Start with an Archangel

Chapter 748 Attacking the Fortress

Having reached this point, Daliang never thought of retreating. When Julian was fighting against Thunder, the strong light almost drowned her figure, but Daliang had no idea that she could not stop him. This archangel who had been with him since the beginning of the game was Daliang's last and most trustworthy one. line of defense.

Julian cannot be allowed to disappear, and the Fountain of Life in the Poseidon Treasure must be obtained.

The Black Pearl continues to move towards the Island of Despair.

It is not absolutely safe to be underwater in the death zone. Sea water can weaken earth, air, and fire magic, but the effect of water magic will be amplified here. If you encounter a water magic attack underwater, it will definitely be a disaster for the entire ship. Therefore, Daliang did not let the Black Pearl sneak underwater for a long time. Instead, after traveling out of the coverage area of ​​​​Thunder Fury, he ordered the warship to resume operations. Fly back into the sky.

Magic energy is turbulent in the Death Forbidden Zone, and four series of magic appear alternately. Just now it was a tide falling from the sky, and then it might turn into a rain of fire; sometimes an island collapsed in an instant, and a new island broke out of the water not far away, setting off a tsunami; magic summoned all kinds of creatures , and quickly wiped them all out with another magic.

Here magic uses unimaginable speed and power to demonstrate the creativity and destructive power of magic.

The Black Pearl entered a safe route based on the treasure map, but the battleship was still under attack from various magic at any time outside the magic-forbidden shield.

However, compared with those forbidden spells that destroy the world, these magical attacks are still within the range of the Black Pearl.

One day passed and another passed.

The Black Pearl sailed along the safe route towards the Island of Despair. Da Liang did not know how many pirates had entered the death zone and how many pirates had died here. The only thing he was worried about now was Beelzebub who was staring at him from nowhere.

In the prophet's divination, the spy arranged by Beelzebub on the Black Pearl has been found. An alchemy golem, if not for the intentional search in advance, no one would have thought that a construct turned out to be another creature in disguise.

However, Geese and Black Pearl searched for the magic beacon left by Beelzebub, but still found nothing.

The Black Pearl is still under Beelzebub's surveillance.

In order not to arouse Beelzebub's suspicion, Daliang did not expose the spies on the ship, and strictly ordered all treasure insiders not to discuss the treasure and the Island of Despair outside the captain's room. At the same time, Xinyue was also ordered not to appear outside the captain's cabin.

Things were getting worse and worse, and the treasure hunting team often spent hours discussing plans to ambush Beelzebub.

When the Black Pearl approached the Island of Despair, Shi Fei's army outside the Fortress of Dreamland also completed preparations for war.

In order to attack the Fortress, Shi Fei mobilized 80,000 elven troops from the Dragon Star Territory and 2,000 players from the Dominion Legion. With the players bringing soldiers and other auxiliary personnel, the attacker reached a scale of 100,000.

Shi Fei's strategic purpose was not to eliminate the undead in the mission. The peripheral offensives were to provide cover for the Dominator Legion's surprise attack. Therefore, in order to reduce the loss of troops, he invested heavily in the war and increased the use of siege equipment.

Shi Fei purchased only 600 crossbows of various types from Palm Tree City. Including those brought by the Dragon Star Leader, Shi Fei's army had 1,000 crossbows.

In addition, there are 200 artillery pieces and 100 catapults.

Others include arrow towers, mobile primary magic amplification devices, wall shields...

In two days of preparation, Shi Fei had completed the siege of the Forward Fortress. The elven army led by Dragon Star in the front set up an offensive formation. The centaurs formed a charge formation in large groups; the dwarves were responsible for transporting, using and protecting war equipment; the elven archers were responsible for medium and long-range support; the Pegasus knights in the forest were on standby. You can take off at any time to compete for air supremacy.

Under the other three cliffs, Shi Fei also sent a small number of troops to attract the attention of the undead from behind the advancing fortress.

As 10,000 gold bombs were transported to the battlefield by the player's transport team and distributed to the hands of each combat unit, Shi Fei, whose offensive explosive power was greatly enhanced, ordered the entire army to attack.

The elves' war horns sounded, and the birds in the forest were frightened and flew around. The roar of the giant dragon responded to the sound of the horn. In the roar, the golden dragon and the green dragon flew up and rose rapidly, and the roar became louder.

Immediately afterwards, the Pegasus knights in the woods also took off in groups.

At the foot of the mountain in front of the forward fortress, centaurs were galloping. They raised their spears and charged towards the defenders on the mountain. On their heads were crossbow arrows shot densely, mixed with various kinds of magic.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The sound of cannons shook.

The bundled alchemy bombs were thrown by catapults towards the outer positions of the defenders.

The defender Monica's counterattack was very rapid, with ballistae, artillery, and catapults counterattacking at the same time, and the primary anti-magic devices deployed on the core positions were activated.

The Black Fire Territory, which has reached level 7, has upgraded its alchemy laboratory, alchemy factory, and alchemy material processing plant at the same time under the orders of Da Liang. A batch of new alchemy technologies have appeared and been researched. The primary magic-forbidden device is the Black Fire Territory. The result of the upgrade of Fire Collar's alchemy technology.

Primary magic prohibition device: resists level 1-3 magic spell attacks, with a maximum range of 100 meters. The strength of the magic barrier is related to the coverage area, the magic energy supply speed of the magic barrier is related to the coverage area, and the time limit is related to the rare metal reserves. Note: It resists spell effect attacks and is ineffective against physical attacks.

After the Black Fire Territory was able to produce primary magic-blocking devices on its own, Monica purchased a batch to strengthen the defensive capabilities of Fortress Fortress. All core positions with heavy firepower delivery capabilities are equipped with primary magic suppression devices, which greatly improves the Fortress's resistance to magic strikes.

Arrows criss-crossed like locusts, shells rolled, magic flashed, and explosions instantly shrouded the front line of the confrontation in smoke.

At the beginning of the war, both warring parties chose to use war equipment to carry out saturation attacks on the enemy, and the intensity of the war skyrocketed.

Shi Fei's army and the centaurs formed an upward tide. Behind them, the war equipment attacked and moved forward alternately. They needed to push the long-range attack surface to the vicinity of the plane teleportation array as soon as possible.

However, this process is extremely difficult. The defensive position layout of the defenders is very reasonable. The ladder-distributed attack line can bring out all their attack firepower. At the same time, the defenders also have a condescending height advantage. Both the range and density exceed the attackers. square.

The large stone ball was pushed down by the defending undead. The smooth hillside made the stone ball roll faster and faster, crushing it all the way along the centaur's line of troops.

The elves' frontal attack was blocked, and the flying troops in the air had arrived.

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