Start with an Archangel

Chapter 787 Major Breakthrough

The height that this plot may reach in the future made Tokugawa Nobunaga extremely excited. He repeatedly promised Daliang that he would be loyal to the Mist Zone and the Pope.

Da Liang listened to Tokugawa Nobunaga's various guarantees and allegiance there, and at the same time thought of the hidden sacred Brandon.

In the original plan, Daliang wanted to lure the temple to pursue him, and then let Polly track him down and find Holy Brandon. As a result, the plan could not keep up with the changes. In a melee, both Sanctuary and Orion were killed, and the plan to find Saint Brandon could not be implemented.

However, the slain Templar Knight will definitely return to the Mist Zone if he has a mission, and the Mist Zone that has experienced a camp confrontation will not trigger another camp confrontation within seven days. In the foggy area where multi-racial players are mixed, it is not easy to find a few people from the temple.

But if it is a player looking for a player, it should be relatively simple. The Rising Sun Guild is very powerful in the foggy area, so it should be easier to find the temple. The visit of the Holy Temple to the Mist Zone must be related to Holy Brandon. Basically, you can find Holy Brandon if you find the Holy Temple.

Thinking of this, Daliang said to Tokugawa Nobunaga: "According to the information obtained by the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs, Yunzhong City sent a team of adventurers to the City of Sighs to destroy it. This may be what you encountered in the foggy area. An organization called the Holy Church. There is a holy angel in the Holy Church team that came to the City of Sighs this time. I think this holy angel is in the Mist Zone.

Raise your guilds to find this holy angel and tell me. "

Tokugawa Nobunaga did not expect that as soon as he entered the plot, a mission would be issued immediately, and it would involve a mission at the level of a holy angel. I sighed in my heart, it is indeed a high-level plot mission. The difficulty of an entry-level mission is so high. This time it is really going to be developed.

The temple... sounds familiar.

Isn't it the camp confrontation team under Yunzhong City?

As the faction confrontation teams from all parties frequently appeared on various battlefields, these mysterious and powerful player groups gradually unveiled a layer of veil. At least Tokugawa Nobunaga had a lot of information about the faction confrontation teams.

The organizational structure is very strict, and they are all composed of the top players currently. They are doing the most advanced tasks, and they are exposed to the top heroes.

Mysterious and powerful sums up these faction versus teams.

The Holy Temple is subordinate to Yunzhong City, so the group of elven players headed by Feishanzushi should be Orion. And is the destruction that was attacked by the Holy Temple and Orion the apostle of the shadow of death?

All kinds of information caused Tokugawa Nobunaga to have many questions, but what he should consider now is how to complete the first task of this plot and leave a good impression on the Pope in the Mist Zone.

"Your Holiness, I will definitely find this holy angel."

"Go and do your thing. I'm going to see Speaker Yalgu." A skeleton carriage stopped in front of Da Liang, and Da Liang boarded the carriage and headed to the cathedral.

After watching the carriage go away, Tokugawa Nobunaga immediately issued an order to the Rising Sun Guild to pay attention to the human and elf players who assassinated him today. At the same time, he contacted Feishauzushi and asked him and the Fool of the Temple to come forward to solve this incident.

"Tell Feishauzushi that I know that the Holy Church and Orion have a mission in the foggy area of ​​the City of Sighs. If they don't give me a satisfactory explanation this time, I will make their mission impossible."

The Rising Sun Guild acted quickly. They called up the video of today's battle, found the images of the Sanctuary and Orion personnel, and then conducted a large-scale search of players in the foggy area, causing chaos in the foggy area that had just calmed down. .

After Shi Fei was resurrected, he returned to the foggy area. Before he could reestablish contact with the people in the temple, Half Moon Cat received information that the Rising Sun Guild was looking for them.

