he was a child, and his train of thought was no longer enough.

What Beelzebub, what Satan, what the Doomsday Blade... aren't these all legendary demon kings and artifacts?

Why did everything become real?

According to this logic, it seems that he was killed by Beelzebub... Is this all a joke?

"Sir, you said that the person disguised as Brown is the legendary deceitful demon Beelzebub. Is it too arbitrary because of the lack of evidence? As far as I know, Beelzebub and Satan do not exist, and the ruler of hell is Lucifer. .”

Daliang said: "There are many things you don't know. Satan, Beelzebub, and the Doomsday Blade are all real. After following me back to Shangjiang City, you may also see the Fear Demon King Ergus and the Jealousy Demon King Angela , they are all there.

Now both Yunzhong City and Hell are chasing them, and their strength is far from what they were at their strongest.

Therefore, if Beelzebub really wants to steal the treasure from us, we will seal him. "

Xinyue suddenly felt that if she surrendered to this lord, she would die faster.

Capture Beelzebub?

If the legend is true, he is the top hero in the known planes of this world, and he can still stand at the forefront even among level 16 creatures. Even though he is now in a state of decline and his strength is greatly reduced, can he be caught just as he says?

However, once the contract has been signed, it cannot be broken casually. Xinyue does not have the strength to tear up the contract unilaterally now, so she can only board the pirate ship and go to hell.

There is no way out, no way out.

Xinyue also showed her former overlord attitude. She said: "Since you have a plan to capture Beelzebub, then I request to upgrade my hero level as soon as possible. In this case, even if the floating shuttle arrow leaves the supply of your magic power, range, I can still control it to attack your enemies.

Although outside the range of your control, the power of the shuttle arrow will be reduced, but with my magic power supply, it can fly farther. "

Daliang asked: "You are unable to attack in your current state. How can I help you improve your hero level?"

"I am now one with the floating shuttle arrow, and all the enemies it kills are counted as my victory. Sir, it seems that I am attacking pirates. Most of these pirates have relatively high hero levels. As long as I kill more of them, I will soon You can raise the hero level to a level where you can help adults.

In addition, I would like to ask... Beelzebub arranged for the pirates to go to the water element gathering place in batches this time, in order to reduce the number of pirates. Your Excellency is attacking the pirates now, why don't you help Beelzebub? I think we should try to reduce the fighting between pirates as much as possible. "

Daliang said with a smile: "If I stop the fighting between pirates, Beelzebub will probably appear above the Black Pearl to attack us immediately.

What I'm doing now is to reduce the fighting between pirates. "

Killing to stop killing was Daliang's response to Beelzebub's escape route.

After nightfall, nearly half of the pirates still did not leave the starting point.

The Black Pearl's attack on the pirates behind it was massive.

It was like lightning, thunder, and fire. Geese, Nicole, and the Prophet alternately used advanced magic amplification devices to release large-scale attack magic at the pirates. The earth-shattering magic effect was clearly the work of a master magician.

All those who felt the power of this magic were not only shocked but also filled with deep fear.

There seems to be a giant man-eating beast hiding in the colorful sea ahead. Any passing fleet will inevitably be devoured by it.

Unlike Beelzebub, the pirates didn't know who was launching the attack, and the unknown made them even more worried about the way forward.

Attack other pirates?

Don't be kidding, with such a crazy and powerful enemy ahead, of course it's important to save your own life first.

The pirates who have not yet set off have changed their strategies, either strengthening the fleet's defense capabilities, or directly changing their routes.

Even the pirate kings who have not yet taken action have become cautious. Before determining who launched such a powerful attack, they changed their navigation strategy from active attack to conservative observation.

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