Start with an Archangel

Chapter 771 Orion

Number 2 of Shadow of Death is Sergey who had many contacts with Da Liang and drew Da Liang into the organization.

Faction confrontation not only represents the gains and losses of a large number of camp contribution points, but is also a direct manifestation of the team strength of each camp. The victory or defeat also affects the evaluation of one's own base camp. Therefore, each camp team attaches great importance to the triggered camp confrontation and tries its best to support and strive to win.

It’s just that the camp confrontation triggered this time is a bit special.

Camp confrontations usually involve teams from hostile planes fighting against each other, one team versus one team. In this camp confrontation, two good camp confrontation teams appeared. The Realm of Dreams and the Realm of Death are hostile planes, and it is normal for Orion to appear in the confrontation. The Holy Church belongs to the forces in the World of Heroes, and their enemy should be Hell. As a result, because Yunzhong City intervened in the civil war in the Kingdom of Death, the Holy Church also participated.

But it is indeed a coincidence that the Temple and Orion appear in the same city at the same time.

As for the defender, there is only one Shadow of Death.

It stands to reason that when performing camp tasks, in order to avoid encountering camp confrontations, the camp confrontation team rarely acts alone, but the evil camp only has one player.

1 vs. 11, the difference in strength is really too great.

After Sergei determined that the person involved in the confrontation between the camps was Zero, he immediately contacted him.

Daliang replied: "Yes, I was involved in a plane confrontation in the foggy area of ​​Sighing City. I have never fought such a confrontation before, and I don't have a clue yet!"

Sergey immediately replied: "Faction confrontation is the positioning, tracking and counter-tracking of the attacking and defending players. When you locate an enemy, the opponent will also receive a prompt and can set up traps or relocate on the spot.

If the battlefield is in the wild, you may be able to fight the opponent with your own army and heroes. Now that you are in the city, private soldiers cannot enter, and the terrain is complicated. If you are not careful, you will be controlled by them.

And now that the City of Sighs has closed the teleportation to Tongyong Night City, it will take about a day for us to fly there. The important thing is that you have not done any camp missions and have not accumulated camp contribution points, so we would not be able to enter the battlefield even in the past.

There is probably a flying sand and stone in Orion. His archery skills have reached an advanced level and he cooperates with "sniping". Normal spellcasting professions can't see him and are instantly killed by him.

Therefore, I suggest you give up this confrontation and evacuate the battlefield. This will only reduce one level. If you are killed, you will lose two levels. "

Daliang looked at his camp's contribution points. Yes, it was zero. If you are killed, you will lose one level. If you don't have camp contribution points to pay the penalty, you will lose another level.

It seems that I still made money by giving up...

But the foggy area is my territory. Seeing that the faith revolution is about to break out, I can't go anywhere at this time! After the camp confrontation ends, you need to wait for a week before the camp confrontation can be triggered again in the same area. If the two teams don't leave after a week, won't they have to fight again?

Give up again and earn level one?

That's not how the account is calculated.

No, the good camp confrontation team will definitely be up to no good in the City of Sighs, and they must be sent away as soon as possible.

"Sir, why are you here?"

At this time, Polly had already rushed over. When he saw Daliang's attire, he knew something was going on, so he looked around cautiously, and then sat down next to Daliang.

Daliang said to Sergey through the Shadow of Death channel: "You don't need to come to support me. I have my own plan for this matter."

After that, Da Liang closed the communication with Sergei, and then said to Polly: "Use your eyes in the foggy area to help me find two groups of adventurers, one is human and the other is elves. They are tracking me, If I was located, they should be easily identifiable on their way up.

Remember not to act rashly after finding them. There is probably a holy angel following the human adventurers. "

Hearing the Holy Angel, Polly was a little nervous, but he was kicked by Holy Bella. However, it is still possible to not move the Holy Angel and just monitor him.

Polly replied: "Yes, sir. I will immediately arrange for people to follow you nearby. As long as these two groups of people appear, I guarantee that I can dig them out no matter where they are hiding in the foggy area."

The big spot nodded, and Polly immediately stood up and left.

In the City of Sighs, only the Mist District is a mixed-race urban area. The prosperous business here is also the first choice for players to stay in the City of Sighs.

Shi Fei, who came to the City of Sighs, also chose the foggy area as his destination.

What Shi Fei didn't expect was that the camp confrontation mission had just been triggered when he led the team to the foggy area.

Orion is a camp confrontation team formed by Shi Fei after accepting the camp confrontation mission issued by the Elf King of Bauhinia City. The members are of course top elves players carefully selected by Shi Fei.

This time to explore the secrets of the City of Sighs, he took four Orion hunters and took over a camp confrontation mission. As a result, before the mission even started, a prompt was issued for the camp confrontation.

After seeing the opposing camps, Shi Fei felt no pressure.

There are six Templar Knights from the Templar as allies, 5 Hunters from the team, and the opponent is an Apostle of the Shadow of Death.

11 vs. 1, the advantage is too obvious.

If the other party knew what was going on, they should leave the foggy area early and abandon the mission.

Shi Fei, who had just arrived, did not rush to locate the enemy's No. 0, but first arranged the process of this camp mission.

At this time, a person named Fool sent a communication request, and the name he called was Feishaozushi. Shi Fei looked at the list of participants in the Holy Temple camp, and the Fool was one of them.

Shi Fei smiled and connected the communication: "I am Feishaozushi, what can I do?"

Facing Shi Fei, the number one player in the game, his voice was very humble: "Hello, Boss Fei, you must have seen the list of factions fighting in the foggy area of ​​Sigh City. I just want to know if you are here. If you are, let's We can meet each other. After all, we belong to the same camp and are doing tasks in the City of Sighs, so we can take care of them."

At a time when all members of the opposing camp are hiding their identities, Shi Fei has been recognized by almost everyone in Orion. Because with Boss Fei's previous game vision, it is impossible not to participate in the most advanced confrontation of this game.

Therefore, when the people in the temple discovered that their friendly army was Orion, they immediately established contact with Feishauzushi.

The temple belongs to the human race, with Yunzhong City in the background, and its overall strength is very strong. If it weren't for Shi Fei being in Orion, the Holy Temple's overall strength would definitely be the strongest among the camp confrontation teams.

Due to the relationship between the camps, the Temple and Orion are innate allies. If the Temple can establish a good cooperative relationship at this time, it will definitely be beneficial to the future game process.

Therefore, Shi Fei agreed to the Fool's request to meet.

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