Start with an Archangel

Chapter 750 Island of Despair

When Daliang said he would fight, Monica had no worries.

Black elves are a warlike race, and female black elves have an insatiable desire for power. Now most of the Black Fire Leader's high-level military power is in Monica's hands. After being inspired by Daliang, Monica is full of energy and is determined to prove herself in this battle...

The ability to truly be a matron.

Moving forward to the fortress war, Monica mobilized her troops to resist Shi Fei's attack. Damaged and consumed materials were transported from the Forgotten Hills, and groups of skeleton soldiers were pushed to the battlefield ahead.

Daliang set the tone of perseverance for the advancing fortress.

The reason why he decided to fight Shi Fei was not only to make money, but the more important reason was that he didn't know why Shi Fei wanted to attack the Forward Fortress.

Judging from the military power Shi Fei invested in this war and the large-scale purchase of Jinzhao No. 1, there must be something major fishy in it.

Daliang knew that Shi Fei was a reborn person, and his strategic vision in the game was definitely advanced, and he had a clear purpose in everything he did. If you want to restrict Shi Fei's development, you have to block some of his actions in the game. Regardless of whether you know the reason or not, just prevent him from completing whatever Shi Fei wants to do.

Daliang insisted on fighting this somewhat inexplicable war because it was Shi Fei who attacked him. No matter what Shi Fei wants to do, Daliang will not let him succeed.

At least don't let him succeed easily.

Ci Bu took charge of the army. Since Shi Fei used the golden dragon and the green dragon to suppress the army at the advancing fortress, Da Liang did not restrain his hands and concentrated his elite here to confront Shi Fei tit for tat.

Daliang knew very well what the forward fortress looked like. The power of Jin Zha No. 1 would not cause much damage to the main fortifications. The consumption is nothing more than war equipment and skeleton soldiers. These things are fully stocked and can be afforded.

Anyway, as long as the sky is not suppressed and beaten, no matter how fierce the beating on the ground is, Shi Fei will not be able to go up the mountain.

In terms of air control, Da Liang is quite confident. Astro, Thunderstorm, Hurricane, and Devouring Roar are the frost dragons that Da Liang transformed in his early stages. The creatures are of high quality and the hero level is high. There is no problem in taking the other five frost dragons against Shi Fei's level 13 or 14 golden dragon and green dragon.

In addition, there is the Assault, a firepower platform in the air, and on the ground, there are various range auxiliary magics from the magic wizards in the castle, plus magic bullet support, as well as an anti-air ballista array. Enough to form a three-dimensional anti-air fire network.

As a conventional flying unit, the ghost is at a disadvantage against the Pegasus Knight, but the advantage of the Vampire Sword Guard is overwhelming. If you fight for a long time, a group of Vampire Sword Guard heroes will be promoted. Therefore, as long as the vampire sword guards are not surrounded and receive annihilating blows, they will only become stronger as they fight.

In terms of magic, Advance Fortress has Vincent, a full-time fire mage. The Frost Dragon and Monica have the ability to release magic. There are magic amplification devices on the Assault, and the entire Advance Fortress is equipped with a large number of primary magic prohibition devices.

There is no need to worry about spell resistance.

In addition, Monica still has the Destruction Knights and the Copper Cavalry as reserves, so Da Liang has relatively sufficient capital to press on the forward fortress.

Facing a complete defense system, the attacker's losses are often several times that of the defender. This is a rare opportunity, and Daliang will use up Shi Fei's military and financial resources as much as possible here.

A good bleed.

So Daliang and Shi Fei, because of Shi Fei's bold inference, both sides continued to invest troops in the forward fortress battlefield.

Daliang asked his alchemy factory to speed up the production of Jinzhao No. 1, and at the same time allocated a batch of Jinzhao No. 2 to be sent to the Fortress of Advance. He asked Monica to take care of herself. If something went wrong, he could directly notify the alchemy store to interrupt the sales of Jin Zha No. 1 on the grounds of being out of stock, and use Jin Zha No. 2 to push the enemy out.

The battle at the Forward Fortress is heating up rapidly, and the Black Pearl is getting closer and closer to the Island of Despair.

The magic beacon Beelzebub left on the Black Pearl has still not been found.

Despair Island is an island with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. The magic elements in this island and the sea surrounding the island are extremely violent. There are as many as ten forbidden spell-level destructive magic bursts in a small area at the same time.

The magic is layered and intertwined. When it reaches its peak, the space is like cracked glass, and the light is refracted and distorted.

There was darkness in the airspace a thousand meters above the island, and no light came out of it even during the day. The time and space there have been destroyed and disappeared, and it cannot be approached or crossed.

Therefore, it is impossible to enter the Island of Despair from a high altitude beyond the height reached by the forbidden spell; the violent magic elements make the space structure chaotic, so it is impossible to jump into the island through space, unless there are demons on the island. A powerful spatial positioning beacon.

This beacon is probably only owned by Poseidon himself.

The only way for others to enter the island is to force their way through the forbidden spell zone outside the island.

The Black Pearl, which arrived at the Island of Despair, cruised around the island outside the forbidden area. Matthew's notes contain the law of transformation of the Forbidden Curse that he observed on the Island of Despair, but it was also mentioned above that this law is not accurate. The three masters observed the current outbreak of the Forbidden Curse together and tried their best to improve this law and find a way to enter the island. The perfect time.

Water magic, fire magic, earth magic, and air magic restrain each other.

For example, water magic has certain restraint on fire magic. Therefore, when the fire magic has not dissipated and the water magic begins to gather energy, the power of the fire magic being released will be temporarily weakened.

On the contrary, when the water magic has not disappeared and the fire magic begins to gather energy, the magic energy will conflict, causing space chaos or even tearing.

Water overcomes fire, fire overcomes earth, earth overcomes air, and air overcomes water.

Therefore, if the Black Pearl wants to enter the Island of Despair, it is best to find a magic transformation restraint point, and if it wants to ambush Beelzebub, it must lead him to a magic transformation anti-restraint point.

The plan to enter the island has been perfected again, and there is no point in waiting.

When the Black Pearl reached the planned starting point, Da Liang summoned all the crew members to the deck.

Outside the ship, magic hits the magic barrier, reflecting various colors inside.

Daliang stood on the bridge, with Julian, Sophia and the three masters standing behind him. Looking at the vampire sword guards and alchemy golems on the deck below, Daliang said: "Someone just told me that there is a crew member among you who does not belong to this ship. Although I can't believe it, the person who told me the news, she Her identity and condition made me pay attention to her.

Now please... Commander Xinyue find this spy. If what she told me is true, we need to use the speed of the Black Pearl to tell the other pirates about it.

Leader of Crescent Moon, prove everything you said to me. "

Then, Xinyue appeared from beside Da Liang, her eyes swept across every crew member on the deck, and then said: "It's very simple to find him. You just need to use exorcism on everyone here. Disguise Magic Once they are eliminated, the spies will no longer be able to pretend."

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