Start with an Archangel

Chapter 797 Alchemy Technology

Nicole did not expect that Da Liang could actually find the space beacon placed by Beelzebub. The three masters used the space beacon detection magic to search for it on the Black Pearl, but they could not find it.

Da Liang had Beelzebub's space beacon in his hand. Nicole thought for a moment and replied: "With that beacon, I can make a positioning device for you. Most of the space beacon detection magic in this world cannot detect it." Then you can just make a space teleportation array and teleport there. However, once the space channel is opened, the space defense mechanism of the secret room will be triggered immediately. Before the space channel is forcibly closed, you will not have much time to steal things.

Where exactly was Beelzebub's beacon placed, and how did you find it? "

Facing the curious Nicole, Da Liang smiled and took out a piece of paper and said: "I thought about it. After entering the elemental plane, Beelzebub boarded the Black Pearl twice. It was at that time that the space beacon was probably Beelzebub left it. I once searched everything that Beelzebub had touched and found nothing. But then I remembered that I had overlooked one thing, which was the brigantine destroyer we signed together. Exclusive licensing agreement.”

Daliang placed the agreement in front of Nicole. The agreement was signed by Beelzebub - "Brown" in the Elvish language.

Nicole immediately prepared a bottle of magic powder to conduct a deep magic detection on Beelzebub's signature. When the powder was sprinkled, an inconspicuous glimmer of light disappeared in the ink mark of the signature.

Nicole put her nose almost on the paper, and her eyes emitted blue light to illuminate the writing. After waiting for a while, she straightened up and said: "That's amazing, worthy of Beelzebub. He can actually hide a space beacon so well." Well, what surprises me even more did you discover this magic beacon?"

Daliang spread his hands and said: "As I said just now, I was just guessing. Can this magic beacon be used now?"

Nicole said: "Of course, there is nothing special about the magic beacon itself. What interests me most is the technology of hiding magic. Promise me that you will give it to me when you are done using this beacon."

"No problem..." Daliang agreed very simply. Now Nicole is helping her upgrade the alchemy technology tree of the Black Fire Territory. The more advanced the alchemy technology she has developed, not all of it is her own. "How to use the positioning device you mentioned?"

Nicole said: "This piece of paper itself is a positioning device. If this agreement is still useful to you, I will transfer this beacon. You can just give me anything."

Da Liang took out the purification saw and placed it on the table in front of Nicole: "Just use it as a positioning device."

Nicole didn't care about the real purpose of Daliang's spatial positioning device. In her mind, it was enough that Daliang promised to give her Beelzebub's space beacon after use.

The Purifying Sawtooth was placed on Nicole's workbench. The spatial beacon in Beelzebub's signature on the agreement was extracted. The tiny magic circle emitted an undetectable brilliance, and was then placed on the hilt of the Purifying Sawtooth. superior. After the space beacon was properly placed, it disappeared, and nothing strange could be seen on the surface of the purified sawtooth.

The whole process was very fast. When Nicole gave the purification sawtooth to Daliang, Daliang couldn't believe it: "It's finished so quickly, is it okay?"

Nicole said confidently: "The most difficult thing about the whole device is the space beacon hiding technology. Transferring the space beacon is just a little trick. Remember, I am an alchemy master, and you are an alchemy idiot. Even if I explain the process, you don't understand it." .Take it away, as long as you don’t meet a level 16 hero, no one can see the magic beacon on it without knowing it.”

In response to Nicole's sarcasm, Daliang just smiled and promised to collect the supplies as soon as possible before leaving the alchemy laboratory with the purification sawtooth.

Alchemy technology, as the Black Fire Leader's alchemy technology becomes more and more powerful, Daliang pays more and more attention to his alchemy technology research and development capabilities. Now there are two alchemy laboratories in Daliang. Master alchemists and senior alchemists are in charge. The alchemy technology tree of the Black Fire Leader is rapidly spreading.

However, the level 7 alchemy laboratory limits the upper limit of the Black Fire Leader's alchemy technology.

If you want to upgrade the alchemy laboratory, you must first upgrade the territory. The Black Fire Territory should speed up its development and reach the standard for promotion to the eighth-level territory as soon as possible.

The initial excavation of the Bone Burial Ground has begun. The construction of the maze, the transformation of the magic circle, and the earth filling will be carried out at the same time. I believe that the landscape here will be greatly changed in the near future, and all the secrets will be buried under the soil.

Leave the Bone Burial Ground to Astro, and more than a dozen giant frost dragons will firmly guard this future military core.

Da Liang returned to the church in the foggy area without stopping. Now that all the buildings from level 6 to level 7 in the Black Fire Territory have been upgraded, it is time to start completing level 7 territory tasks to obtain new building drawings.

[Finally I see you again. The Sad Lord needs your army to wipe out the invading enemies for him. I believe you already know that the Kingdom of Death is facing a war. Fortunately, our City of Sighs has eliminated the power of the Wizards Guild, allowing our land to avoid this war. But our enemies don't seem to want us to live a peaceful life. The elves in the dreamland are attacking us. We have lost many strongholds in the dreamland. More and more elves enter our territory and they plant trees. Contaminating our soil is a blasphemy to the god of death.

Lord, these are your tasks.

Bring your army, destroy the invading elves, and let them know...only dead elves are qualified to survive in the kingdom of death. 】

Along with the task description, there is a long sequence of individual tasks below. The undead lord can choose the task of corresponding difficulty according to his own ability. The more tasks completed, the greater the impact on the future discovery prospects of the territory.

When Daliang let the Hell Army enter the territory of the City of Sighs, he had an agreement with Macaulay. When the Black Fire Army had war missions within the City of Sighs, the Hell garrison needed assistance.

Da Liang's explanation for this agreement is that it will help Hell's army gain a sense of presence in the Kingdom of Death. After all, the Sad Lord does not allow the hell army to cross the border to attack the cyan coalition. A rigid garrison that does not make any movement really has no sense of existence.

Although Macaulay knows that the Hell garrison will definitely be used as a weapon by Da Liang, as long as they can fight, let all forces know that there is still a Hell garrison in the Kingdom of Death.

If you are a gun wielder, just be a gun wielder.

The Hell Garrison is willing to help, and the seventh-level territory mission is not too difficult for Daliang. It's just that he definitely doesn't have time to lead troops to fight, and there are not many heroes in the Black Fire Leader who can command troops.

Who should be allowed to lead the hell army with his own army to do territorial tasks?

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