Start with an Archangel

Chapter 786 Surrender

After all the Holy See Knights evacuated, Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately ran forward.

For Tokugawa, the entrance to his territory into the Kingdom of Death is near the City of Sighs, and the Rising Sun Guild is also fully operating the City of Sighs. It can be said that Tokugawa is placing all the future of the game on the City of Sighs. If he makes a major decision-making mistake in the City of Sighs, it will have a major impact on his entire game strategy, and if he goes bankrupt in the City of Sighs, Tokugawa will have to start all over again.

But looking at the situation of the entire Kingdom of Death, wars are everywhere, and all the player lords who have not placed the entrance to their territory near the City of Sighs are complaining. Not to mention development, being able to maintain existing benefits every day is enough for these lords to hold a celebration party.

The City of Sighs is the only city in the entire Kingdom of Death that has not been involved in fighting. The presence of the Hell Army has also greatly improved the sense of security here. More and more undead player organizations are beginning to shift their industries and strategies to the City of Sighs. The City of Sighs will have an increasingly influential influence on the player community in the future, and Tokugawa Nobu, who has established a foothold in the City of Sighs early on, The chief will never allow himself to be driven out of the City of Sighs.

Today, Tokugawa saw the struggle within the highest power circle in the City of Sighs.

Conservatives vs. Reformists…

The conservative leaders were arrested by the reformists, and the originally weak reformers suddenly gained the upper hand. At the same time, the Church in the Shadow Zone suffered a loss of faith. Even if Speaker Yargu was released by the Sad Monarch, he would fall into the quagmire of confusion in the faith of the Church in the Shadow Zone, unable to fight against the reformists.

As long as you have eyes, you will know where to stand now.

This was a rare opportunity to talk to the Pope in the Mist Zone alone. Tokugawa Nobunaga knew that this was his best and possibly last chance to re-enter the plot. Once the Reformists achieve a complete victory, the Pope of the Mist District will surely lament that the city is so powerful that it will not be so easy to see him again.

The plot must be triggered to enter the plot mission of the Pope in the Mist Zone.

NPCs have a hint program for player death, which is "Someone died, but it wasn't you."

Therefore, although Tokugawa Nobunaga was killed in the foggy area church, this does not affect the NPC's memory of him. Tokugawa also noticed just now that the Pope in the Mist Zone did not remember that he was "killed", but he remembered some of his contributions and investment in the Mist Zone.

"Dear Pope." Tokugawa Nobunaga tried his best to lower his posture: "I need to explain to you some things today."

Da Liang did not answer immediately. He was considering whether to kick Tokugawa Nobunaga out of the foggy area.

But... as more and more player organizations enter the foggy area, this brings prosperity to the foggy area, but also brings various disputes. As a company that invested heavily in the Mist Zone in the early stage, the Rising Sun Guild undoubtedly has a huge advantage over all player organizations in the Mist Zone. At the same time, the Rising Sun Guild has been taking the initiative to maintain order among players in the foggy area for its own benefit.

If Tokugawa Nobunaga is kicked out of the foggy zone, the vacuum of interests will inevitably lead to a large-scale player riot, which is definitely not what Daliang wants to see.

Although Tokugawa Nobunaga's character was not good, his ability was indeed outstanding. After Tokugawa Nobunaga left, the new players may not be stronger than Tokugawa, nor may their character be better than Tokugawa.

After careful consideration, Daliang decided to let Tokugawa Nobunaga go. Anyway, as long as Protestantism is established in the City of Sighs, as the proposer of the ultimate belief, the disseminator of Protestantism, and the promoter of the establishment of Protestantism. Even if the Sad Lord wants to touch him, he must consider the reaction of all Protestants.

In the City of Sighs, Da Liang was not afraid of Tokugawa Nobunaga bringing down the sky.

Of course, Tokugawa Nobunaga cannot be made too relaxed.

Daliang said to Tokugawa Nobunaga: "Well, I am quite satisfied with your performance today. I will listen to your explanation and decide whether I will let you go further based on the current situation..."

Hearing the information revealed by the Pope in the Mist Zone made Tokugawa Nobunaga extremely excited, which showed that the door of the reformists had opened a crack for him. Whether this gap continues to grow or close depends on your performance.

Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately used his brain to make his speech more appropriate.

At this time, the words of Feng Moying, the mission master who launched the Pope plot mission in the foggy area last time, rang in Tokugawa Nobunaga's mind.

"In the Unsullied Faith, there is a big difference in values ​​between us and the undead. Talking about faith with an undead hastily will only be self-defeating. The Pope of the Mist Zone is a very pragmatic guy, and he is not as rigid as other undead. He cares about The development of the Mist Zone. Therefore, when meeting the Pope in the Mist Zone, don’t start with faith. It is easier to arouse his interest by looking at economic development..."

The summary is, don’t talk about ideals, just talk about money.

Tokugawa Nobunaga believed that as long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem.

"Your Holiness. It all happened because of my oversight in keeping secrets. Bishop Yargu discovered that I was spreading the new Immaculate Doctrine to various churches. He threatened me and asked me to testify about this. My lord, you ordered me to do it.

And as a result, I believe you have seen it, my lord, I just pretended to agree to him. I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to seize the opportunity and launch a powerful counterattack against the conservatives.

Facts have proved that my faith in adults was not wrong.

As for the battle in the foggy area, it was because I discovered a group of invaders from the world of heroes and the dreamland. I sent people to protect your church and used all the power of the guild to eliminate them all in the shortest possible time. I am willing to bear all the losses caused by this battle in the foggy area.

At the same time, I am willing to donate 1 million gold coins to the church in the foggy area as Rising Sun's investment in the construction of the foggy area. "

Just throw money at it.

This Tokugawa Nobunaga and Feng Moying have the same routine!

Daliang had no intention of pursuing Tokugawa Nobunaga excessively. Since Tokugawa Nobunaga took the initiative to send money...

Then forgive you.

Daliang said to Tokugawa Nobunaga: "It seems that I misunderstood you. Since you have been helping me spread the new Immortal Doctrine to various churches, then I will officially hand over this task to you.

Now that Argu has been arrested, you need to increase the amount of new Immaculate Doctrine and let all the conservatives catch the heretics. In the near future, a big event will happen in the City of Sighs. If I can successfully eradicate the power of the conservatives, then you will also get what you deserve. "

[Ding, you have become a trainee knight of the Knights of the Church in the Mist District of the City of Sighs in the Kingdom of Death. 】


Tokugawa Nobunaga was happy.

Having an identity and a mission means that he has re-entered the high-level plot mission in the City of Sighs. Think about the information revealed by the Pope in the Mist Zone.

The reformists are going to take advantage of Yargu's arrest to take full action against the conservatives!

The City of Sighs was about to change, and I got the last ticket.

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