Start with an Archangel

Chapter 741 Mobilization Order

A reinforcement army came from the remote Palm Tree City, and there were more than ten golden dragons and green dragons.

Monica doesn't think that this army is just passing through, they are here to attack the forward fortress. Monica immediately put the Fortress into a state of war preparation, and at the same time notified the Frost Dragon Astro in the Boneyard to prepare war supplies and summoned troops, ready to support the battle of the Fortress through the Gate of the Dead.

And when Monica discovered that a large number of adventurers (players) were teleporting over from Palm Tree City, she realized that the Advance Fortress and the Boneyard Fortress alone might not be able to withstand the attack.

So Monica reported the advance to the fortress to Daliang through the territory channel.

But Daliang was in the elemental plane, taking Crescent Moon to level up pirates.

Then I received news that the Forward Fortress was attacked by a large-scale elf army and adventurers.

The adventurer is the player, which also means that it is a player lord who is preparing to attack the advancing fortress. Among the player lords who could single-handedly pull out an elf army of this size, with so many golden dragons and green dragons, Daliang could not think of anyone other than Shi Fei.

As soon as I arrived at the elemental plane, Shi Fei came over. I must have chosen the right timing.

If Daliang hadn't been sure that no player knew about his coming to the elemental plane, he would have suspected that there was a spy around him.

But now is not the time to consider why Shi Fei attacked the Forward Fortress at this time. Daliang immediately contacted the intelligence department of the Judgment Legion and found that the Dominion Legion was indeed moving to the Dreamland on a large scale.

Now that Shi Fei has begun to summon the Dominator Legion to teleport to Palm Tree City, it means that the time for him to launch an attack is not far away.

Da Liang immediately returned to the Black Pearl and at the same time gave orders to his subordinate troops through the lord channel.

“The entire Blackfire Territory has entered a state of war.

The three arsenals in Blackfire Territory, Boneyard, and Forgotten Hills are opened, and all materials are given priority to supply the advancing fortress.

Astro led all the frost dragons to support the advancing fortress.

Kuka organized a team of blood-sucking sword guard reinforcements to support the forward fortress, and the attack on the snowfield river continued. Those orcs were no match for your skeleton army.

Red Copper, with the newly formed cavalry, supported the advancing fortress.

Jones, lead the destruction knights to support the advancing fortress.

Simon, what's going on with your Assault? "

The big-eared monster Simon was standing on the bridge of the fourth-level aerial battleship. To be honest, he really didn't expect that he would one day become the captain of an aerial battleship. After Daliang told him that the Assault was under his command, he had visited every corner of the battleship during this period of time.

Now the Assault has arrived in the Kingdom of Death through the Blackfire Territory's teleportation array, and Simon has taken the previously trained undead sailors to complete the acceptance of this aerial battleship.

When Da Liang asked Simon, he was commanding the Assault to conduct adaptive training.

"Sir, our sailors all have rich experience in driving surface ships. Now they have all adapted to driving air and space warships and are fully capable of participating in any battle."

This Time Rush has combat capabilities, which is definitely very good news for the severe war situation.

So Da Liang ordered to Simon: "The Assault moved towards the Forgotten Hills and entered the forward fortress army sequence, under the direct command of Monica.

Attention all commanders supporting advancing fortresses!

Since I am in the elemental plane, I cannot personally command this battle. Monica is specially appointed as the leader of this forward fortress defense battle, and she is fully responsible for the war command. All personnel must obey all military instructions of Monica. "

All the senior heroes under the Blackfire Territory said in unison on the lord channel: "It is... Lord Lord"

In order to cope with the battle that breaks out at any time, Daliang built a strategic weapons warehouse in the Black Fire Territory, Bone Burial Ground, Feichen Island, Judgment Territory, Mist Zone, and Forgotten Hills. All war supplies are reserved in advance. Although these reserves will occupy a lot of Daliang's funds, Daliang still insists on filling these arsenals in the spirit of preparing for a rainy day.

This time, the arsenals in the Boneyard, Blackfire Territory, and Forgotten Hills were opened under Da Liang's order, and skeleton laborers transported a large number of war equipment and war supplies to the Forward Fortress.

In the sulfur mine, Astro, lying in a pile of sulfur, raised his head and let out a long roar, and the huge sound echoed back and forth in the cave. Then dragon roars came from the piles of sulfur. The frost dragons enjoying the sulfur stood up. They spread their wings and roared in response to the call of their leader. At the same time, the frost dragons scattered everywhere rushed into the sky. They flapped their tattered dragon wings and drove their huge bodies to fly towards the Bone Burial Ground.

In Purgatory, four red knights of destruction walk in this world of flames, and several players belonging to the Judgment Legion lead them to search for purgatory creatures.

After receiving Da Liang's order, Jones said to the players in front: "The lord summoned us, we are leaving Purgatory now, goodbye!"

Several players looked at the four Destruction Knights who turned around and ran away, and directly used Return to the City to leave without asking too many questions. Their mission is to take these four destruction knights to find purgatory creatures in purgatory to level up. As for the others... there is a confidentiality agreement, so there is no need to ask, and you can't ask.

There is Daliang's food production base in the Forgotten Hills. The knights and dark cavalry need food, so Daliang arranged his cavalry training base in the Forgotten Hills.

At this time, the main force of the cavalry, the heavy-armed tramplers, human knights and dark cavalry, are already in place. The Wolf Knight, as an auxiliary, still needs to wait for the snowfield strategy to be completed. However, there is only one gate between Forgotten Hill and the Fortress, so the cavalry can still fight without auxiliaries and logistics.

After Daliang's order was issued, Red Copper immediately summoned his army.

The first row is 50 heavy-armed tramplers, giant centaur-shaped heavy-armed tramplers, all covered in heavy armor, holding a shield in one hand and a gun in the other, with two slashing swords inserted at their sides.

The main function of heavy-armed tramplers is to break formations. Equipped with shield guns, they have knockback properties and can easily tear apart any tight defensive formation.

Equipped with dual swords, the speed increases and can be used for pursuit and raiding.

In the second row are 50 human knights. The same men and horses are all wearing armor, holding shields and guns. The human knight's special skill is charging. The faster the speed, the greater the attack power. Therefore, the mission of the human knight is to conduct a high-speed impact on the enemy's line of troops after the heavy-armed tramplers break the formation, and finally achieve the tactical purpose of penetration.

Behind the cavalry are the dark cavalry, who also have the ability to charge. However, the Dark Cavalry is a light cavalry in strong attack and weak defense. Attacking tough targets is not their specialty. After the heavy-armed tramplers and human knights break up the enemy's formation, it's time for the Dark Cavalry to show off its power and harvest.

The gathering of the cavalry ended quickly, and then they followed Red Copper in darkness toward the cave where the plane portal was located.

The Assault, which had just completed a replenishment mission out of the City of Sighs, completed its turn under Simon's order. On the desolate land, the huge ship hull and towering cloud sails loomed in the gray mist. Behind them, a group of black bats chased them. Some of them turned into vampire sword guards and walked into the cabin, while others still maintained their bat form. , hanging upside down on the mast, on the edge of the ship...

Hang yourself wherever you can.

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