Start with an Archangel

Chapter 795 Camp Confrontation Point

"What else is the use of camp contribution points?"

Faced with Daliang's question, Sergey immediately explained: "Because you were not an official member of the Shadow of Death before, No. 1, and the function of using your camp contribution points was not enabled on No. 1. I will make command with you when No. 1 arrives at the City of Sighs. , after anchoring Death's Shadow in the City of Sighs, you can use your camp contribution points to exchange for resources and creatures.

After the battle in the foggy area, your camp's contribution points, Zero, should be very high. "

Daliang said casually: "8500 points, for you apostles who often do camp missions, it shouldn't be much."

"So many!" Sergey said in surprise, and then said with envy: "Yes, the basic reward for victory alone is at least 5,500 points. In fact, ordinary camp missions reward not many camp contribution points, and the gains from fighting with the camp The ratio is too small. However, the risk of endless camp war is too high. We have avoided activating camp war in the past, so the camp contribution points in the hands of our apostles are not many.

I only have 900 points, and I can’t even recruit a bone dragon? "

Daliang asked: "Can the camp contribute points to recruit bone dragons?"

"Yes, exchanging rare resources and recruiting high-level troops are the prerogatives of camp members. Otherwise, how would we be willing to do such a high-risk mission and be killed and demoted accidentally."

Daliang asked: "How much camp contribution is needed to recruit Bone Dragon?"

"5000 gold coins, 1000 camp contribution."

8,500 camp contributions can recruit 8 bone dragons, but after Daliang fought a Sunshine Plains offensive and defensive battle and a Forward Fortress defensive battle, and collected angel corpses and dragon corpses, he only succeeded in evolving 7 frost dragons. Now the camp contribution points obtained in a camp battle can be transformed into at least 4 frost dragons.

This efficiency is too high.

Da Liang suddenly found a way to make a fortune and expand his Frost Dragon Legion. In the future, this camp will fight more battles.

The highlight is to open the team panel of Death Shadow. There are a total of 13 apostles including himself. 1,200 camp confrontation points were allocated, and an apostle issued a hundred, and then said on the team public channel: "I am No. 0, and now I have officially joined the shadow of death. In the future, in the camp missions, all the apostles will still need to work hard. ,help each other.

Never abandon, never give up, this is my principle of doing things.

If you encounter a confrontation between camps in the future, don’t be timid. Ask me where I am first. As long as I can get there, I will go over immediately to support you. "

With camp warfare being suppressed, the apostles are in great need of this kind of strong leadership. After Daliang spoke, the apostles who received 100 camp confrontation points burst into applause.

Then they all asked how to sell the Vampire Sword Guard Hero?

Last time, Sergey No. 2 exchanged the Hero Order from Daliang for three Vampire Sword Guard heroes. When these vampire sword guard heroes are finished, their performance is simply amazing.

It has balanced physical attack and magical abilities, and is capable of both melee and long-range combat. It can fly and ride and has good looks. It has multi-purpose applicability and can cope with most emergencies, especially when attacking flesh-and-blood creatures. Once the blood-sucking sword guard is released, the sword attacks frequently and sucks blood "sizzlingly".

How to use it easily.

However, there are only three Vampire Sword Guard heroes in the entire Shadow of Death, and there are too many heroes. Some want one, and some want to add another one. This time Zero officially joined the Shadow of Death and became the commander. The apostles had to get themselves a vampire sword guard no matter what.

For Daliang, strengthening Death Shadow is to strengthen himself, and after the Fortress Forward War, many vampire sword guards evolved into heroes. If the apostles are willing to buy them, Daliang is willing to exchange them for some good things.

So Daliang said: "Vampire Sword Guard heroes who grow well and have good specialties will contribute one point to each 500 camp. Later I will sort out the attributes of good Vampire Sword Guard heroes, and you can choose according to your needs."

The Bone Dragon 1000 camp contribution point is one. Although the basic attributes of Bone Dragon are very poor among its peers, the ultimate creatures are all born heroes with a high growth rate. It is definitely a good deal to exchange 1,000 camp contribution points for a hero with high potential.

Vampire Sword Guard heroes are heroes promoted by special creatures. Their growth rate is higher than that of ordinary heroes, but much worse than that of ultimate creatures. Just looking at the data comparison, 500 camp contribution points can only buy one Vampire Sword Guard hero, which is not cheap. Two Vampire Sword Guards can be exchanged for a Bone Dragon.

But the strength of the Vampire Sword Guard hero is obvious to all the apostles. It consumes less, upgrades quickly, and can quickly form combat effectiveness. Moreover, Daliang also promised to pick any one he wanted.

The apostles can choose the Vampire Sword Guard hero that suits them best. It is definitely better than spending 1,000 camp contribution points to improve the character of the Bone Dragon. The hero's specialties have a great influence on the hero's growth direction.

The important thing is that the apostles don't have the 1,000 camp contribution points that can be redeemed for the Bone Dragon. It's better to get a powerful Vampire Sword Guard hero first to enhance their strength, and then take the Vampire Sword Guard hero on missions to fight in camp battles. It's okay to save up the Bone Dragon in the future. Form a high-low match with the vampire sword guard.

In short, each apostle can use 500 camp contribution points, so choosing a suitable vampire sword guard is the best choice. Moreover, No. 0 just received 100 camp contribution points, so it only costs 400 camp contribution points, which is cheap!

The apostles expressed their intention to order a vampire sword guard hero.

1,200 camp contribution points were sent out, and 6,000 camp contribution points were collected...


Da Liang could only sigh in his heart.

After ending the call with Sergey, it would take a day for the apostles to reach the City of Sighs, and even longer with the base relocation.

Daliang contacted Shu Xiao: "Does our army have top-notch equipment from Yunzhong City?"

Our legion...this title made Shu Xiao very happy, and she immediately replied: " high-quality do you want?"

Daliang thought for a while and said: "Hero equipment must have at least three basic attributes, each attribute plus 4 or more, at least two additional attributes, and an equipment skill."

Shu Xiao didn't expect that Daliang would want such top-notch hero equipment. She searched the legion warehouse and then her own private warehouse before finding a broad sword.

Purifying Sawtooth (Broadsword, Hero Equipment)

Attack: 5

Intelligence: 4

Knowledge: 4

Increases light attribute attack by 10%, shortens skill recovery time by 10%, and increases physical recovery speed by 10%

Skill: Tear (interrupts healing effect)

"This broadsword meets your requirements. If it weren't too heavy, I would use it myself."

Daliang looked over the attributes of this purifying sawtooth, compared the entire plan, and felt that it met his requirements. He said to Shu Xiao: "Lend this weapon to me first, and I will return it to you in a few days."

"Okay, where can I give you the weapon?"

Daliang said: "Leader of the Judgment. The fallen angels promised me to send me to see Metatron tomorrow afternoon. I hope everything goes well."

Shu Xiao said in surprise: "You must be too efficient to get the Fallen Angel to agree so quickly. How many restaurants are you eating at?"

Daliang chuckled and said, "If you don't want me to tell you, then just use your imagination and guess."

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