Start with an Archangel

Chapter 749 Fighting to the death

The golden dragon and the green dragon led the Pegasus knights to rush towards the forward fortress from all directions. The Dominator air combat troops were mixed in, looking for opportunities to enter the plane portal, and from time to time they would throw the Golden Explosive No. 1 towards the firepower point below. .

Monica followed the entire war from the castle on the top of the mountain. Under her command, the defensive capabilities of all soldiers were greatly strengthened, and the rate of casualties and losses was still within her control.

So far in the battle, the attackers have included most of the Forward Fortress within their attack range, and explosions have occurred one after another on their own positions. This is the strongest attack Monica has suffered since she became the leader of the Forward Fortress.

The catapult array in front of the castle threw bundles of Jinzhao No. 1 down the mountain. This was the point where heavy firepower was concentrated and played an important role in the entire fortress defense system. The enemy's air combat troops have entered the battlefield and are approaching the catapult position. Although the castle and a ballista position in front of the catapult can form a very dense anti-air defense system, Monica did not dare to be careless when seeing the more than ten dragons.

The Jinzhao No. 1 dropped from the air has threatened the catapult position, and it is becoming more and more accurate.

"Astro, who was ordered to stand by in the Forgotten Hills, led the frost dragon into the battlefield.

Order the ghost troops to enter the battlefield,

Order Vincent and his magic mages in the castle to strengthen support for the aerial battlefield. "

Monica looked at the Pegasus knights gathered from all directions, thinking that the ghost of the undead was no match for the Pegasus knights, and ordered Simon: "The Assault enters the battlefield, and all air combat troops launch air defense with the Assault as the core." Fight. Simon, your position on the battlefield can be slightly forward, and don't make the opponent's attack so easy."

The air combat troops of the Dragon Star Territory encountered their opponents in this war, and frost dragons flew out of the plane teleportation array one by one.

Da Liang now has 9 frost dragons, and they are all here now.

After the frost dragon entered the battlefield, it immediately formed a formation and launched an oppressive attack on the elves' air combat troops. Behind them, black ghosts poured out from the plane teleportation array, and then spread out over the forward fortress position to provide air cover for ground defense.

At this time, Shi Fei was also paying attention to the progress of the war.

At the beginning of the war, Shi Fei still had reservations. He did not let his air combat troops push too far forward, and some mid- to high-level troops were still hidden in the forest. Because he believed that his opponent was the Blue Alliance Army, an army that could fight against the Immaculate Holy See.

If his attack draws a strong counterattack from the Blue Coalition, he will immediately order the main force to retreat to Palm Tree City. If the defenders' counterattack is limited, it means that the cyan coalition rebellion is imminent and there are no extra troops to guard the plane teleportation formation, then he can launch a full-scale attack.

The nine-headed frost dragon... exceeded the number that Palm Tree City could provide information on, but it was within Shi Fei's tolerance.

What appears behind the frost dragon is the ghost.

Such an air combat force was slightly shabby compared to Shi Fei's army. This also made Shi Fei think that his judgment was very accurate. When the cyan coalition was about to launch a rebellion, their defense capabilities against this plane teleportation array were also reduced. To the lowest.

Of course, this also means that the cyan coalition is about to start a war in the City of Sighs. There is not much time left for him, and he must get the key evidence as soon as possible to meet the Sad Lord.

"Inform our troops to intensify their attack efforts, and the air forces will cover the Dominator Legion to prepare for a breakthrough..."

At this moment, the bow of a battleship slowly stretched out from the plane portal, followed by a huge hull, masts, sails...

It turned out to be an aerial battleship!

Shi Fei recognized it at a glance as a level four aerial battleship, and there were densely packed bats hanging on the inside and outside of the aerial battleship.

An undead vampire... No! It is a special undead creature similar to a vampire.

Vampires are the last type of soldier that any flesh-and-blood creature wants to encounter. They can fly, suck blood, and resurrect companions. Once the vampire cannot be suppressed and eliminated from the beginning of the battle, the battle will be extremely difficult.

Fortunately, the defenders had not received any new reinforcements since the aerial battleships were launched, allowing Shi Fei to stop the order for the entire army to retreat.

Continue to wait and see the battle...

Shi Fei discovered that these special blood-sucking creatures that arrived with the aerial battleships were much more powerful than ordinary vampires in terms of combat effectiveness, and seemed to belong to level 9 arms. However, the number of these special blood-sucking creatures is not large, and less than a thousand cannot turn the entire battle situation around.

But it's not easy to fight.

