Start with an Archangel

Chapter 758 Fire element life form

Although there is a title system in hell, the title system in hell is very different from the aristocratic system of humans to maintain their own rule.

In the human aristocratic system, weak high-level nobles can lead powerful low-level nobles. In the chaotic hell, it is extremely rare for the weak to lead the strong.

Only the lord king of hell can ennoble the title of hell, and the lord king of hell rarely needs his nobles to do anything for him. Their strength is the source of maintaining his rule. He believes in his own strength rather than his subordinates. Having the title of Hell Lord means that you can do anything in hell in the name of the Hell Lord King. No matter what trouble you make, as long as it has nothing to do with the direct interests of the Hell Lord King, they will usually wipe your ass.

In the eyes of the Hell Lord King, there is no right or wrong between good and evil. Anyone who has trouble with his subordinate nobles will have trouble with him.

Yes, the title of Hell is a real perk. You can carry this title and run rampant in Hell. If the Hell Lord King does not ask you to do so, you do not need to fulfill any obligations, and the Hell Lord King will rarely ask for help from people who are weaker than yourself.

It is precisely because the benefits of titles in hell are so good that the lords and kings of hell will not grant titles easily.

Duke Bozi male.

Hellboy is naturally the lowest in the title system, but this is the baron conferred by King Satan, and he is the only noble directly under Satan now. His former subordinate nobles have long been cleared away by Lucifer.

Therefore, for Da Liang, the title of Hellboy is really an unexpected gain, and its future is definitely more valuable than the donated gold coins. And if you really discuss how to distribute the gold coins with Satan, you may not be able to get much. Even if you get the gold coins with the location magic scroll, you still have to worry about being attacked and retaliated by Satan.


Although the Poseidon Treasure was distributed according to the plan mentioned by Daliang, in fact, Satan's harvest was based on the distribution plan he originally proposed.

Everyone is happy and all hostility is gone.

It's time to get the treasure.

This distribution plan for Prophet, Geese, and Nicole is meaningless. They just barely escaped from death.

The prophet got the fountain of life he dreamed of. A whole pot of life essence was enough for him to resurrect his lover.

Nicole got the Spirit Stone, a treasure that exudes colorful brilliance, which allows her to completely elementalize her body and turn it into a body of thunder.

When Giss was thinking about what treasure he should take, Satan, who was in a good mood, said, "I find that there seems to be some problem with your soul."

Demons are experts at playing with souls. Seeing that Satan could see the problem that had been troubling him at a glance, Geese told him what he had experienced and asked, "Does King Satan have a way to solve my current situation?"

Instead, Satan asked, "How long have you been without sleep?"

Geese said: "Probably... I can't remember clearly. Sleeping is not something that the undead must do. For me, I prefer to spend the rest time of other races on thinking and learning."

Satan smiled and said: "No, no, no, any creature needs to rest, even the undead...the spirit cannot be squeezed infinitely, especially when you are trapped in a certain kind of thinking that makes your spirit excited, you need to rest even more.

If you continue to think about something that is bothering you, it will only make your situation worse. I suggest you take some time off. This water spirit ball can help you recover as quickly as possible. After a few years of sleep, you will be able to get rid of your current state. "

Satan waved his hand, and a water spirit ball floated in Geese's hand. The water spirit ball has the effect of enhancing water magic, and most of water magic is healing and buffing, which can speed up the recovery speed and effect.

Giese finally knew what was going on in his mind, and happily took the water spirit ball and put it away.

Then it was Daliang's turn to choose the treasure.

But before Satan could ask, Da Liang pointed at the fire element life form in the square coffin and asked: "King Satan, this fire element life form troubles me very much now. If he is left by the Emperor of the Sea to protect the Doomsday Blade, why? Are there no signs of attacking us now?”

Satan glanced at the fire elemental life form, and then said casually: "We didn't touch the Doomsday Blade, so we didn't trigger and activate his magic. Hurry up and pick your treasures, and then leave here. I want to do something with the treasures here. inventory."

Daliang pointed at the fire element life form and smiled: "I want him."

Satan was stunned for a moment, then he also smiled and said: "You are indeed a special human being. Maybe accepting your investment is a very right choice for me. Tell me the reason why you chose this fire element life form. If you are not just guessing randomly, If so, I can help you truly own him."

"King Satan said that since we didn't touch the Doomsday Blade, we didn't trigger his activation magic. It seems to be true, but he just stood there like this, didn't he give us time to study him and eliminate him? Poseidon will not let one go The defenseless guard protects the Doomsday Blade. When we open the square coffin, it is the best and last time for him to protect the Doomsday Blade.

The fact that he is not moving now means that his duty is not to protect the Doomsday Blade, but for other reasons.

Before going treasure hunting, we studied some of the secrets of the Poseidon.

Poseidon's power came too suddenly, and his personality changed very quickly. When I saw the Doomsday Blade, I thought he must have obtained the Doomsday Blade. His power came from this artifact, and his personality was also affected by it.

He does not have the ability to control the Doomsday Blade...

If I were the King of the Sea and I got the Doomsday Blade but couldn't control it, what would I do?

Of course, create a body that can control him!

The magic incantations of this square coffin include spells to create life, and spells to guide magic elements to replenish this life.

The fire element life form inside is the life created by Poseidon for the Doomsday Blade. He put this life form together with the Doomsday Blade, not to protect it, but to let the Doomsday Blade perfect the body.

When this body is completed, Poseidon puts his soul in it, and then he will truly possess the Doomsday Blade.

King Satan, am I right? "

Bang bang bang...

Satan applauded Daliang's reasoning: "It's very exciting. If I see Beelzebub, I will definitely introduce you to him.

That's right, this body has no soul, and the purpose of its creation is to control the Doomsday Blade. And now...

It's done!

I didn't want this body to fall into the hands of others, but since I promised you, I will abide by our agreement.

Let you truly own it. "

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