Start with an Archangel

Chapter 772 The situation is reversed

Shi Fei took the Orion hunters to a market, which was a free trading market for players designated by the church in the foggy area. Due to the high occupancy rate of players in the foggy area, it has become the largest player market in the entire Kingdom of Death.

The shops of professional merchants, the stalls of ordinary players, and a large number of players who come to the market to buy goods make this place extremely prosperous.

Hidden in the city, hiding here will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of discovery by the enemy.

Shi Fei came to the outside of a shop and guarded the door of a human player wearing a smock. Under the smock was a bulging armor. He was obviously a knight.

The hunters also covered their appearance and figure with hooded cloaks. Shi Fei stepped forward and said, "It was the Fool who asked us to come here..."

After the other party heard this, he didn't say anything and moved out of the way. After Shi Fei and his party all went in, he stood blocking the door without saying a word.

Shi Fei, who entered the store, waved his hand gently, and a hunter broke away from the team and stood in the shadow behind the door.

According to the prompt path in the chat bar, Shi Fei met the Fool of the Temple in a basement.

The Fool is a human spellcasting professional priest who maintains his mystery in the dim candlelight in the room. After seeing Shi Fei, he said happily: "This time Orion has Boss Fei personally leading the team. It must be a very high-level camp mission. Maybe we can share information and work together to complete our respective missions."

Shi Fei looked at the other people in the room. There were two players standing with the Fool, and the camp confrontation information showed that six people had come to the temple. Counting the gatekeeper outside, there are two people in the church who are not here.

So Shi Fei asked: "There are six of you, and it seems that two of you are not here."

The hostile plane in the Kingdom of Death is a dreamland, and elven players definitely have more information about the undead than humans. Especially since Shi Fei had fought to death with an army of undead not long ago, and finally lured out Satan.

Doomsday Judgment refreshed the screen, which meant that Shi Fei's mission progress in the plane war was very advanced. As for the Holy Church, which doesn't know much about the Kingdom of Death, if it can get help from Orion's intelligence, it will undoubtedly increase the efficiency of completing the mission.

In order to get Shi Fei's help, the Fool did not hide his purpose of coming to Sigh City. He said: "Actually, seven of us came, and one of them was an angel from Yunzhong City, a very powerful angel. Our camp mission this time The first step is to find the location of the City of Sighs branch of the Wizards Guild lurking in the City of Sighs. It’s just that this branch of the City of Sighs is hidden too deeply. We are very unfamiliar with this place and we don’t have any clues yet.

Our two knights followed the angel outside to look for clues. "

Shi Fei asked strangely: "Aren't Yunzhong City and the Wizards Guild an alliance? Why don't you know where the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild is?"

The Fool was also very helpless: "We also felt very strange about this mission, but the mission NPC said nothing to us. We only know that the elder of the Sigh City branch is a human race, but we don't know the name, appearance, or occupation. Sigh City The two deputy elders of the branch are a vampire and a terrifying knight hero, named Minia and Jonathan respectively.

By the way... the Sighing City branch of the Wizards Guild was once wiped out by the Sorrowful Monarch. The rebuilt Sighing City branch this time is small in scale, but very powerful. "

"How strong?"

The Fool hesitated for a moment, then replied: "The NPC who came with us to the City of Sighs this time is a holy angel, Holy Brandon, a close disciple of the Supreme Angel Gabriel. His strength should be top-notch among level 15 heroes."

It's really strong...

The task is also very difficult. It is too difficult to find a group of undead in an undead city, and if the undead want to hide, they cannot be found.

But since the elder of the Sigh City branch of the Wizards Guild is a human, there is a high chance that he is hiding in the foggy area. However, humans themselves are the most widely distributed race in the game. Looking for them in the foggy area is undoubtedly like finding a needle in a haystack.

Shi Fei asked: "Finding wizards from the Wizards Guild requires a large number of manpower and professional personnel. How many people will you bring to the foggy area? I am not talking about your Templar Knights."

Finding people is a hard job. When Shi Fei learned about the mission of the Fool and the others, he knew that they definitely had more than just the six knights of the temple in the foggy area. They must also have many younger brothers.

The Fool said: "I know I can't hide it from Boss Fei. We have brought more than 500 players, and now they are spreading throughout the foggy area to look for clues. Again... I don't know where to start.

If Orion can't help, we have no choice but to turn to local player organizations. "

When the Fool said to find local players to organize, Shi Fei suddenly remembered something. They were still fighting between factions. It's just that this time the opponent was too weak and was ignored. Seeing that there were not only six Templar Knights in the temple, but also more than 500 players, I didn't think much of this opponent.

Shi Fei looked at the information about the camp confrontation.

There is no reminder of mission victory, and the enemy's only player Zero is still on the evil team's roster.

Shi Fei immediately said to the Fool: "Have you noticed that Number Zero in the evil camp team is still there?"

The Fool didn't know why Shi Fei suddenly changed the topic to camp confrontation. He also looked at the camp confrontation mission information and found that the player named Zero was still there.

"It's really strange, 1 vs. 11, a confrontation that is impossible to win, why doesn't he quit the fight as soon as possible?

Are you waiting for reinforcements?

impossible! Inviting reinforcements into the battlefield requires spending camp contribution points. Moreover, the overall strength of the Death Shadow is not strong. Even if they all come over, they will not be our opponent.

But this No. 0 did not withdraw from the battle, which meant that he wanted to fight, and wanting to fight meant that he believed he had a chance of winning. And since the other apostles of the Shadow of Death are not here, he can only rely on ordinary players who are not restricted by camp confrontation.

Boss Fei, it seems that this camp confrontation is not as easy as we thought. "

Shi Fei has also thought of this: "The other party has not positioned us yet, which means that he is gathering his players.

The teleportation array between Sigh City and other cities has been disconnected, and it will take time for players from other cities to come here. The fact that the other party is so confident shows that he already has many subordinates in the foggy area, giving him the strength to defeat us one-on-one.

In the foggy area, among the players who belong to the Death Lord camp, can summon a large number of people at any time, and are likely to be absorbed by the Shadow of Death as apostles, who is the most likely player? "

The Fool answered very quickly: "It's Tokugawa Nobunaga! He is a cemetery lord, and he has been running the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs as his own circle of influence. His people are everywhere in the foggy area, and his territory is connected to the Kingdom of Death. The entrance is near the City of Sighs, so it is very convenient to mobilize troops.

It seems that in this camp confrontation, we did not have the advantage, but fell into a siege. "

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