"Although the Rising Sun Guild did not take pictures of your appearance, there are not many elf players in the Kingdom of Death. If they continue to search like this, it will still affect your actions. Tokugawa Nobunaga sent a request to meet you and the Fool. Information, he wants us to give him an explanation and then bear the compensation for the losses in this battle."

Shi Fei thought about it and said, "Meeting in the foggy area? Tokugawa Nobunaga is very scheming. I think he may have ulterior motives in requesting a meeting this time. Just reply to him and say that our Orion's mission in the City of Sighs has been completed." Yes, I have other tasks now and it is not convenient to meet him.

Then I told the Fool in the Temple about Tokugawa Nobunaga's request to meet, and also said that my mission in the foggy area had been completed, and Tokugawa Nobunaga asked him to take care of it. This time Yunzhong City placed a holy angel in the City of Sighs. The mission of the Holy Church here must be very important. Let the fool go to see Tokugawa Nobunaga. If Tokugawa Nobunaga does not play tricks, I will see him again. "

"Okay, boss."

Shi Fei took Orion to hide in a private shop in the foggy area, watching the changes outside.

The Fool led the resurrected Templar Knights to regroup in the foggy area, and the players who were killed in the conflict also returned one after another.

They still have seven days. After seven days, if Miushi is still in the foggy area, they must evacuate from the foggy area to avoid triggering a camp confrontation.

Today's battle has completely shattered their self-confidence. Among the gamers in the Hero World, there is no strongest, only stronger ones. A single mission can completely change a person. This is also the charm of this game.

However, before the Holy Church started searching for the Lament City branch of the Wizards Guild again, the Rising Sun Guild began to search for people from the Holy Church and Orion throughout the foggy area, making it difficult for the Holy Church to launch its search operation.

The Fool knew that in order to complete this task, he must first improve the relationship with the Rising Sun Guild, so the Fool agreed to Tokugawa Nobunaga's request for negotiations.

Tokugawa Nobunaga was fishing in the foggy area, while Da Liang came to the Cathedral of the City of Sighs.

The dungeon of the cathedral is dark and damp, with spawned ghosts and undead monsters wandering around, including some extremely powerful boss-level monsters.

Only the prison guards are immune to attacks by these undead monsters.

Da Liang entered the dungeon of the cathedral, and the prison guards protected him along the way to drive away the undead monsters and brought him to the cell where Argu was held.

At this time, Argu was heavily chained to the wall of the cell. The once powerful speaker in the City of Sighs became a prisoner. The sealing shackles restricted his magic power and strength, making him unable to move.

When Yargu saw Da Liang coming, the soul fire in his eye sockets burned, and he said angrily: "Eviscerate, the monarch will not believe that you framed me. When I see the monarch, I will take your Your true identity has been revealed. You are a spy, a spy sent by Yunzhong City!"

Da Liang lifted up his hood to reveal his appearance. He walked up to Yalgu, and his footsteps echoed in the empty dungeon. He looked pitifully at the Corpse Witch in front of him and said: "Sir Speaker, one thing you said is right. It was I who framed you, and the new Unsullied Doctrine was also spread from me. But I am not from Yunzhong City. , at least now Yunzhong City and I have no common interests.

My lord, now I really want to know what you think about ultimate faith? "

Argu replied: "Heresy is blasphemy against the God of Death."

Daliang took out a newly compiled Immortal Teaching and asked, "Have you read this teaching carefully?"

"I would never look at heretical teachings."

Daliang smiled and said: "You didn't even look carefully, so why did you insist that this is a heresy? I'll leave this teaching to you. You can take a closer look at what the ultimate faith is here."

"I will never watch it."

"If you don't want to watch, then listen." Daliang summoned a prison guard leader, a ghost hero. Daliang handed the newly compiled Immaculate Doctrine into the hands of the ghost hero and said: "You are here to read this doctrine for Mr. Speaker Yargu, and keep reading until Mr. Speaker understands what the ultimate faith is and becomes a believer of our new religion. "


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