Start with an Archangel

Chapter 757 Hellboy

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Originally, taking back the Doomsday Blade and obtaining the treasure would be a double blessing for Satan. Now this arrogant human took out a scroll of Cloud City and dared to say that the treasure should be divided into five parts.

This is not over yet...

What is this thing that suddenly popped up? A soul that relies on props to exist also wants a share.

Six servings!

You dare to think too!

Even if a tiger falls in peace and is bullied by a dog, you can't be bullied like this, right?

Satan sneered: "Don't try to provoke me. To divide it as you said is an insult to me. None of you are qualified to share the treasure equally with me. If you continue to insist on such distribution, I would rather give up this treasure. Then……

You have to hope that Yunzhong City can catch me, otherwise I will hunt you down. can come up with a distribution plan that I can accept, and I must feel your respect for me. "

Since Satan appeared, Daliang never thought of taking away too many treasures. What he just said about dividing the treasure into six parts was just a response to Satan's little charity, letting him know that he was not a guy who would run away if he scared him, but a negotiating opponent who was qualified to bargain with him.

Nowadays, everyone is taking precautions. No one wants this treasure to benefit Yunzhong City in the end, so a reasonable distribution plan is needed.

Since Satan asked Daliang to tell him how to distribute the treasure, Daliang did not refuse and said directly: "The treasures will be as you said, King Satan. We can choose any four except the Doomsday Blade. But the gold coins... we want half.

There were four of us... no, five of us, and we got half the gold. And you only have the other half of the gold coins and most of the treasures.

King Satan should be able to feel our respect for you, right? "

How many gold coins are there? It depends on how thick the gold is here. But what is certain is that there are really a lot of gold coins, enough for Satan to recruit a powerful army and launch a war to retake hell.

If half of the gold coins here are divided, the army recruited will be greatly reduced.

Satan can see what the current Yunzhong City wants to do. Faced with the aggressiveness of the angels, the reconciliation between the Hell Lord King and Lucifer and jointly fighting against Yunzhong City is undoubtedly the best solution.

But this is impossible.

Satan does not allow anyone else to sit on his throne. He can forgive the fallen angels, but he will never forgive Lucifer. He must catch Lucifer and let him know what it is like to be imprisoned for ten thousand years.

There is no possibility of reconciliation between Satan and Lucifer. He must end the war in hell as quickly as possible, regain the dominance of hell, and then organize a war between the evil camp and the good camp.

Fewer troops mean that the war will last longer or even fail.

Therefore, Satan must take most of the gold coins here. While treasures can enhance the strength of the army, he does not want to exchange treasures for a larger share of gold coins.

"Too little..."

Just when Satan wanted to get more gold coins for himself, Daliang said at this time: "King Satan can listen to my thoughts and then decide whether to accept my proposal."

"Just tell me..."

Daliang said: "After King Satan gets back the Doomsday Blade, he should launch a war to retake Hell. This treasure will undoubtedly be a considerable military expenditure for you. With this money, the war will be easier, and even this treasure It can also support your war with Cloud City.


I want to use half of our military spending as an investment in King Satan’s future..."


Satan felt that he couldn't keep up with this human's thinking. He asked: "What are you thinking about? Now Yunzhong City and Lucifer are arresting me. They are much stronger than me. What do you think? I’m not even a good investment candidate?”

Daliang smiled and said: "There are definitely risks. But if I use this money to invest in Yunzhong City or Lucifer, it is just icing on the cake. The benefits I can get in exchange are really too few, and the gains may even outweigh the losses. But you are different... ...You need this money urgently now. With half the gold coins, your chances of regaining hell will increase several times.

As your first and most important supporter, I think I can get some privileges and conveniences in the hell you rule. "

Satan understood what Daliang meant. He wanted to use the money to buy a future for himself. If the hell lord kings return to take charge of hell, then as their important military sponsors, there is nothing wrong with gaining convenience or even having a special status in hell.

But Satan can feel that this human being is a very difficult character. He has bypassed the negotiations on the distribution of the treasure and talks about the future with himself according to his distribution method, which is full of temptations.

With just a promise for the future, he can take away almost all the treasures. And privileges and status are just trivial things for him who can regain control of hell. Hell's strength is respected, and no demon dares to disobey Satan.

At this time, Satan really hoped that Beelzebub could be by his side to help him make suggestions. This kind of battle of wits was not what he was good at. He was used to being crushed by strength, but now he couldn't crush him.

What on earth is Beelzebub doing?

It’s okay for Michuka to be here!

At the critical moment, no one can be relied on.

Satan can only rely on himself: "You still can't convince me. I can't believe that a human holding a magic scroll to locate Yunzhong City will fund the number one enemy of Yunzhong City."

Da Liang took out Ergos' gaze again and threw it in his hand: "Yunzhong City's positioning magic scroll is nothing, Ergos and I are also very familiar.

It was this badge that allowed me to see that the Hell Lords and Kings still have a strong influence in Hell. Those veteran demons are looking forward to the lord kings returning to rule hell. When you use the Doomsday Blade to sow judgment, you can summon an army of demons.

If you add enough financial support, outsiders such as fallen angels will not be your opponents...

I am very optimistic that you, King Satan, can retake Hell's Furnace City.

I am also willing to bet on you and buy myself a bright future. "

Satan really didn't expect that this human being could even look at Ergos, which showed that his identity was not biased towards Cloud City. If it was just for his own ambition, this human being was willing to invest so many gold coins in a down-and-out hell lord king. This magnanimity made Satan admire him very much.

"Hahahaha..." Satan laughed: "If I hadn't confirmed that you are a human being, I would have thought that the person standing in front of me was a demon. I appreciate that you are qualified to let me remember your name.

what's your name?

My investor…the baron of King Satan”

Daliang gave a standard noble salute to Satan and said: "Hellboy Daliang pays homage to my king."

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