Start with an Archangel

Chapter 756 Let’s talk

None of the three people blamed the prophet. He had paid too much to resurrect his lover. Now that the fountain of life was right in front of him, he would inevitably lose sight of one thing when he was emotionally excited.

But what matters to Satan now is the most important thing.

But with just Beelzebub, they managed to subdue him with great effort. How could they deal with this first lord of hell?

Satan didn't pay too much attention to these ants in his eyes. His doomsday blade that had been lost for thousands of years was here. A "thief" stole it and sealed it inside.

Now is the time for the world to tremble before it again.

Satan walked to the front of the square coffin, and Daliang signaled the prophet, Keith, and Nicole to step back. Taking the initiative to conflict with Satan at this time is definitely seeking death...

Arriving in front of the square coffin, Satan opened his arms, shrouded in magical energy, and the magic runes on the square coffin suddenly lit up.

With the sound of "ka ka ka", some of the magic runes were extinguished, and the seals on the square coffin were lifted one by one. Powder fell from the edge of the square coffin, a crack appeared and slowly grew larger, red flames burst out from the crack, and a violent breath rushed out.

Then the stone lid of the square coffin moved to one side under the control of Satan, and the contents inside the coffin were completely revealed.

Inside is a fire elemental creature. He has a human body shape, and his body fills the huge square coffin. The red fire element solidified his body, and formed a layer of dark red full-body armor outside his body. On the fully enclosed armor, there was only a long slit for the eyes, and you could see the pair of blue-flaming eyes inside.

The fire elemental creature stood in the square coffin, his hands holding an upright fire sword in front of him.

Killing, degradation, violence...

All kinds of power radiated from the fire sword, as well as the power to destroy the world.

It is the Doomsday Blade!

But what makes Daliang strange is that even when Satan completely opened the square coffin and approached step by step. The fire elemental creature that was supposed to be created by Poseidon to protect the Doomsday Blade was motionless.

When Satan was about to grow in size and take away the Doomsday Blade, Daliang said at this moment: "King Satan, should we discuss... how should the treasures here be distributed?"

The Doomsday Blade was so close that Satan forgot that there were other people here. After Da Liang spoke, Satan finally remembered these ants that he had ignored.

Satan turned around, looked at the four people with disdain, thought for a moment, and said in an arrogant tone: "Beelzebub really doesn't make me feel at ease with what he does. You have come here, and he hasn't appeared yet. He is hiding his head and tail in doing things." Guys, you really can't trust me. If it weren't for the magic I planted on the Doomsday Blade, you would have probably taken it away.

But...I still want to thank you for your stupidity.

Since you know that I am the master of hell, I will give you the unique gift of thanks from hell.

Letting your souls become my strength is the greatest gift I can give you. "

After that, Satan was about to kill the four people, but when he saw what Da Liang took out, he immediately stopped. And he said warily: "Are you from Yunzhong City?"

When Daliang met Holy Bella for the first time, Holy Bella gave Daliang two things.

One is a letter of help from Ergos, and the power of the law on it can allow Da Liang to subdue Ergos; the other is a space magic scroll. When Da Liang restrains Ergos, as long as this scroll is used, the city in the clouds will immediately open to the enemy. Through the portal, the angel Ergos was sent to seal and capture.

But Ergos can really be hidden. Da Liang has never seen Ergos directly, so this space magic scroll has never been used.

Encountering Satan this time, Daliang immediately found the scroll and held it in his hand.

As an old rival of Yunzhong City, Satan could easily identify what this scroll was. As long as this scroll is opened, Yunzhong City, which has the ability to teleport across all planes, will send angels here. If the angels see that they are here, the supreme angels will also arrive in an instant.

Obtaining the Doomsday Blade does not mean that Satan can instantly regain his strength, and Beelzebub does not know what he is doing. The other three hell lord kings are also scattered everywhere. Now Satan is a loner.

Even in his heyday, Satan could compete with the supreme angel Michael. If Michael brought other supreme angels over again, Satan would only be caught again.

Satan put away his arrogance and took a step back towards the square coffin, ready to get the Doomsday Blade to cut through the space and escape at any time.

Da Liang shook the positioning magic scroll in his hand and said to Satan with a smile: "Whether I am from Yunzhong City depends on King Satan's attitude. Your current attitude is very good. I don't plan to use this scroll for the time being, so I I also hope you can maintain the current situation.

Now we can discuss how to divide this treasure, right? "

Satan also saw through Daliang's thoughts, and he also smiled and said: "You should also be afraid that the treasure here will be obtained by Yunzhong City, right?

Since you want to talk, let’s talk…

I need the wealth here, it will allow me to do many things.

Therefore everything here is mine!

However...since you have the capital to negotiate with me, I will make an exception and allow each of you to take one of these treasures.

Four treasures plus allowing you to leave safely is already a very generous act on my part. "

Four treasures, enough for the treasure hunting team to get what they want. Facing Satan, being able to gain so much and escape unscathed was beyond the expectations of Prophet, Geese and Nicole.

But Daliang was not satisfied with this small gain. The other party had already made an offer. Since he had something that made Satan afraid, there was no reason not to make a counter-offer.

Daliang said: "King Satan, your division is so unfair...

I think the treasures here should be shared by everyone who sees them. If you are so greedy and want to take them all, I can't talk to you.

It's better that I just recruit the angels from Yunzhong City.

When the time comes, I have succeeded in catching the Satan King, and the reward given to me by Yunzhong City should not be as stingy as yours, right?

I think the treasure should be divided per head...

The Doomsday Blade was originally yours, we didn't dare to take it, you took it away. There are five people here, and the treasure will be divided into five parts..."

At this time, Xinyue came out and stood beside Daliang, saying: "There are six people here, and the treasure is divided into six parts. I died once for this treasure, but I can't die in vain..."

Daliang Dian nodded: "Yes, six people should be divided into six parts. This is the fairest. King Satan, you should have no objection, right?"

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