Start with an Archangel

Chapter 739 Double Line

Beelzebub on the "Code" was very satisfied with the progress of things, and there was almost fighting on the entire route. In order to reduce competitors, the powerful pirate fleet seemed to have a tacit understanding to attack the weak fleet at the same time. In his perception, the ships marked by his magic beacons were sinking one by one.

Survival of the fittest, the strong survive and the weak perish.

This is the law of hell. Weak pirates need to spend more energy to resist magic attacks in the death zone. The power they can devote to treasure hunting is too small, but they still have a chance of finding the treasure. In order to get the Doomsday Blade as soon as possible, Beelzebub had to allocate limited manpower to monitor these inefficiencies. of treasure hunters.

Compared with weaker pirates, powerful pirates have a greater chance of finding treasures, and it is more cost-effective for Beelzebub to monitor them intently.

Now the weak pirates are being eliminated as planned. When the water element gathers, the number of pirates participating will become Beelzebub's satisfaction.

The fighting and killing made Beelzebub become excited, and he sent people to urge the pirates who had their turn to set off to set sail as soon as possible.

As time went by, new pirate fleets entered the route to the water element gathering place, but the battle Beelzebub imagined did not happen between these pirate fleets.

The pirates who set off during the day were still fighting extremely fiercely. The most aggressive Black Pearl had already completed the annihilation of the first pirate fleet and rushed towards the second pirate fleet. Other battlefields had also entered the decisive stage.

However, the pirate fleets that set off after nightfall were all dying down.

What happened?

Beelzebub immediately sensed the newly departed pirates and suggested that some of them had quietly deviated from the route and were preparing to take a detour to the water element gathering place.

This is definitely not good news for Beelzebub.

When the distance between pirates increases and the route becomes uncertain, it becomes difficult to fight. If the number of pirates cannot be effectively reduced, there will be loopholes in Beelzebub's monitoring.

He will never allow the Doomsday Blade to make any mistakes. Even if there is a one percent chance of losing the Doomsday Blade, it must be eliminated.

The naval battle that broke out in the front must have caused panic among the pirates behind. They were afraid of being attacked and chose to change their route. This was a misstep in my plan. The sea was so vast that the pirates had too many choices.

Beelzebub did not doubt Daliang, because there was fighting on the entire route, and the Black Pearl was just here in order. And Beelzebub knew that the Black Pearl was very powerful, and the attack power they displayed was a manifestation of their strength. When you have an absolute advantage, you can use the strongest attack to hit your opponent with the least loss.

There is no problem with the performance of the Black Pearl. The problem is that the ocean is too vast and pirates have options to take detours.

Now Beelzebub is encountering a rather embarrassing situation. Half of the pirates have chosen not to fight, and they have taken detours and defended themselves. By the time they reached the Storm Strait, the number of pirates was still beyond Beelzebub's control.

It seems that I can only do it myself.

If you want to kill all the pirates that need to be eliminated, the Brady fleet cannot do it. There are too many pirates and they are scattered on the sea. No matter how strong the Brady fleet is, it cannot kill many pirate fleets in one night.

Moreover, Beelzebub promised that the penultimate Brady fleet would leave here, and this fleet could not move arbitrarily. Once Beelzebub fails to let the Brady fleet leave as agreed, the remaining pirates who have not left will definitely run away.

Now these pirates are still gathering into a fleet for easy elimination. Once they are all dispersed, let's wait for the Death Zone to become a mess. Maybe someone will take advantage of the chaos to move the Poseidon Treasure and take away the Doomsday Blade.

The Brady fleet could not move, and Beelzebub, who had no strong subordinates, could only take action himself.

It is very easy for Beelzebub to destroy the pirate fleet, but it is not easy when the number increases.

There are more than twenty pirate fleets, and most of them must be killed, that is, hundreds of warships.

And this matter must be completed in one night, because after dawn, the pirates who set out first should arrive at the water element gathering place. Beelzebub must rearrange his gathered spies into these fleets at that time.

