Start with an Archangel

Chapter 780 Reform Party Conservatives

Two hours later...

It was quiet around the church in the foggy area. The church knights were guarding the church as usual, and groups of dark knights were wandering on the road outside. Inside the church, the faint voice of chanting the Immaculate Doctrine continued, the black-gray mist lingered, and the atmosphere was depressing.

The chaos caused by the camp confrontation in the foggy area has gradually subsided, and the belated patrols in the foggy area are restoring order, extinguishing the fires, and cleaning up the ruins. The members of the Rising Sun Guild returned to their positions according to the previous arrangements, waiting for Tokugawa Nobunaga's latest order.

The main force of the Rising Sun Legion gathered more and more outside the church in the foggy area.

Daliang looked at the anxious Tokugawa Nobunaga and asked: "President Tokugawa, when will we start attacking this church in the foggy area? Although I promised you to help you attack this church, I don't have extra time to accompany you like this. Just wait.

Where are the parliamentary troops you mentioned? "

"We're almost there, we'll be there soon." The other twelve districts in the City of Sighs are all in the same city as the Mist District, and some of them are bordered by the Mist District. If the Parliament decided to attack the Mist Zone, the forward army should have arrived long ago. Why is there still no movement now? And judging from the calm appearance of the church in the foggy area, it doesn't look like it has been invaded. There are some deviations in the script in his hand, and Tokugawa Nobunaga can be said to be very anxious, especially when Miushi, whom he is eager to win over, agrees to attack the church in the foggy area with him... Tokugawa Nobunaga comforts Da Liang while sending people to Other districts look at where the parliamentary troops are now.

Another hour passed.

Daliang said: "President Tokugawa, I still have some things to do. Let's play together next time we have a chance..."

Tokugawa Nobunaga hurriedly said: "Mr. Destruction, the NPC army does not act like us players, who leave at a moment's notice. It will definitely take some time to assemble. I have sent people to investigate, and I believe there will be results soon. Still Sir, please wait a little longer. If you can take the opportunity to contact the Sad Lord, I believe it will be of great help to your future tasks."

Daliang said impatiently: "Okay, I'll wait a little longer. I hope what President Tokugawa said is true..."

Tokugawa Nobunaga once again urged the investigators.

"President, we flew all the way over and found no troops marching towards the Mist Zone... We are about to arrive at the Shadow Zone Church... and found a large number of troops gathering outside the Shadow Zone Church."

Hearing this, Tokugawa Nobunaga was finally relieved. The gathering of troops showed that the parliamentary army was really going to attack the foggy area. I haven't been here for such a long time, so I can only say that the undead army in Sigh City has not been used for a long time, and its bones are stiff and it is too slow to assemble.

It’s good if you can come, it’s good if you can come.

However, the investigators' next words kicked Tokugawa Nobunaga into the ice valley.

"President, it seems that the troops outside the Shadow District Church are not the Shadow District Church Knights. They are under the banner of the Holy See Knights. The Holy See Knights have already surrounded the Shadow District Church, and the Shadow District Church Knights are fighting with the Holy See Knights. Confrontation.”

People who went to other churches to investigate also reported that the Holy See Knights had surrounded all the churches in the City of Sighs except for the Church in the Mist District.

The head of the Knights of the Holy See is a reformist.

The parliamentary troops were brought under control.

However, the City Council of Sighs took action against the Mist District this time in the name of eradicating heretics. The Knights of the Holy See are the pro-army of the Sad Monarch. Why did they attack the Parliament at this time?

Was this incident ordered by the Sad King?

Or is it a private action by the Holy See Knights?

Do the Knights of the Holy See support the ultimate faith? ,

Or was he deceived by the Pope in the Mist Zone?

Tokugawa Nobunaga discovered that the power struggle in the City of Sighs seemed not as simple as he imagined. At least the parliament did not have the ability to arbitrarily pinch the church in the Mist District.

What was originally a good chess move suddenly became confusing. The important thing is...

How to explain it to Miushi?

There were changes in the parliament. To Tokugawa Nobunaga, it could only be regarded as failure to achieve the expected purpose, not a loss. But what does this incident make Mie Shi think of himself?

The video of the chaotic battle in the foggy area has begun to spread rapidly on the Internet under the instruction of Tokugawa Nobunaga, and the player's destruction is packaged as the protagonist of the entire battlefield.

That majestic and tall body, coquettish and precise movement, violent and changeable magic, and powerful and tough combat skills. Facing the siege with ease and ease, he waved his fiery spear and wiped out the players, many of whom were members of the Rising Sun Guild.

All Tokugawa Nobunaga did was to build momentum, and then combined with the Palm Tree City Battle announced by the Dominion Guild, the identity of this Flame Commander player was instantly clear, causing an uproar in the entire world.

The Flame Commander standing with Satan, holding the Doomsday Blade to unleash the Doomsday Judgment, turned out to be a player!

Destroy the world

This name was instantly remembered by the entire game.

With his undisputed strength, he has reached the top position in various power rankings.

Players in the entire game world are talking about this person who suddenly appears as the number one in combat power. The Rising Sun Guild immediately announced the news of Tokugawa Nobunaga's meeting with Miushi.

The harmonious atmosphere left everyone with the impression that Miushi and Tokugawa Nobunaga had a very close relationship.

Tokugawa Nobunaga is actively establishing a cooperative relationship with Mieshi. If possible, absorbing Mieshi into his guild will bring about an earth-shaking change in the strength of the Rising Sun Guild.

Flying sand and rocks?

I can kill you once in the fog zone, and I can continue to kill you in the main world.

However... Tokugawa Nobunaga finally managed to create a harmonious atmosphere, and used his future status in the City of Sighs to arouse Miushi's intention to cooperate.

As a result, the city council sighed and let go.

The parliament's army couldn't come, and the Rising Sun Guild didn't have the ability to attack the church in the Mist District. Once he falls out with the Pope of the Mist Zone and the council continues to fail to provide support, all his investments in the Mist Zone will be wasted.

Fighting is definitely not allowed.

But how to say no to the destruction of the world? After all, the big words have been blown out. Now if you say you don’t fight, wouldn’t it be a slap in the face?

"President Tokugawa, I don't think you are ready yet. I think we should leave the matter of attacking the church in the foggy area for another day. Farewell." Daliang turned to Feng Moying and asked: "Are you staying here, or are you following me? Go together?"

Feng Moying said quickly: "I'll go with you."

Daliang grabbed Feng Moying, let her sit on his shoulders, and then flew into the sky ignoring Tokugawa Nobunaga, who was trying his best to retain her.

The air combat personnel of the Rising Sun Guild who were standing in the air watched Da Liang leave without receiving orders from Tokugawa Nobunaga.

"President, what should we do? Should we fight against this church?"

Tokugawa Nobunaga said angrily: "Fight...why fight? They have all withdrawn. I will go to the shadow area now to see what happened?"

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