Start with an Archangel

Chapter 770 Faction Confrontation Mission

The Sorrowful Monarch has decided to convene a meeting of all members of the City of Sighs in the near future, in an attempt to overthrow the old religion and establish a new religion from the City of Sighs, so that the ultimate faith can be openly spread and pave the way for research into becoming a god.

However, the Melancholy Monarch would not publicly declare his support for Protestantism until the matter became clear. Therefore, at the meeting of all members, Daliang had to face the forces of the old religion alone. If Da Liang just lets the situation develop on its own, when the parliament is convened, he will only be crushed by the huge old religious forces until not even a dreg is left.

Therefore, the period before the plenary meeting was held was the time for Daliang to strengthen his own strength and increase the power of the Protestant Church.

On the issue of ultimate faith, the Knights of the Holy See are undoubtedly a very important ally, and Will naturally supports Protestantism. However, precisely because of Will's identity, he cannot reveal his changes in beliefs prematurely.

In short, what is in front of Daliang is a blank blueprint, with all the resources and connections aside. How to draw and what the final result will look like depends on Daliang's own ability.

The difficulty is a bit beyond the standard!

Now the ultimate belief is spreading rapidly, and even Speaker Yalgu can't sit still. This means that the old religion will soon counterattack, and the target must be the foggy area.

It is not Daliang's principle to act passively and defend when soldiers come to block water and soil. Only by taking proactive actions and disrupting the opponent's rhythm can you increase your room for maneuver.

When Daliang successfully obtained a piece of angel equipment, he immediately brought the topic to ultimate faith and asked Will for help.

Will and Daliang are comrades in the same camp, and they will definitely help if they can on the issue of the establishment of the Protestant religion.

"What is the Pope's plan? As long as it does not affect the monarch's position, the Holy See Knights can fully cooperate with the Pope's actions."

Full of harvest, Da Liang left the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs in shining glory under the escort of a team of Holy See Knights sent by Will.

This time Will will come forward and take full action against the other 12 churches in the City of Sighs from the moral high ground, ensuring a serious blow to the old religion, while Da Liang will stand behind the scenes and watch with cold eyes, gathering strength to find loopholes in his opponents. .

Da Liang was sitting in the carriage, and outside was the Church Knights of the Mist District led by Jonathan. The central city where the cathedral was located was a scene of preparations for war.

The undead underground were dug out and recruited into the army, and workshops everywhere were working day and night to manufacture war supplies. Groups of undead legions were armed and then driven into dug graves for storage.

Although the City of Sighs has not yet participated in the war, the war is getting closer.

After entering the foggy area, the escorting Holy See knights returned. Being suppressed and unable to move, Da Liang took off all his golden armor. Just when he was about to check the attributes of the magical armor, a system prompt suddenly appeared in his status bar.

[The camp confrontation conditions are met, and the camp battle begins...]

Location: Mist Area of ​​Lament City in the Kingdom of Death

against teams

Good camp (offensive side): 6 people from the World of Heroes and Sanctuary; 5 people from Dreamland and Orion.

Evil camp (defender): Kingdom of Death, Shadow of Death 1 person.

Confrontation range: The foggy area of ​​Lament City in the Kingdom of Death.

Task description: If all members of one party withdraw from the battlefield or are completely wiped out, the confrontation ends.

Mission reward: If one person from the enemy camp dies, all participants in the camp will share 500 camp contribution rewards equally. Those participating in the battle who directly kill members of the enemy camp will receive an additional 200 camp contribution rewards.

Mission penalty: Death will reduce camp contribution by 500 points, and you will be expelled from the battlefield. You will not be allowed to enter the battlefield until the camp confrontation ends. If the personal camp contribution is insufficient, the character level will be reduced by one.

Task skill: Positioning (Each person can be positioned three times a day, and the time interval between two positionings is no less than two hours.)

Mission restrictions: During the confrontation, non-combatants are not allowed to enter the battlefield directly. Participants can consume camp contribution points to invite their own personnel to participate in the battle.

Mission duration: three days. The mission could not be completed within three days, and all participants failed.

After reading the mission, Daliang immediately left the carriage and asked Jonathan to lead the team back to the church in the foggy area. He put on a very ordinary blouse, covered his appearance and hid in an alley vigilantly.

Camp confrontation!

Why did we encounter camp confrontation at this time?

In the Hero World game, each base camp plane has a camp confrontation team composed of top players.

These camp confrontation teams can usually take on camp missions to earn camp contribution points, and the camp contribution points can be exchanged for various props, skills and units that are temporarily out of reach of ordinary players. Among them, the one that can quickly earn a large number of camp contribution points is the direct collision between evil and good player camps against organizations.

The triggering conditions for camp confrontation are: first, the evil and good camp players are within a certain range at the same time; second, the total number of evil and good camp players exceeds ten; third, the evil and good camp players are performing camp tasks, and The number of tasks is greater than 2.

Now the front confrontation is triggered, and obviously all three trigger conditions are met.

Daliang hid in a tavern. There were many people here. Even if the other party positioned himself and rushed in, it would not be easy to distinguish himself from so many people.

Calmly ordering a glass of beer for himself, Da Liang looked through the task prompts again.

The Temple is a player versus player team organized by Cloud City in the World of Heroes, and Orion is a player versus player team in the Dreamland.

The names of all combatants are listed for easy location.

Of course the names are all code names.

On the evil camp's only list of participants, there is only a single number zero listed in the defensive position.

1 versus 11.

Daliang felt that this mission was really confusing, especially since Orion came from the dreamland, and he didn't know if Shi Fei was among the five players.

However, fortunately, the confrontation mission was triggered in the foggy area, and there were still fights. Otherwise, Da Liang would not have much confidence in competing against the top 11 players in the game elsewhere.

The delay in being located made Daliang feel the caution of the enemy camp. Such enemies were more difficult to deal with than those who rushed over recklessly. If the dominant side is not eager to attack and allows the disadvantaged side to continue suffering in a sense of crisis, it is a very powerful psychological warfare.

Da Liang finished the glass of wine in front of him, and when the waiter was refilling his glass, he slightly raised his hood and whispered, "Let Polly come see me."

The waiter was a resident of the Mist District, so he naturally recognized Daliang. He filled Daliang's glass of wine quietly and then walked backstage.

While waiting for Polly, No. 2 of Death Shadow sent a message: "A member of Death Shadow just triggered a camp confrontation mission. I asked other members and they were not on the battlefield. I think the person who triggered the confrontation was you No. 0. ”

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