Start with an Archangel

Chapter 768 Traitor

Sophistry, this is definitely sophistry.

Da Liang put down his big hat, and Will, the leader of the Knights of the Holy See, was by his side. Speaker Yalgu could never admit that he had wavered in his faith in Wushou.

Speaker Yalgu said: "I am the most devout believer in the Immaculate Faith. There is no doubt about this. But more and more priests are being tempted by the ultimate faith, which is a fact that cannot be ignored. Today I personally dealt with a Very promising high priests, heretical ideas are spreading from low to high priests.

The harm of heresy is definitely not as easy as the Eviscerating Pope said.

At the same time, what makes me wonder is that there are priests with heretical beliefs in the thirteen churches in the entire City of Sighs, but not one of them has been found in your church in the Mist District.

How does the Eviscerating Pope explain this? "

After being in the hands of Speaker Yalgu, there was sporadic information, showing that the source of ultimate faith is in the foggy area. This time Speaker Argu came to see the Sad Lord to apply for a thorough investigation of heresy. In fact, he wanted to get permission to search the Mist Area.

In terms of ultimate belief, Daliang’s backer is the Sad Lord. Naturally, he is not afraid of Speaker Yargu’s pressing. He replied with a smile: “There is no heresy found in the Lord’s cathedral. Are you prepared to let the Lord explain to you, Lord Speaker?” What? No heretics were found in the churches and cathedrals in the Mist District, which only shows that our priests are more pious.

Speaker Yalgu, I still say the same thing.

When something like this happens, you should first reflect on yourself. ‘Flies don’t bite seamless eggs’, no matter where the ultimate belief comes from, if the faith of the Unsullied Priests is strong enough, it will not be affected by it. And if you are affected by it, you will only be a little bit behind in your belief in the God of Death.

Don't let such things disturb the monarch. If the monarch discovers that you have seriously neglected your duties in spreading the Immaculate Faith, the only result will be the monarch's anger and the purge of your church.

What Sigh City needs at this time is stability and unity. "

After that, Daliang ignored Speaker Yargu and turned to Will: "I have long heard that Captain Will has a hobby of collecting trophies. I wonder if the Captain has time today to take me to visit your collection. .”

Of course, Will could tell that Da Liang was looking for an excuse to take him away. He really couldn't handle it so easily when facing Speaker Yalgu, so he immediately replied: "I am very willing to take the Eviscerating Pope to visit my collection room.

Mr. Speaker, as Pope Eviscerate said, the things the monarch is thinking about now are related to the future of the City of Sighs, the Kingdom of Death, and even the entire evil camp. You can just deal with the few heretics on your own. There is no need to disturb the monarch with such trivial matters. "

After that, Will took Daliang and left the hall.

Speaker Yalgu stood alone in the main hall. The hall was eerie and terrifying with green ghost fires on both sides. The tall statue of the God of Death stood on the altar and looked down at everything.

In the past, the Sorrowful King often summoned the bishops here to recite the Immaculate Faith in praise of Death. But such gatherings have disappeared. As the speaker of the Immaculate Holy See Council, he cannot even see the Sad Lord.

All this happened after that human began to manage the Mist Zone.

Look at what the foggy area looks like now... The chaos disturbs the slumber of the undead, making the originally peaceful cemetery city look like a busy city.

A city of the undead should look like a city of the undead.

But the Sad Lord seemed to have been confused by the rhetoric of this human pope, dazzled by the gold coins he brought, and listened to his words, thus ignoring his secret tricks.


One of his human beings, he must be a spy sent by Yunzhong City.

In order to dismantle the Kingdom of Death from within, Cloud City lured some undead souls to abandon the God of Death, and the Wizards Guild has now become a serious problem for the Unsullied Holy See.

This time the Wizards Guild within the jurisdiction of City of Sighs was wiped out, and those angels began to preach some ultimate belief within the Unsullied Holy See...

It's all a scam!

We must wake up the monarch immediately, otherwise we will be unable to resist when the angels fly over the City of Sighs.

Speaker Yargu wanted to see the Sad Lord, but all the priests and knights in the hall were dismissed by Will. Speaker Yargu found that his voice could not reach the ears of the Sad Lord.

The influence that the Eviscerating Pope showed over the cathedral at this time made Speaker Yalgu feel deeply frightened.

Cover the sky with one hand!

The Melancholy Monarch was cut off from Parliament.

Speaker Yalgu left the cathedral with heavy worries. After returning to the church in the shadow area where he ruled, he immediately summoned an adventurer lord who provided him with information to come to him.

Ever since Tokugawa Nobunaga single-handedly destroyed the plot of the Church in the Mist District, he has been looking for other breakthroughs to intervene in the ruling class of the City of Sighs.

The newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine is undoubtedly the best stepping stone in his hand.

However, he had no direct evidence to prove that the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine came from the Pope in the Mist Zone, and verbal testimony required establishing contact with a certain powerful NPC through tasks and reaching a certain level of trust.

It was impossible for players to establish contact with the Melancholy Lord during the cathedral mission, so Tokugawa Nobunaga retreated and chose to attack Bishop Yargu, the speaker of the Immaculate Holy See Council in the City of Sighs.

It is very difficult to reach the task level of being received by the bishop.

Tokugawa Nobunaga mobilized the power of the entire guild to help him complete the mission of the church in the Shadow Zone. In the end, he was qualified to meet with the External Affairs Pope of the Church in the Shadow Zone, and revealed to him the news that the source of the new Immaculate Doctrine was in the Mist Zone. .

Originally, this kind of nonsense and evidence-free news would not trigger any response from NPCs, but now the ultimate belief has begun to erupt in various cathedrals, and a large number of priests are beginning to waver under the influence of the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine.

This conversation successfully introduced Tokugawa Nobunaga into this plot mission.

After Speaker Argu came back from the cathedral, he immediately summoned the adventurer lord who provided him with information. Regardless of whether the ultimate faith came from the Mist Zone, it is a fact that the Pope of the Mist Zone Church is bewitching the sad monarch.

We must take the opportunity to eradicate the Pope in the Mist Zone and eliminate the traitors around the monarch.

In the church hall of the Shadow Zone, Speaker Argu recited the Immaculate Doctrine to the statue of the God of Death, hoping to get guidance for the future from the God of Death.

Tokugawa Nobunaga walked into the main hall under the guidance of a priest.

A bishop, this is a bishop, whose status is very different from that of the pope; the speaker and the parliamentarians are also not the same.

Tokugawa Nobunaga suddenly realized how lucky he was to interrupt the plot mission in the Mist Zone. Now he didn't need anyone to talk directly to the speaker of the Immaculate Holy See Council in the City of Sighs. This was the number two figure in the City of Sighs, the Mist District Church. Zong is not even worthy of carrying this man's shoes.

Today I will take the first step to rise and take off, and the future is already in my hands.

"The Lord of the Rising Sun Territory, Tokugawa Nobunaga, pays homage to the Bishop."

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