Start with an Archangel

Chapter 798 Transfer of Command

In terms of troop commanding ability in the entire Blackfire Territory's military hierarchy, Kuka and Monica are the leaders in land battles, and Sidney is the leader in naval battles.

But the Snowfield War has begun, and Kuka is commanding the undead army to launch an attack on the orc tribes in the river basin. He cannot be transferred here now. Monica also has to guard the forward fortress. Although Da Liang has threatened Palm Tree City, those elves may not be honest and must guard against them. There was no need for Sidney to think about it. He wouldn't be able to come, and even if he came, he wouldn't have the ability to command a land battle.

There are still cavalry to lead the copper, and the heavy-armed tramplers will definitely be able to charge into the battle. They can sit at the rear and have an insight into the overall situation...

Da Liang thought of Simon, the big-eared monster.

The big-eared monster is the lowest-level creature in the beast tribe. Even if he becomes a hero, Simon's potential is limited and it will be difficult for him to become a powerful fighting hero. Simon's special offensive skills prevent Daliang from treating him as an ordinary hero, so Daliang also trains Simon whenever he has the opportunity, and takes Simon with him to improve his hero level as much as possible in large-scale battles.

Perhaps this territorial mission can test Simon's ability to lead troops. If Simon can successfully transform, then with Simon's comprehensiveness, Simon can be an alternative whether encountering land battles, naval battles or air battles in the future.

Daliang felt that he could do it. Anyway, with the army of hell following him this time, he didn't have much pressure to fight against the invading elves.

So Daliang ordered Simon to serve as the military commander of this territorial combat mission, and used the Assault as the tactical core to mobilize an army for Simon from various places. The red copper cavalry will definitely join the battle, and Vincent's magic mages will also support a group, followed by vampire sword guards, skeleton soldiers, demons, ghosts, skeleton soldiers, plague crawlers, and seven-headed frost dragons.

Then, Daliang coordinated joint operations with the hell garrison, and time passed quickly.

The 12 apostles of the Shadow of Death all arrived at the City of Sighs after a long flight.

Daliang transformed into the Flame Commander and met the apostles who were about to become his subordinates outside the cathedral in the City of Sighs. Following Daliang were more than twenty vampire swordsman heroes.

All handsome men, wearing windbreakers with stand-up collars and swords at their waists, stood in two rows.

The breeze blows, and the windbreaker swings, creating a very high style.

The apostles were deeply shocked that Da Liang pulled out so many vampire swordsman heroes at once. When No. 2 exchanged the three vampire sword guardian heroes and said that these were junk that No. Zero didn't want, the apostles still didn't believe it.

Now it seems……

I'm not bragging.

Such an incredibly powerful person was about to become the commander of the Shadow of Death. Even though the apostles were all powerful bosses in their other identities, they couldn't help but feel fear and joy at the strength shown by Daliang.

No. 1 no longer has any psychological burden. No. Zero has such strength. From the moment he enters the shadow of death, sooner or later this team will be captured by him. It is far better to take the initiative to hand over command now than to drive Zero out, at least to maintain the integrity and unity of the team.

No. 1 came out and said to Daliang: "We all know that you are Destruction, but I still call you No. Zero. Now let's go to the cathedral together to handle the handover of the shadow of death. I believe you can lead us to our Heights that were previously unattainable.”

Daliang said to No. 1: "The Shadow of Death is the team of all apostles. Its strength requires the efforts of each of us. In addition, due to personal reasons, I cannot manage the team most of the time. Therefore, I hope that after the transfer of power, No. 1 You can continue to help me manage the shadow of death."

No. 1 replied: "I am very happy to be able to serve you."

After establishing the affiliation and organizational relationship, Daliang and No. 1 walked into the cathedral together.

Meet the sad king.

Due to the relationship between the Death Lord and Satan, Daliang did not hide from the Sad Lord that he had obtained the body dominated by the flames. Therefore, when Daliang brought No. 1 to the audience and explained that the Shadow of Death wanted to join the City of Sighs, the Sad Lord was very happy.

This means that the subordinates of the Aiyin Lord of Yongye City are surrendering to him.

"Very good, very good. Will and..."

Seeing that the Sad Lord wanted to mention that he and Will had captured Argu, Daliang, who was afraid of being heard by No. 1, quickly said: "Serving the Lord is my duty. Now the Shadow of Death is willing to transfer from the City of Eternal Night to the City of Sighs. , and recommended me as the leader of the Shadow of Death. Please allow us to join, and all of us apostles hope to serve the monarch as soon as possible."

No. 1 was scared to the side and broke into a cold sweat.

What is this?

Lord of Death!

One of the top bosses in the entire game, you actually dared to interrupt the Sad Lord. Are you overly happy after taking over the Shadow of Death?

No. 1 has been in contact with the Monarch of Mourning, and knows that every top BOSS is majestic and arrogant. Interrupting their speech is definitely a provocation to their authority. At this time, No. 1 had already thought of the sad monarch's rage.

Alas... I have to die here once, what a shame!

"Since you are willing to serve me, I agree to allow you to join the City of Sighs. I also have many tasks that you powerful adventurers need to complete."

What...what's going on?

No. 1 feels a little weird.

Didn't the Sad Monarch Card Machine realize that his words were interrupted?

But it is impossible to have the machine jammed, but why does the Sad Monarch treat this provocative behavior as if nothing happened?

No. 1 looked at No. 0. He had completed the handover of ownership of Death Shadow. The Shadow of Death belongs to the Melancholy Lord, and Zero becomes the commander of the Shadow of Death, directly responsible for the Melancholy Lord.

The king is happy and his ministers are happy.

No. 1 also suddenly figured it out, and was also frightened by his own guess.

The Sad Lord did not think that the interruption of his words was a provocation from Number Zero. That was because the intimacy between Number Zero and the Sad Lord had reached a level where they could almost talk casually.

Considering that Zero, the one who can borrow the Doomsday Blade from Satan, it is understandable that he has such closeness with the Melancholy Lord.

But understanding is still understanding, but when I really see it, I still find it incredible.

What a level of gaming to reach this level! Daliang of Shangjiang City was already very powerful in being able to control the wind and rain in Shangjiang, but compared with this Mie Shi, he was simply nothing.

What's the point of borrowing an oath number? What's the point of borrowing Shangjiang's army?

Our Zero can borrow the Doomsday Blade, and with his relationship with the Sorrowful Lord, it shouldn't be difficult to borrow troops in the City of Sighs.

It’s developed, it’s hard to think about not being developed this time!

All the things he saw and thought made No. 1 give up all thoughts about the shadow of death.

The Apostles have a new commander and the support of a capital city, and it's time for the world to know the name Death's Shadow.


Thanks to fkingbitch for the daily reward. 5 or 10 yuan a day is almost 300 yuan, which makes me a little excited every day. Thank you for the second 100 yuan reward in Yijianguang Cambrian Era. Thank you to all the book friends who rewarded and voted. .

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