Start with an Archangel

Chapter 779 Outside the Church

Daliang once fought directly with Shi Fei in Shangjiang and Dongyue Territory, and he was frightened and still fresh in his memory of Shi Fei's "sniping" at anyone he saw.

Therefore, during the fierce battle between the camps, Daliang was always on guard against Shi Fei's sniper attacks. As a result, there was no one hit on his body after the beating, so Daliang felt that Shi Fei might not be among the five people in Orion. Now, No. 2 suddenly said that flying sand and stones were involved in this camp confrontation, and Daliang felt a little incredible.

"Sniper" is a powerful killing skill that Shi Fei cannot use. Who did he shoot?

Daliang asked: "Which one is the flying sand and moving rocks?"

"Hou Yi, we have had several fights with Orion, and we can basically tell that Hou Yi is just flying around. His 'sniper' skill is really too strong, and he can carry out over-the-horizon attacks. Many of our apostles were directly killed by him. Arrow kicks out.

Number Zero, you are still able to defeat more with less in the face of flying sand and rocks. You are really strong. We are also very lucky that you can become a member of the Shadow of Death. "

"Ah...haha" Daliang, who had not been hit by a stone flying arrow from beginning to end, laughed: "Maybe it's because I have high defense and thick blood. I still have some things to do, so I won't tell you more. As for this camp, How to fight the confrontation? The Rising Sun Guild in the Japanese game area should have a video, you can look for it...

Let’s talk next time, I really have something to do. "

Daliang cut off the communication, and Sergey immediately found the official website of the Rising Sun Guild through the Internet. Some videos of the melee in the foggy area had been uploaded.

At that time, the Rising Sun Guild was chasing down the Temple and Orion. The scene was really chaotic, with explosions and people running around everywhere. It wasn't until Da Liang was found and besieged that the footage stabilized a little.

Then Sergey saw the Flame Commander in the middle of the battlefield.

The flames spread quickly, and the players who were besieging him knew at a glance that each one had extraordinary strength. Sergey, who had fought against the Sanctuary and Orion, easily recognized them as members of the Mist Zone camp against the good camp.

Then the one being besieged by them is naturally No. 0.

Zero is a fire elemental creature?

In previous contacts with Zero, Sergey had never seen the true appearance of Zero, so it was all speculation as to what race and occupation Zero was. However, Zero was a fire element, which still surprised Sergey.

Then he found that this fire element looked familiar.

Sergey excitedly pulled out the Palm Tree City Battle video released by the Dominion Guild...

This is impossible!

Look at the fire elemental creature that is releasing the Doomsday Judgment, and then look at the fire elemental players who are besieged in the foggy area.

Sergey felt that his thinking was a little short-circuited, and it was about to develop...

The premise is that Zero is willing to take over the command of Death Shadow.

At this time, Da Liang met Tokugawa Nobunaga in front of the church in the foggy area.

Giant shields formed four shield walls, and Tokugawa Nobunaga was hiding inside. After being sniped twice in a row, he was really scared of being shot by flying sand and rocks. Faced with such an important character, face was no longer important.

Daliang approached, the shield wall moved aside, put Daliang and Feng Moying in, and then closed it again.

Tokugawa Nobunaga was very happy. He first said to Feng Moying: "After relaxing outside, it's time to go home. When will you rejoin the guild? The Rising Sun Guild is preparing to form another main force. I think your Feng Mo team It’s very competitive.”

After Tokugawa Nobunaga showed that he had a very close relationship with Feng Moying, he said to Daliang without waiting for Feng Moying to reply: "Mr. Destruction, I am Lord of the Rising Sun, President of the Rising Sun Guild, City of Sighs in the Kingdom of Death. Tokugawa Nobunaga, the ruler of the Mist Zone.

We just worked together to kill the enemy personnel who sneaked into the foggy area to carry out sabotage. I was very surprised and admired the strength displayed by my husband. I wonder if you, sir, have joined a guild? What do you think of my Xuyang Guild? "

Feng Moying also wanted to remind Da Liang, but she received a private message from Tokugawa Nobunaga. Of course, there were many promises. If Feng Moying could persuade this annihilation to join the Rising Sun Guild, the new main army would be given to her.

"I hope... you can put the interests of the guild and the interests of the Japanese game area first."

Feeling the faint threat, Feng Moying stood behind Daliang in fear.

No matter how many titles Tokugawa Nobunaga gave himself, Daliang didn't care. but……

You said that you are the ruler of the Mist District of Lament City in the Kingdom of Death. Have you asked me? Stand outside the church in the foggy area and say that you are the ruler. If you have the ability, go in!

Daliang was very unhappy. He asked in surprise: "The ruler of the Mist District? Isn't it this Unsullied Church that rules the Mist District?"

Tokugawa Nobunaga was very proud. He said: "Of course, this church still rules the Mist Zone now, but does Mr. Destruction know why I chose this place to meet you?"

"I don't know..." Daliang shook his head.

"Hahahaha..." Tokugawa Nobunaga laughed and said: "Because soon this church will no longer rule the foggy area. Mr. Destruction, I know that you are very strong and have accomplished the task to the level of Satan." , it is impossible for ordinary people to become your partners.

But that doesn't include me.

The ruling class of the City of Sighs is divided into reformers and conservatives.

The Church in the Mist District belongs to the reformists, the Holy See Council in the City of Sighs belongs to the conservatives, and I am a conservative.

I have contacted the speaker of the Unsullied Holy See Council in the City of Sighs, and now the Unsullied Holy See Council in the City of Sighs has sent troops to launch a surprise attack on the foggy area. This time we will not give the reformists any chance to stand up. The Church in the Mist District will be wiped out, and I will fully occupy the Mist District during this gap period and truly rule here.

At that time, I will go deep into the ruling class of the City of Sighs through this incident and come into contact with the Sad Lord.

Mr. Destruction, Satan is a fugitive hell lord king. The Melancholy Lord is a hero on the same level as Satan, possessing both land and an army.

Our cooperation can help them join forces. "

Daliang was very confused, what are the reformists and conservatives? Are there these two factions in the City of Sighs?

But Daliang quickly figured out the whole story...

Isn't this the trick that I made up temporarily to trick Feng Moying and ask Tokugawa Nobunaga to help him spread the ultimate belief? If Tokugawa Nobunaga didn't say anything at this time, he would have really forgotten about it.

Protestantism and Old Christianity can also be regarded as reformists and conservatives.

As for the news that the Parliament was going to launch an attack on the foggy area, Daliang had expected it, but he didn't expect that the other party would come so quickly.

Fortunately, Liang had already allowed Will's Holy See Knights to take a preemptive strike, and now the Holy See Knights had marched against the 12 churches controlled by the Parliament in the name of searching for heretics.

The parliamentary army mentioned by Tokugawa Nobunaga...

I guess he won't be able to come.

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