In the past, Beelzebub only had to say a word about this kind of dirty work, and there were many demons under him rushing to do it.

Now he can only do it himself.

Beelzebub recruited a subordinate and used disguise to disguise him as Brown, while he himself entered the sub-space and quickly left the starting point.

The pirates who changed course did not escape the fate of being killed.

At this time, Daliang also entered the front line of the battle.

The Royal Griffin spread its wings and glided in the night sky, wearing a standard human priest attire. On the sea below, a pirate fleet has just been baptized by a lightning storm.

However, when the first pirate group was attacked by the Black Pearl, this pirate group made defensive preparations in advance. Therefore, their losses under the bombardment of magic were not great. When the Black Pearl rushed over to bombard them, the counterattack began quickly.

The Black Pearl is facing a tough battle. This time the opponent's strength far exceeds that of the former King of Fighters fleet. However, the Black Pearl is not the air and space battleship in the Japanese Sea in the past. She is more powerful and has more and stronger crew members.

Daliang led Julian and his personal guards to firmly control the sky over this sea area. Facing the attacking enemy flying units, he threw various magics wantonly, and a green arrow shuttled rapidly around him.

The speed of the arrow was very fast, drawing circles of light around Da Liang in the dark night. Anyone who was passed by this circle of light would fall from the sky with a sound.

The floating shuttle arrows around Daliang harvested the lives of pirates at high speed, bringing Crescent Moon to level up efficiently. At the same time, another war was on the verge of breaking out.

Dreamland, city of redbuds, city of palm trees.

An army of elves was coming out of Palm Tree City in a steady stream. Higher up in the sky, seven-headed golden dragons glowed golden under the sunlight.

There is an elf riding on the back of the golden dragon. One of the elf is observing the distant hill occupied by the undead through a telescope.

"Legion Commander, according to the intelligence we obtained from Palm Tree City, the enemy of our mission has the highest combat power: an archangel and about four frost dragons. Their air power is relatively weak, but their air attack The ability is very strong. Not only does it have a large number of ballistas, but it also has a very powerful spell-casting unit.

In the last conflict between Palm Tree City and the enemy, the enemy used meteor and fire rain magic many times and killed the leading hero of Palm Tree City. It directly caused Palm Tree City to lose its stronghold in the Kingdom of Death, Forgotten Hills and this plane teleportation array.

Through our early investigation of this undead army, we found that they have relied on the plane teleportation array to build the entire hill into a defensive fortress.

There are many catapults, ballistas, and artillery.

During the conflict with Palm Tree City, they cut down all the trees for three kilometers around the fortress and laid many traps. Our troops could not use the cover of the forest to launch a surprise attack on them.

Legion Commander, I suggest you again give up this mission. This is just a crusade mission issued by Palm Tree City, not a must-do territory mission. Attacking such a fortress would expose us to unnecessary losses. "

The player known as the legion commander turned his head. He was just Feishauzushishi who had not appeared in public for a long time. He asked his subordinates: "The presence of angels in the undead army means that they are the troops of the cyan coalition. The cyan coalition has spent so much financial resources. , What is the purpose of building this fortress?

They must be protecting something important.

Opposite this portal is the Forgotten Hills of the Death Kingdom, the jurisdiction of the Melancholy Lord. The City of Sighs is the only main city that has not yet broken out in rebellion. This cyan coalition army is probably lurking in the Forgotten Hills, ready to attack the Sad Lord's city at any time.

If we find evidence we can reach the Melancholy Monarch. "

The subordinates asked doubtfully: "But, Legion Commander. Aren't the Blue Alliance Army in the same camp as us? Why should we help the Death Monarch?"

"Remember that we are players, we have no camp. Even in the good camp, undead and elves are natural enemies. This is the game setting, so whoever rules the kingdom of death does not have much benefit to us.

Moreover, the plot is developing too fast. Although I have been strengthening our strength during this period, I still cannot keep up with the progress of the plot. We must find a way to delay the war in the Kingdom of Death, otherwise when the real war comes, we can only watch the show on the side. "

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