Start with an Archangel

Chapter 778 The apostles who won by lying down

The Kingdom of Death, the City of Eternal Night.

The first main city of the undead tribe has faced its biggest crisis since its establishment. The cyan coalition force composed of the Angel Legion, the Wizards Guild and the Southern Death Lords has completed the encirclement of the city. The nearest coalition force has advanced the battle line to less than ten kilometers away from Eternal Night City.

The land with a radius of a hundred kilometers was in chaos, with the Blue Alliance Army and the Yongye City army fighting for every piece of land here.

Cannons rumbled, magic pierced the sky, and alchemical bombs were thrown into the air by catapults.

In the sky, bone dragons, ghost dragons, angels, and archangels shuttled back and forth in small teams; vampires and ghosts collided in groups; various aerial armors lined up to blast each other with artillery and magic cannons.

Thunder, showers, meteorites, explosive flames, the fighting is non-stop.

On the ground, both the offensive and defensive sides used the Skeleton Sea. Skeleton soldiers clustered around the battlefield and attacked each other, refusing to give in to each other. There are flat dams formed by broken bones, which will not stop rising until all the skeleton soldiers on one side are dead.

The walking corpses protect the long-range zombie witches, and the dark knights gallop in groups.

The cyan coalition forces are attacking day and night, and the outer defense line of Yongye City is constantly being breached. Smoke filled the air, and the fighting was fierce beyond words.

The Shadow of Death, as the opposing team representing the undead side, has been on the battlefield of Eternal Night City. Although the battle brought more high-reward tasks than usual, the strength of the attacker made it very difficult for the apostles to complete the tasks.

Many camp tasks can only be looked at with envy but dare not be done.

To make matters worse, the Holy Church serving Cloud City and the Orion serving Dreamland also appeared around the battlefield. Orion's overall strength ranks first, Sanctuary's overall strength ranks second, and Death's Shadow's overall strength is at the bottom, barely able to maintain its second-to-last position.

Therefore, in the several camp confrontations that broke out, the Shadow of Death suffered a lot. Therefore, the apostles were more careful when accepting camp tasks and tried to avoid taking tasks that required completing tasks in enemy-occupied and warring areas.

The shadow of death's range of activity is getting narrower and narrower.

While the apostles were busy preparing for the attack of the cyan coalition, news came from the direction of the foggy area that the Shadow of Death had won the battle between the camps.

The first person to be surprised was No. 2 Sergey. He knew that the one who activated the camp to fight in the foggy area was No. 0, and there was only one No. 0. Facing the Temple and Orion at the same time, he also persuaded Zero to actively withdraw from the confrontation to reduce losses.

However, Zero cut off contact without giving him an accurate answer.

Next, Sergey was busy with his own tasks and neglected to pay attention to the foggy area.

As a result, in less than two hours, news came that our side had won the battle between camps.

Is the information displayed correctly?

Sergey looked at his message column several times.

That's right, we won the battle.

1 versus 11, Number Zero actually won. And due to Zero's outstanding performance, it directly pushed the overall strength of Death Shadow to the first place.

I know Zero is powerful, but this is too strong.

Let’s look at the list of camp battles. The Fool, the chief knight of the temple; Hou Yi, the first hunter of Orion, is almost certain to be the one who flies in the sand.

From the announcement of the camp battle to the end, it took less than two hours. Only a head-on fight could achieve this speed.

A man fought head-on against the main forces of the Temple and Orion, and even won. What happened in the Mist Zone?

Sergey felt a little confused, and all the apostles who received the news that their side had won the battle with the camp in the foggy area were also a little confused.

No. 1 asked Sergey: How did No. 0 fight in the foggy area? How did you win so quickly?

"I don't know. I just advised him not to about I ask."

"As soon as possible, confirm the course of the confrontation between the mist area camp. This time, our death shadow was hit first, which is a good thing and a bad thing.

Number one will bring us more opportunities, and at the same time make us the target of public criticism. Our true strength does not have the ability to maintain this position, and we must start comprehensive cooperation with Zero as soon as possible. "

Sergey hesitated and said: "No. 1... Through this camp confrontation, No. 0 has fully demonstrated that his personal strength far exceeds our estimates. He is also a lord and has the most powerful power in the game." Private army.

Those vampire sword guard heroes who are despised by Zero can be the absolute main force in our hands.

There is a huge gap between us and Zero, which is why Zero has never cooperated with us. If we can't come up with enough conditions to attract No. 0, I'm afraid No. 0 will still not be interested in us. "

No. 1 asked: "What conditions do you think can impress No. 0?"

Sergey was silent for a moment and said: "The only thing we can take out is the entire shadow of death."

The Shadow of Death is a camp confrontation team of the undead, and its leader is naturally the No. 1 who was ordered to form the Shadow of Death.

No. 1 has the highest authority of Death Shadow, and Sergey means to use the command power of Death Shadow in exchange for No. 0 to truly serve this organization, which also means that No. 1 will change from the owner of the team to an ordinary person. apostle.

If No. 1 agrees to hand over his rights, he will not be able to achieve the highest achievements in the future.

However, according to the current strength of Death Shadow, how far can it go in this camp confrontation? If they are continuously suppressed in camp battles, can those apostles be able to withstand the losses and continue to stay in the organization?

If the team is gone, what's the point of having command?

And if Zero can fully support Death Shadow, what heights can the team reach?

Let the various gains and losses of not giving up the command pass through No. 1's mind, and finally he said with relief: "If No. Zero is willing to take over Death Shadow, I am willing to give him the command of Death Shadow."

Sergey also breathed a sigh of relief. He took a big risk by making this suggestion. If No. 1 is a person with a strong desire for power, his suggestion will undoubtedly put himself in an embarrassing position.

Now that No. 1 is willing to give up command, if No. 0 can be persuaded to take over command of the Shadow of Death, what will be the future of these apostles?

Give some more vampire sword guard heroes, and their strength will skyrocket. Not to mention, this time Zero left a reputation among all the opposing teams.

The camp team is number one, and it is well deserved.

Sergey, who received No. 1's approval, immediately contacted No. 0, also known as Da Liang.

At this time, Daliang was following the personnel of the Xuyang Guild to meet Tokugawa Nobunaga. Feng Moying followed him and reminded Daliang to be careful of Tokugawa through a private message.

While chatting with Feng Moying, Sergey's message forced his way in: "Zero, how was the battle between the factions in the foggy area fought? How did you wipe out all 11 people in the Temple and Orion so quickly? Inside. But there are flying sand and rocks.”

What? The flying sand and rocks are here too! Don't you feel it?

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