Start with an Archangel

Chapter 781 Qing Jun’s Side

Daliang took Feng Moying out of the church in the foggy area, and then landed in a secluded place on the outskirts of the city.

Feng Moying jumped off Daliang's shoulders. What just happened was really a wonderful experience for her. A small incident led her to get acquainted with this player named Mie Shi, and then she fought an inexplicable battle with Mie Shi side by side. In the melee, Feng Moying could realize how powerful the opponents she encountered this time were. She was in danger even if she only faced one of them, not to mention the kind of attacks Mieshi had endured against the eight of them. Shi also killed countless members of the Xuyang Guild.

At that time, Miushi's sweeping momentum left a deep impression on her.

Now her chat channel has long been filled with all kinds of messages, and everyone is asking about her relationship with Miushi.

what relationship? Feng Moying didn't even know what his relationship was with Mie Shi.

But Feng Moying learned during this period what level Miushi was in the entire game.

Top, truly top.

In the known game world, no player can reach the level of Destruction in terms of individual combat effectiveness. Therefore, Destruction has become the target that all player organizations want to understand and win over.

However, no one can find information about Mi Shi, and Feng Moying, who is now standing next to Mi Shi, has undoubtedly become a bridge to contact Mi Shi.

"Mie Shisang, thank you for today."

The height difference meant that Feng Moying could only look at Daliang with her head raised. At this moment, she didn't know what to say to Daliang?

Da Liang looked towards the direction of Sigh City.

The Parliament was ready to attack the Mist Zone. Fortunately, the Holy See Knights stopped the Parliament's power in time. Now that Will is facing the entire parliament alone, the pressure is naturally very high. Daliang must rush over to suppress the situation and consolidate the advantage he finally gained.

Daliang said to Feng Moying: "No need to thank me, you also helped me. If someone pesters you because of me, just say that we just met by chance and are not familiar with each other."

Not familiar...

When Daliang said this, Feng Moying couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

At this time, shouldn't you stick me in the corner and say that you will protect me for the rest of your life?

Oops... Feng Moying, what are you thinking! At this time, you should swear to this adult to "dedicate your heart."

"Ah...I know, I know knowing you will bring me a lot of trouble, but can we meet again in the future?"

Da Liang was eager to leave, so he sent a request to add friends: "Let's add each other as friends. If you need my help in the future, as long as I have time, I will definitely come over. Now I still have some things to deal with. You should go back to the city by yourself." is that OK."

Feng Moying quickly added Miushi to her friend list, and was very happy to get to know such a top player: "Thank you so much, Miushi Sang. If you encounter any trouble in the foggy area in the future, just come to me. I’m very familiar with the Mist Zone.”

"Yes, yes, yes, I feel relieved to have you protecting me in the foggy area. So, goodbye."

"Goodbye, Mie Shisang, be sure to work hard!"

What a dynamic little loli...

Daliang used the city return skill to return to the City of Sighs, quickly returned to the state of a human priest, put on the Pope's robe and teleported to the shadow area.

At this time, the Holy See Knights blocked all the Church Knights in the Shadow Zone in the church, demanding that the Shadow Zone Church hand over all heretical priests who converted to the ultimate faith.

The terrifying knight clutched his saber, and the ghost dragon slowly circled around the church.

Chancellor Argu and Will stood outside and outside the church door. The atmosphere in the venue was tense, and it seemed that if they were not careful, they could cause a civil war in the City of Sighs.

"Captain Will, your Holy See Knights have no right to interfere with my church in the shadow area. Please withdraw your troops immediately and come with me to meet the monarch and accept his punishment."

The Shadow District of the City of Sighs is the most powerful diocese in the city. Bishop Yalgu also serves as the speaker of the Unsullied Holy See Council of the City of Sighs. He holds a high position of power and is second only to the Melancholy Monarch in influence.

When Will faces Speaker Yargu, he has to bear a lot of pressure.

But he could also see that the church in the shadow area was gathering military strength, and news of the gathering of local church knights came from other churches. This shows that there is a joint military operation by Parliament.

What is their purpose?

It must be the foggy area.

Will was a little lucky that he arrived in time. If the parliamentary army really invaded the foggy area, it would be a serious blow to the sad monarch's plan to establish a new religion.

Will showed the aura of the commander of the Guards of the Sad Monarch. He stood in front of Argu and asked: "Sir Speaker, where are you gathering the Church Knights in the shadow area to attack?"

Speaker Yalgu said: "I received a piece of information that the ultimate source of heresy's belief is in the Mist Zone. The pseudo-Unsullied doctrine was given to adventurers by the Pope of the Mist Zone and asked them to spread throughout the City of Sighs. We must control it now. Church in the Mist District, search for evidence that the Pope in the Mist District is spreading heresy.”

At this time, Daliang rode a giant bat and descended from the sky. Facing Yalgu's testimony, he said: "Sir Speaker, what evidence makes you believe that I am spreading the ultimate belief? I am the internal pope of the foggy area and concurrently serve as Foreign Pope, member of the Immaculate Holy See Council. If you don’t have enough evidence to prove that it’s me who is spreading the ultimate belief, and you’re going to attack the Mist Zone just based on your imagination, I think you should be the one to accuse the monarch.”

Will said to Speaker Yalgu: "Under the rule of the Eviscerate Pope, the Mist Zone has returned to order from chaos. His contribution was commended by the monarch, and he was appointed by the monarch as a senior knight of the Knights of the Holy See, the Immaculate Holy See. Doctrinal Advisor. The Mist District has also been given the title of 'Model Parish'.

No matter what evidence the Speaker has in his hands, it must be decided by the monarch. "

Speaker Yalgu said: "Pope Eviscerate used his money to deceive the monarch. Captain Will also saw what happened in the cathedral today. He prevented me from seeing the monarch. He actually dared to prevent the Immaculate Holy See Council from meeting. When the Speaker saw the monarch he was loyal to, he must be a spy sent by Yunzhong City!

The letter of request for help from the Monarch of Yongye City has already been sent. The other dead monarchs are trying their best to support Yongye City. Only we, the Monarch of Laiyin, are standing still. The sad monarch in the past would never do such a thing. It must be the spy who used some sweet words to confuse the monarch. Now he wants to use some ultimate belief to destroy our Immaculate Holy See.

Will, haven't you seen any of these abnormal things?

Our City of Sighs is in a bigger crisis than the Wizards Guild, we must do something for our city!

The Council and the Knights of the Curia join forces to attack the Church in the Mist District, and we have enough evidence to prove that Evisceration is heresy.

Together, we will eliminate the spies around the monarch and return the City of Sighs to normal. "

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