Start with an Archangel

Chapter 785 Preaching

Da Liang ordered the knights of the Holy See to open the wooden box, which was neatly filled with the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, Tokugawa Nobunaga was really well prepared. If the Church in the Mist District was controlled by the Parliament, these newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine should have been searched from the Pope's room.

"Very good, President Tokugawa, you did a good job." Daliang took out a newly compiled Immortal Doctrine and praised Tokugawa Nobunaga.

Tokugawa Nobunaga quickly saluted: "Your Holiness, as an important investor in the construction of the Misty District, these are what I should do. I will always be the most loyal friend of the Misty District Church."

"I hope you will remember what you just said."

Daliang read through the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine, and after confirming that there were no problems, he threw the doctrine back into the wooden box and said to the knights of the Holy See: "Send these doctrines to all the priests here, and everyone will have a copy."

"Yes, sir."

The Knights of the Holy See immediately distributed the new Immaculate Doctrine.

Soon, all the church priests in the Shadow Zone had a newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine in their hands.

Then Daliang said to the priests: "I think there are still heretics among you. Since they are unwilling to come forward, then you should testify against each other.

What you are holding in your hands is the ultimate faith doctrine found in Bishop Argu’s room. Now start reading, and look carefully. At the same time, think back, if anyone has said the above to you, then this person is a heretic who is trying to spread the ultimate belief to you. Find him.

This time I will completely eradicate heretics from the shadow area church! "

Although the priests in the Shadow Zone felt that something was wrong, they still obeyed the order and began to read the newly compiled Immortal Doctrine.

On the side, Tokugawa Nobunaga's admiration for the pope in the foggy area is like a torrential river...

Tokugawa Nobunaga had read the newly compiled Immortal Doctrine and knew what the ultimate faith was. It can be seen from the more than thirty priests who have just come out and converted to the Ultimate Faith that the newly compiled Immortal Doctrine does have a great ability to confuse and can transform ordinary Immortal priests into believers of the Ultimate Faith.

The Pope in the Mist Zone actually gave the priests here a new copy of the Immaculate Doctrine in the name of denouncement of heresy. This method of preaching was truly unprecedented and unheard of, and he caught all the priests in the Shadow Zone without missing a beat.

How many priests of the ultimate faith can be transformed here?

I dare not imagine, I dare not imagine.

At the same time, Tokugawa Nobunaga also discovered... In terms of power, Speaker Yalgu was no match for the Pope in the Mist Zone. He began to feel lucky that he had jumped off the parliament ship in time.

Now that the Church in the Shadow Zone has begun to fall in terms of belief, Yargu is finished.

It seems that if you want to do well in the City of Sighs in the future, you must hug the lap of the Pope of the Mist District.

Da Liang led the priests of the church in the shadow area to collectively study the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine, which was written by the Sad Lord himself. According to the sorrowful monarch's understanding of the Immortal Doctrine, this new edition of the Immortal Doctrine is very well written. The newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine affirms the old teachings, including some eye-catching annotations, and then extends the old teachings, leading to the ultimate belief bit by bit.

There was no sudden radical change in the whole process, and everything seemed to fall into place naturally.

As the proposer of the ultimate faith and the disseminator of Protestantism, Daliang had never really read the new Immaculate Doctrine. After reading the new Immaculate Doctrine in its entirety this time, he was not only impressed by the sad monarch's preaching ability.

It is really not easy to be able to sit in the position of a monarch. I want my brother to write this teaching...

It’s not necessarily written worse than this.

Daliang was narcissistic about his ability to deceive, and then felt that the priests in the shadow area church began to become confused when they read the newly compiled doctrine of Immortality.

Some priests looked at other priests around them in panic, horrified that their faith was wavering.

Changing beliefs requires a process.

Now that the seeds of ultimate faith had been planted, Daliang did not continue to stay here. He randomly arrested a group of priests, rounded up the heretics into a hundred people, and handed them all to the Vatican Knights for centralized custody.

Let the true heretics preach.

"Now hand over the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine in your hands. These are important evidences proving that Speaker Yalgu spreads the ultimate faith."

The knights of the Holy See gathered the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine into the wooden box, then carried it out of the hall and followed Daliang.

All the Holy See knights evacuated, and there was silence in the church hall in the shadow area. All the priests stood in place, with the ultimate belief already imprinted in their minds and constantly being recalled.

Da Liang returned to the church door in the shadow area, and Will and Argu stood together.

Looking at the wooden box carried out by the knights of the Holy See, Yalgu knew that things happened as he expected. But Yargu did not panic. His identity determined that his crime must be personally interrogated and judged by the Sad Lord.

"Will, a clumsy frame-up was staged in front of your eyes, and you didn't notice anything. I will not admit the unreasonable accusations against me. I will explain what happened to the monarch. The monarch understands my loyalty to him. He will definitely give me a fair verdict..."

After seeing the evidence displayed by Daliang, Will said to Yargu: "We all believe that the monarch is fair and just, and I just do what I should do. Since there is evidence that you are spreading the ultimate belief, please Yargu, don’t resist, I will take you into custody and wait for the monarch’s interrogation.”

Argu offered no resistance, and then the Holy See Knight sealed his power with the Sealing Shackles.

Yargu and the heretical priests were all taken to the cathedral. Will asked the Holy See Knights to withdraw from the shadow area church, and then said to Daliang: "If I can capture Yargu this time, the old church will fall into a leaderless state. Status, what should we do next?”

Daliang looked at Tokugawa Nobunaga who was stopped in the distance, and said to Will: "The impact of our arrest of Argu is too great. According to my information, a holy angel is in the City of Sighs. . We cannot cause greater turmoil in Sigh City and give Yunzhong City an opportunity.

Other churches searched for priests of the ultimate faith and protected them.

The bishops do not move for the moment.

This time I have Argu in my hands, and the harvest has been very great. The City of Sighs should still focus on stability. "

Will did not expect that a holy angel would sneak into the City of Sighs, which meant that Cloud City was preparing to have some ulterior plan for the City of Sighs.

We really cannot allow too much turmoil in Sigh City at this time.

"I know, I will imprison Argu in the cathedral. But Argu has always been loyal to the monarch and has great influence in the City of Sighs, so the monarch will interrogate Argu personally. If you want to do anything, It must be implemented as soon as possible.

The other holy angel... notified me immediately after discovering him. "

Will must be called upon to deal with Holy Brandon, and Daliang said he knew what to do.

At this time, the Holy See Knights had all evacuated from the shadow area church, and Will left with the last group of church knights.

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