Start with an Archangel

Chapter 755 The Treasure of the Poseidon

Beelzebub said in an embarrassed tone: "My badge? I can give it to you. But I'm sealed inside, so I'm afraid I can't do it. You can slightly weaken the power of the seal, and I'll send the badge out... I promise not to do it. Any hands or feet.”

Daliang laughed and said, "It's weird for me to believe you. Ergos could throw out a distress letter from the prison in Yunzhong City. I don't believe that you can't throw out a badge from this seal?"

Beelzebub, the devil of deceit, I will not give you any chance to escape.

You'd better understand...I feel a lot of pressure facing you. If I realize what you are up to, I will send you to hell immediately without hesitation.

I'm counting to three now. If I don't see the badge, it will be a negotiation breakdown.


A badge fell at Da Liang's feet.

What happened from the beginning of the treasure hunt to now has made Beelzebub deeply afraid of Daliang.

He knew that everything about him was seen through by the other party, and was calculated into this seal step by step, but he knew nothing about the other party.

At this time, cooperation is his best choice. Now he guarantees that he will not be handed over to hell, so that he will have room to turn around later.

Therefore, Beelzebub did not provoke Daliang any more and happily threw his badge out.

"This is what a prisoner should look like..." Da Liang picked up the badge with a smile, and then said sternly to Nicole: "This seal is more fragile than we thought. We need to find ways to strengthen the seal, and don't let him be able to Just throw things out."

The letter for help that Ergus threw out of the evil prison was condensed by the power of the law, and it contained laws that even Ergus had to abide by.

And this badge was thrown out of the sealing ball by Beelzebub so lightly, which made Da Liang feel that the seal was as fragile as an egg shell.

The bright feeling was also noticed by Nicole. She replied: "I will move the seal to the energy core cabin of the Black Pearl and use the energy inside to strengthen the seal again. This should be able to cut off Beelzebub's connection with the outside world. , so that the sealing time can be longer."

The big point nodded, and then he thought of Julian's state, and said: "Let's do it this way first. But the evil energy of the Hell Lord King is very strong, and it is likely to affect the Black Pearl over time. After I go back, I I will find a way to add another layer of seal to him."

The sealed ball controlled by Nicole entered the cabin, and Da Liang began to check the badge Beelzebub gave him.

Beelzebub's Listening:

Intelligence +10%, knowledge +10%, detection magic effect increased by 20%, anti-invisibility within 20 meters around you.

[Since you have Ergos' Gaze, Misuka's Induction, and Beelzebub's Listening at the same time, the combined effect is triggered. 】

[Evil power: 3/7, the mixture of evil camp units in your army is not affected by morale penalties, and morale is not less than 0; the favorability of evil creatures is +1; the attack power against good camp creatures is increased by 5% (maximum 20%) 】

Not bad.

Da Liang finally realized instantly why Misuka took the initiative to hand over his badge. This was simply pushing him into the evil camp step by step.

When Da Liang only had two badges, the mixed forces of the evil camp were not subject to morale penalties. Now there is another "morale is not less than 0". This means that the more lord king badges he collects, the more constant morale he will have. high.

In addition, one additional attribute of the suit is added.

The army's attack power against good-aligned creatures has been increased by another 3%.

Daliang couldn't help but look forward to what it would look like after collecting all seven badges.

After playing with the evil power for a while, Da Liang put the badge away. Now that the Black Pearl is still in the forbidden area, it is better to concentrate on dealing with the crisis that may arise at any time.

Under the control of New Moon, the Black Pearl sailed out of the water forbidden spell and entered a meteorite area. The battleship dived underwater before being knocked over by rocks.

In this way, the Black Pearl alternately sneaked and flew into the Island of Despair, then accelerated through the wash of fire and rain, and reached the core of the Island of Despair.

In this circular area with a radius of only a few hundred meters, all forbidden spells are isolated from the outside.

The center of the Island of Despair is a small mountain, and an inconspicuous cave is just below the mountain. From the outside, it was dark inside and seemed to be a passage leading underground.

Da Liang asked Julian and Sophia to guard the Black Pearl outside. He, Prophet, Keith, and Nicole turned on the magic lamp and walked into the passage.

The passage spiraled downwards, and after walking for about a kilometer, an underground cave appeared in front of the four of them.

The entire cave is very spacious, the size of a stadium.

And the brilliance of the treasure illuminated the cave that should have been dark.

Gold coins covered the ground, no one knew how thick it was. All kinds of jewelry were scattered among them, like randomly discarded garbage.

The four people walked inside while on guard.

There are no guards or traps. It seems that these treasures already belong to them.

But thinking about the forbidden spells outside, it is estimated that in the eyes of the Poseidon, those are the best defenses. For those who can break through the forbidden spells and come in, no matter how many traps he sets here, it will be in vain.

Stepping on the rattling gold coins, the four of them walked to the middle of the cave.

A huge square pavilion is erected here, ten meters long, four meters wide and three meters thick. The material of the square pavilion is obsidian, with complex magic symbols engraved on it. Under the square pavilion, there is a circle of treasures neatly placed.

fountain of life

spiritual stone

There are all kinds of top-quality treasures that can’t even be named.

These wealth and treasures that can drive everyone crazy are placed in front of you in an unbelievable way.

However, the four of them did not touch the treasures here at will, but looked at the square pavilion surrounded by treasures.

If they guessed correctly, what was placed inside was the Doomsday Blade.

Nicole pointed to the magic runes on the square pavilion and said: "This is a large sealing circle, and it is also the source of the violent magic elements of Despair Island. The magic energy in the central area of ​​Despair Island is gathering here, and this is where There is no reason for being attacked by the Forbidden Spell, and at the same time, it is constantly destroying the stability of the magic elements outside, making the Forbidden Spell erupt more intensively."

The prophet said: "I don't know as much about alchemy as Nicole. But the things on the Square Pavilion are definitely not just to affect the stability of the magic elements outside. It seems to be creating life and replenishing energy for this life.

In order to resurrect my lover, I conducted a very in-depth study of life, and I was not wrong.

In addition to the Doomsday Blade, there is also a powerful magical creature guarding it. I suggest..."

Before the prophet could finish speaking, Ghis said: "Prophet, you have made a mistake."

The prophet was stunned for a moment, sighed and said, "Yes, I made a mistake. I apologize to you for my carelessness."

"Yet I should express my gratitude to you."

A red portal opened, and the temperature in the entire cave suddenly rose. With the sound of a bell, a big demon walked in.

His body is very tall, and his red muscles are as hard as steel. Anywhere he stood, the king's aura was fully displayed, the pressure was like a mountain pressing down from above, and fear was born, leaving no one with the slightest thought of resistance.

This is the former master of hell, the first lord of hell, the arrogant devil Satan.

The Doomsday Blade has the keyword magic he released. As long as someone says "Doomsday Blade" or "Satan" near the Doomsday Blade, Satan will immediately know and accurately locate it.

The prophet just said this keyword accidentally.

Doomsday Blade!

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