Start with an Archangel

Chapter 769 Golden Armor

Da Liang didn't know that Tokugawa Nobunaga had already hooked up with Speaker Argu. He was following Will to visit his collection room, thinking about how to get the remaining angel equipment.

To solve the problems faced by Julian, the prophet has given a feasible plan.

Now that they have obtained the fountain of life, the plan to separate Julian and Juliet has finally taken the first step. Then... what is hopefully accomplished is to collect the six pieces of angel equipment, and use the method that Quentin left inside to open the passage to the barrier of the God Plane. You should be able to find the tools to resist the extremely evil energy in the place closest to the God Plane. Divine power.

As for the remaining artifacts that promote Julian to the Holy Angel and balance the power, we can only take one step at a time.

Let’s get the angel equipment first.

Among the six pieces of angel equipment, one of them, the Oracle Crown, has been obtained by Da Liang, and the other, the Prophet Sword, is worn by Will. I wonder if the other four pieces of angel equipment are all in Will's collection room.

With expectations, Da Liang followed Will into the Holy See Knights' residence, and saw Will's collection in a secret room.

Will is a veteran hero who has existed for a long time. As a confidant of the Sad Lord and in charge of the Knights of the Holy See, Will may not be good at fighting for power, but there is no doubt about his personal strength. As a level 15 terrifying knight hero, Jonathan has no confidence in defeating Will, which shows how high Will's strength has reached.

Even if he is weak compared to Holy Bella who has not advanced, he is not much weaker.

Therefore, "grabbing" can only be used as a last resort.

Will's collection room is located underground and is naturally very heavily guarded. Not only is this place located deep inside the residence of the Knights of the Immaculate Curia, there are also vampire heroes and ghost heroes who transform into bats hiding everywhere. Coupled with the certain magical isolation, it is really difficult to sneak in.

Will didn't know what Daliang was thinking. Daliang had just helped him get through the dilemma, which made him very grateful. He was not wary of Daliang's request to visit his collection room.

The door to the collection room opened, and the dazzling array of weapons and equipment inside immediately caught Da Liang's eye.

There is so much here.

Following the gate is an extended corridor, and on both sides of the passage are dug-out display rooms. Each display room is about two meters deep, with very flat walls and magic lamps illuminating the trophies Will has acquired in every major battle.

Depending on the source and rarity of these weapons and equipment, four or five pieces may occupy one room, or two or three may occupy one room. Some precious items may occupy one room directly.

Will led Daliang slowly along the corridor, and explained to Daliang which battle each trophy came from, and the hero who used him. These represent Will's achievements, and Will is also caught up in the memories of those battles when he recounts them. His words are full of pride and confidence in his own force.

While Daliang was listening to Will's story, he also paid careful attention to what he was looking for.

Magic armor, holy boots, angel necklace, lion shield.

The good news is that all the remaining Angel equipment is here; the bad news is that the remaining Angel equipment is here.

How can these things be stolen from this tightly protected collection room?

Moreover, Will did not realize the value contained in these equipments. These four pieces of equipment were scattered in the four display rooms together with other equipment, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty of stealing them.

Da Liang stopped outside the display room where the magical armor was placed.

The magical armor was made of gold and was extremely gorgeous, but it didn't seem to be valued by Will. It was placed together with four other equally shining helmets, gauntlets, leg armor, and combat boots to form a set of armor.

The Angel Six equipment that Da Liang was looking for was not a set originally. They were just six parts among the many equipments that supported the Wizards Guild in Yunzhong City, and they happened to be selected by Quentin to make related props.

Therefore, these six pieces of angel equipment are also very different in appearance, style and properties. If they do not know the secrets inside in advance, it will be difficult for outsiders to connect these six pieces of angel equipment.

It seems that the attributes of the magical armor are not worthy of Will's attention. They are crowded in a display room with other equipment, while another angel equipment - the Lion King Shield is placed alone. It can be seen that they are in Will's eyes. the value of.

Da Liang first chose the magical armor to test Will's tone.

He admired this set of shining golden armor and said: "What did I see? This is an armor made of pure gold. It's so beautiful! Captain Will, I have always wanted to build myself a pure gold armor to show off my rich.

But I am a spellcaster, so I don’t know if this heavy golden armor will affect my actions. But after seeing this set of gold armor, I decided to make a set. Even if I can't wear it, it is a pleasure to put it in the room and admire it. "

The most direct way for the undead to show off their wealth is to wear it on their bodies. Daliang's idea of ​​making golden armor is very in line with the aesthetics of the undead.

As Daliang had judged, the properties of this set of golden armor were not favored by Will. Therefore, when he saw Daliang showing great liking for this set of golden armor, he said: "The Pope really likes this set of armor." You can try on the golden armor. If this armor does not affect your actions, I will give it to you."

"Really? It's not good..."

Although Daliang spoke modestly, his hands had already begun to put the golden armor on himself.

Soon the entire set of gold armor was put on by Daliang.

Under the illumination of the magic lamp, the golden light shines brightly, like a golden saint.

But Da Liang only felt sinking.

The mage's body is indeed not suitable for wearing this kind of metal full-body armor, especially since gold has a greater specific gravity than other metals.

But Da Liang will never take it off again.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Daliang, who was wearing golden armor, slowly took heavy steps, traveling at a speed comparable to that of a walking corpse. But Da Liang knew magic, and an "attack acceleration" was released on himself, finally making his speed a little faster.

The magical armor is finally obtained.

As Da Liang walked out wearing golden armor, he said to Will: "When we were talking to Speaker Yalgu just now, we can see that the ultimate belief has developed to the extent that the old religion feels threatened.

And he seems to have realized that the ultimate belief is related to me and the foggy area.

Although the monarch has stated that he will convene a parliament in the near future to determine the spread of Protestantism in the City of Sighs, we must also prevent the parliament from taking some drastic actions during this period.

With the power of the Mist Zone alone, I cannot stop the council's attack. And the monarch will not show his support for Protestantism until things are clear. I need the help of the Knights of the Holy See.

We must strike first so that our Protestants will no longer be persecuted. Every additional Protestant believer we have will have more power to fight back against the old religion. "

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