Start with an Archangel

Chapter 740 Shi Fei’s Strategy

As signs of plane war began to emerge, Shi Fei found that his butterfly had an increasing impact on the game of this life. Although he also knew that his foresight and advancement of the game would inevitably accelerate the development of the entire game world, he really did not expect that the plane war would come so unexpectedly.

It seems that the plane war will slowly take shape after a year, and then the civil war in the Kingdom of Death breaks out. Then all parties continue to invest in this war, and finally it spreads into a war between camps that affects the entire game world.

After this, the game world entered troubled times, and the charm of this game was truly reflected. Players are active in every confrontation between the good and evil camps. In the all-dimensional war, no race can survive alone, and no player can stay out of it. The portal opens around you at any time, and the originally peaceful environment will be overwhelmed by war in a short time.

Blood and fire will be the theme of the game.

The virtual world will amplify conspiracy and betrayal to the extreme.

Countless heroes have risen, countless heroes have fallen.

Shi Fei has been preparing for this war since the public beta of the game. He tried every means to save his own funds, build his own army, develop his own territory, and expand his territory. He did not dare to relax for a moment. The purpose is to become one of the influential forces when the plane war comes.

But now the plot of the plane war is developing too fast.

The cyan coalition was established a year in advance and was even more powerful than in the previous life. They had actually surrounded Yongye City. What worries Shi Fei even more is that as the boss of the evil camp, Hell has not provided any support to the Kingdom of Death. It has only placed an army in the City of Sighs area and has no intention of intervening in the war. It seems that it just wants to watch the Kingdom of Death change its flag. .

The entire game process and future have been separated from Shi Fei's memory. No matter how hard he tries to complete tasks in the dreamland to enhance his strength, he still does not have the strength to affect the plot.

Therefore, he thought that he could postpone the development of the game and buy himself time.

Cloud City is the leading party in the civil war in the Kingdom of Death. Shi Fei, who is in the dreamland, has no way to establish contact with the cyan coalition. Therefore, he wanted to establish contact with the death lords. The current death lords should be in urgent need of external support. At this time, if help can be provided in time, he can definitely establish a dialogue with the death lords.

So Shi Fei noticed a crusade mission from Palm Tree City. A plane portal in their territory was occupied by the undead army from the Kingdom of Death.

Originally, this was just a very ordinary crusade mission. The Dream Realm invaded the Kingdom of Death, and the Kingdom of Death invaded. These strongholds were mission links prepared for players, but in the mission description of Palm Tree City, this undead army has archangels.

The Cyan Alliance is the alliance between Yunzhong City and the Wizards Guild.

Shi Fei finally found an opportunity to establish contact with the Death Lord.

As long as he can prove that this army belongs to the cyan coalition, and that the other side of this plane teleportation array is in the Forgotten Hills within the City of Sighs, he can go to the City of Sighs and report this discovery to the Sad Lord.

When the time comes, Shi Fei, who has eliminated the hidden dangers in the City of Sighs, will definitely become the guest of the Sad Lord.

What Shi Fei has to do is to break through the undead garrison and enter the other side of the plane portal, use the magic ball to record the magic image recognized by the system, and show it to the Sad Lord.

These are all official matters.

Shi Fei does not represent himself in the game. There is a beneficiary group behind him, including elite players, investors, and all kinds of people with various purposes. As the commander of the dominant legion and the helmsman of the entire group, Shi Fei must maintain his overall advantage in the game, both for himself and for the whole.

At the same time, Shi Fei also had his own selfish motives for attacking this undead army.

In addition to archangels, this undead army also has many frost dragons.

There is also a frost dragon in Daliang's Judgment Legion.

what does that mean?

Could it be that Daliang had already completed his mission to the Blue Alliance Army?

During the offensive and defensive battle of Sunshine Plains, although Shi Fei had been in a dreamland, he paid close attention to this battle.

From the beginning to the end, Da Liang was playing tricks on the eight human player lords. Da Liang, who had an absolute advantage, gained unimaginable prestige and wealth in this war. Now the mercenaries of the Judgment Territory still surround the Lionheart Fortress of the Scottish Fort. Billboards surround it in circles. With more and more Seeing the publicity effect here, merchants asked to add advertisements, so they added a few more circles.

Braveheart can only huddle in its own fortress and watch.

This is the crushing of strength.

And where is the root of Daliang’s strength?

Many people think that Daliang's mission level in Shangjiang City is too high, and he can call on the Oath and the Shangjiang Army to assist in the battle.

Shi Fei originally thought so too, but judging from the current situation, Daliang's roots seemed to be in the cyan coalition of the Kingdom of Death, and his power in Shang Jiangcheng was just a facade. After all, the mission level of the Kingdom of Death is higher and has a great impact on the main world.

Through the large-scale undead army appearing in Shangjiang City, it can also be seen that Shangjiang City is deeply cooperating with a major force in the Kingdom of Death. This big force is probably the Cyan Alliance, and Daliang, who has a close relationship with the Cyan Alliance and is able to recruit the Frost Dragon and the Archangel, will naturally have a smooth rise in Shangjiang's status.

From this point of view, attacking the cyan coalition forces is to cut off the source of Da Liang's power from the root.

In both private and public matters, Shi Fei would stand on the side of the Death Monarch.

Shi Fei once again looked at the hills occupied by the undead in the distance, and ordered the elven army he brought: "First surround the undead fortress and conduct a trial attack. Let the main force of the dominating army gather towards Palm Tree City. We are going to fight A tough battle..."

The Blackfire Leader advances into the fortress.

The one who Daliang stayed at the forward fortress was Monica, who was responsible for the defense and command. Her defensive expertise was very effective in defensive battles. At the same time, Monica's talent in warfare also made her a general that Daliang could entrust with important tasks.

Daliang is now the administrative minister of Songjiang Underground City. The relationship between Monica and Abigail has eased to a certain extent on the surface, so Abigail really made up for Monica's dowry, including a dowry. Black Elf Troops.

The Stalker is a second-level soldier in the Black Elf tribe. This unit does not perform very well in frontal combat. However, the Stalker's unit characteristic is stealth, and it is the best unit as a physical scout.

At this time, these stalkers were scattered by Monica in the forest surrounding Fortress Fortress and Palm Tree City, and together with the buried skeleton soldiers, they formed an outer warning circle.

Therefore, Shi Fei's elf army had just arrived in Palm Tree City and was already known to Monica.

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