There is a castle behind the plane portal, a ballista position in front, and a sky battleship and a frost dragon in the sky. The integrated defense system made Shi Fei's air breakthrough plan difficult to implement.

Boom boom boom...

The aerial battleship fired its guns while slowly moving forward, trying to push the attacking enemies back down the mountain.

"The air combat force immediately attacked the defender's air and space battleship and pushed it back. The dominant air combat force turned to the bombing operation to cover the ground advance, and used your air combat advantage to carry out targeted clearing of the defender's firepower points, especially those with primary equipment. Our magic cannot be thrown into the stronghold of the magic-forbidden device.

With all the other troops out, we were to complete our plan and retreat before dark. "

Shi Fei's hidden troops began to move forward, and groups of dead wood warriors used the space-type wisdom ancient trees in Palm Tree City to be teleported directly to the foot of the mountain, and then slowly moved up the mountain road. The mages immediately applied "attack acceleration" to the deadwood warriors, and the deadwood warriors moved much faster.

Following the Deadwood Warriors are a small number of unicorns. The unicorns have their own anti-magic enchantment, which can reduce the magic damage received by surrounding friendly forces. .

In the Forward Fortress War, the air and ground battles became more and more intense. In order to maintain the suppression of the long-range firepower of the defenders, Shi Fei had the ballista unit also fire short spears tied to the Jinzhao No. 1, and the Dominator air combat personnel also began to throw Jinzhao. Number 1 provides cover for the ground attack.

Various measures have accelerated the consumption of Jin Zha No. 1.

Jinzhao No. 1's reserves were exhausted.

Shi Fei ordered: "Order another 10,000 gold bombs. No... 20,000 gold bombs. I will directly blow up a road up the mountain."

The money for the purchase of Golden Explosion No. 1 was allocated from the finance of the Overlord Guild. The transport personnel immediately used the legion rally flag planted in the City of Sighs to arrive in the foggy area. After purchasing the Golden Explosion No. 1, they used the legion rally flag to return to the battlefield.

Shi Fei's army, with its alchemical bombs replenished, was bombarding the battlefield indiscriminately, and even the aerial battleship Assault had to retreat slightly. The position began to be lost, and the attackers advanced step by step.

Feeling the pressure, Monica immediately contacted Daliang and requested to stop the alchemy store in the foggy area from selling Jinzhao No. 1.

Daliang did not expect that Shi Fei would buy his own alchemy bomb to fight with him, and Shi Fei sold 30,000 gold bombs one after another. The cost of a gold bomb is 100 gold. The price of picking it up from the alchemy laboratory in the alchemy shop is 200 gold, and then selling it for 500 gold.

Based on this calculation, Daliang's direct profit from Shi Fei's two orders was 9 million gold.

The alchemy laboratory is jointly run by Daliang and the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild. The remaining 3 million gold profits are divided equally between Daliang and the wizards.

In other words, Daliang has earned 10.5 million gold from Shi Fei.

Doesn’t fighting cost money? How come this battle is different from what you imagined?

The important thing is that Monica doesn't know that firewood and rice are expensive, and she finally has the opportunity to make money. How can she interrupt the sales of Jin Zha No. 1 at this time!

What is Fortress Forward? It's just a broken hilltop that I grabbed with a flash of heat. Attack...I can't beat Palm Tree City; retreat...the territory I finally conquered, don't feel sorry for it.

All we can do is guard.

Now is the time to play the role of forward fortress. Knock, fight with Shi Fei right here...

Even if Shi Fei had the ability to capture Forward Fortress, he would not have the ability to capture Forgotten Hills. And he doesn't have the ability to guard this portal. If I just go over and open the Gate of the Dead, I can take back this plane portal.

Although I don't know why Shi Fei wants to attack the Fortress, he must seize the opportunity to make money.

Daliang said to Monica through the lord channel: "We now hold the source of the offensive weapons, and we have the final say when the battle will end. I think this is exactly an opportunity to exercise our Blackfire Territory's defensive warfare capabilities, and it is also an opportunity for you to grow into An opportunity for a good commander.

When the army is gone, it can be recruited again, and when the weapons are gone, it can be remanufactured. A general who can stand alone must go through cruel wars to grow.

There are too few commanders in the Blackfire Territory who can lead the army alone, only Sidney and Kuka. You have this potential, but you still need to practice it.

This war is the whetstone for you to become an excellent commander.

Don't be afraid of losses, don't be afraid of failure... a battle that we can stop at any time cannot fail.

Bring out all your skills and treat it as a practical exercise.

I believe that after experiencing this war, your army and my army will be stronger. I'm optimistic about you..."

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