Start with an Archangel

Chapter 794 Command Power

On the battlefield of Yongye City, the armies of Monarch Aiyin were retreating steadily, and the Shadow of Death also suffered successive defeats in the camp confrontation. As a result, as soon as the battle in the foggy area ended, the Holy Temple and Orion immediately disappeared from the battlefield of Evernight City. Number Zero won a complete victory against 11 camp players. This was definitely a great victory that boosted the morale of the army.

The apostles had never been so proud.

Now Zero is willing to serve as the commander of the Shadow of Death. This is the best outcome for all apostles.

There is no obstacle for Da Liang to take over the Shadow of Death.

However, Sergei was still a little confused about Daliang's order to move the Shadow of Death to the City of Sighs: "Number Zero, now Eternal Night City is the core of the battlefield in the Kingdom of Death, and City of Sighs does not seem to be participating in the war. Let's go to the City of Sighs. Isn’t it true that staying in the rear area is useless?”

Daliang said: "The Civil War in the Kingdom of Death is the first battle launched by Yunzhong City. Just to establish its prestige, Yunzhong City will also support the cyan coalition to take down Eternal Night City. There is still a gap between the Death Monarch and the fallen angels of hell, and hell is also facing hell. The counterattack of the lord kings was unable to support the war in Yongye City.

Eternal Night City is a burden to the evil camp.

After Eternal Night City is lost, occupying the land controlled by Eternal Night City will consume a large amount of troops from the cyan coalition, and the good camp will not be able to organize such a large-scale offensive in a short period of time. The Immaculate Holy See still has a big advantage in the Kingdom of Death. After the Death Monarchs eliminated the rebels in their territories, the six major monarchy territories showed a tendency to surround the Yongye area.

The Kingdom of Death will enter a stage of strategic confrontation. When a new large-scale war breaks out, it depends on who can find allies willing to fight in the Kingdom of Death.

Therefore... we don't need to invest too much in a war that is bound to be lost. We can just go and reap the benefits during the decisive battle.

The Sad Lord of the City of Sighs is the most enlightened monarch among the seven dead monarchs. After the Sad Lord of Sighs lost Eternal Night City and could not keep his position as the first monarch, the Sad Lord's financial resources, military power and support from hell may push him to the bottom of the world. The position of the first monarch.


There are some things I can't tell you just yet.

In short, as long as a change in the City of Sighs proceeds smoothly, it is not impossible to bring the civil war in the Kingdom of Death to a quick end. In any case, the City of Sighs will definitely be the core of the battlefield of the Death Realm in the future plane war.

If the shadow of death casts its shadow early, it will develop early and benefit early. "

Daliang has made the situation in Yongye City very clear. Yunzhong City will never let anything go wrong in his first battle. Yongye City must be captured.

Due to the limitations of his knowledge of plane forces, Sergei could not see the situation of the civil war in the Kingdom of Death as clearly as Daliang. In his opinion, Eternal Night City represents the dignity of the kingdom of death, and the death monarchs will never let him fall. He didn't know the overall layout of Yunzhong City, he didn't know how much pressure Hell was under, he didn't know that the Death Monarchs were not prepared for war, and the decision-making of the high-level planes was a thick layer of fog for the apostles.

But since Number Zero has pointed out that Yongye City will be defeated, there is no need for the apostles of the Shadow of Death to fight against the cyan coalition forces there. Number Zero is now the commander of the Shadow of Death. Even if he has not yet handed over authority to Number One, the apostles must obey Number Zero's orders in the overall situation.

"Okay, No. 0. I will immediately arrange for the Shadow of Death to move the base to the City of Sighs. After No. 1 arrives at the City of Sighs, you can complete the handover and change the service recipient to the Sad Lord."

As the game progresses, as players become stronger, their influence gradually increases. From cannon fodder on the battlefield to a force that can influence the direction of the war. The City of Sighs is now an important activity center for undead players in the Kingdom of Death. In addition to providing financial and tax revenue for the City of Sighs, they have always been a very powerful force.

However, players gathering in Sigh City does not mean that players support Sigh City. Most of the undead players support the Lamenting Lord of Eternal Night City, actively participate in the battle of Eternal Night City, and regard Lamenting City as a supply and repair place.

When Eternal Night City falls, the player forces in the entire Kingdom of Death will definitely be reshuffled, and players will choose to support the Death Lord with great potential to complete the tasks released by the main city they support.

The Sad Monarch with the smallest territory and lowest ranking is not the best choice for players.

However, the Shadow of Death is becoming more and more famous among the undead players, and it will definitely lead the undead players to fight plane wars in the future. Their choices will lead to players' blind obedience. When the Shadow of Death turns to serve the Melancholy Lord, the focus of player support will shift to the City of Sighs.

As the seventh-ranked main city of the Kingdom of Death, the City of Sighs will rapidly expand in strength in a short period of time. When competing for the dominance of the Kingdom of Death, it will undoubtedly add a weight.

The blueprint for the future of Sigh City was quickly sketched in Da Liang's mind.

The situation in the Kingdom of Death will only become more and more complicated. If you want to gain more benefits in this war, in addition to trying your best to increase the strength of the City of Sighs, only by strengthening yourself can you protect your own interests.

Julian's matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

Thinking of Julian, Da Liang thought of the angel equipment in Will's hands.

So Da Liang asked Sergey: "Last time you attacked me in Dark Light City, you used the ability to teleport across space. I want to know if you can teleport if you know the coordinates?"

Sergey did not hide it from Daliang: "Apostle No. 12 is responsible for the research and development of the alchemy technology of the Shadow of Death. Last time we used short-distance positioning and transmission. During the transmission process, the target coordinates must be continuously positioned for the environment, so we only know that the coordinates are not enough."

Da Liang wants to enter Will's collection room through space teleportation and steal the angel equipment inside, but it seems that it is not easy to do now.

At this time, Sergey added: "If there is a fixed space positioning beacon at the transmission location, a transmission channel can also be established."

Put a spatial locator beacon in Will's collection room?

Daliang considered the feasibility of the plan, and then said: "When he arrives in the foggy area on the 12th, ask him to contact me immediately. I have one thing that I need his help with."

Sergey replied: "Yes, I will notify No. 12. In addition, I need to remind you that if you use team resources to do your own personal affairs, you must pay camp contribution points."

"What are the camp's contribution points?"

Daliang looked at his current camp contribution points. After the battle in the foggy area, 11 enemy players died. As the only member of the evil camp, Daliang only had 5,500 camp contribution points that needed to be divided equally. After killing 9 people with his own hands, he got another 1800 points; achievements and various settlement rewards add 1200 points.

A total of 8500 camp contributions.

Then Da Liang just didn't find out how to spend these camp contributions in the Death Shadow team panel.

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