Start with an Archangel

Chapter 802: Against generals, soldiers against soldiers

Since the Mist Zone was fully opened to players, it has been developing rapidly. It can be said that it changes every day.

Compared with other parishes that are full of dilapidated buildings and with few roads in sight, the spacious bluestone pavement in the foggy area looks extremely luxurious. There are also an endless stream of vehicles and pedestrians on the road, making this place almost invisible. A city of the dead.

Large tracts of land were leased and sold by the Misty District Church to merchants who came to do business. The merchants pushed the dilapidated houses to carry out construction work, and buildings with various ethnic styles were built one after another. In the midst of the war in the entire Kingdom of Death, the foggy area with sufficient stability and supplies is attracting more and more people. In particular, the foggy area can provide delicious and cheap food, and also allows more wandering heroes to migrate to the foggy area.

The prosperous commerce and concentrated population have made the Mist District of the City of Sighs the brightest pearl in the entire Kingdom of Death.

The apostles also found that moving the base to the City of Sighs was far more convenient than in the Evernight City. Almost anything they wanted could be found in the foggy area. If they couldn't find it, they could also entrust merchants to purchase it on their behalf.

Before the apostles of the Shadow of Death had a clear understanding of the City of Sighs, a team camp mission was handed down from the cathedral.

After receiving the mission, No. 1 immediately selected the combatants according to the mission description and rushed to the foggy area.

In a two-story building on the commercial street, No. 1 and the other seven apostles were waiting quietly.

After a while, heavy footsteps came up the stairs from the first floor, and a player hiding in a smock walked up to the second floor.

The apostles saluted the player together: "Number Zero, we are ready."

Da Liang, who transformed into the leader of the flames, lifted his hood. On the dark red helmet, the eyes were glowing red.

Daliang said to the apostles: "I believe that everyone has seen this semi-mandatory camp mission. This time we will participate in the Holy See Knights of Sigh City's encirclement and suppression of the invading team in Yunzhong City.

According to the information I just obtained from the cathedral, the enemy of the Knights of the Holy See in the City of Sighs this time is a holy angel named Holy Brandon. Holy Brandon is the assistant of the Supreme Angel Gabriel. He has a very high status in Yunzhong City, and his strength is absolutely top-notch among level 15 heroes.

In order to deal with Holy Brandon, Will, the leader of the Holy See Knights of the City of Sighs, will personally fight.

The battle takes place on our home turf and victory is definitely ours.

Our task in the Shadow of Death is to cooperate with the Knights of the Holy See to win this battle, and our opponent is the faction against the team temple in Yunzhong City. I fought a camp battle with the Holy Church here. They should have followed Holy Brandon, and it is estimated that they have returned here now.

Another opponent may be the Orion I encountered last time. Although we are not yet sure whether Orion is in the foggy area, we must prevent Orion from raiding us while we are fighting the Sanctuary.

Last time, the Holy Church fought with Orion and the Rising Sun Guild, which gave me a big bargain. This time, the Rising Sun Guild may not necessarily help us.

Therefore, in a non-faction combat environment, we have to fight against players from the Temple, Orion, and Temple affiliates, and the pressure is still relatively high. "

No. 1 said: "If the Rising Sun Guild does not participate in the war, it will be very difficult for the players under the Temple. We have just arrived in the City of Sighs, and the peripheral personnel under the Shadow of Death are transferring our base supplies. This battle can only rely on us. These apostles in the city of sighs.”

Players who can be recruited as peripheral members of the camp confrontation team are also players with high levels, good equipment, and strong skills.

The last battle broke out when Tokugawa Nobunaga was preparing to attack the church in the foggy area and mobilized the Rising Sun Guild to fully prepare for the war. It can be said that the Holy Temple and Orion were besieged by the elites of the entire Rising Sun Guild. The battle still lasted for such a long time, and there was even a scene where the Holy Temple and Orion besieged Daliang. Those peripheral elites of the temple played an important role, and their strength is also evident.

This time, Da Liang did not notify Tokugawa Nobunaga to participate. The large-scale actions of the Rising Sun Guild will definitely be known to the players in the temple, thus alerting the enemy.

Whether Tokugawa Nobunaga can respond in time is unknown, but the peripheral personnel of the temple need to be restrained, and the limited apostles cannot be interfered by those players.

There can be no mistakes in this battle.

Daliang also felt that with these apostles alone, his own personnel were indeed too thin.

"I'll contact a friend in the foggy area to see if she can do anything."

Daliang privately chatted with Feng Moying: "I need your help with something. How many trustworthy and capable players can you contact now? I want to pay to hire a group of people to help me fight the war."

Feng Moying quickly replied: "Original Miushi Sang, you haven't contacted me for several days. I thought you had forgotten me. Helping you fight? No problem! You are looking for me in the foggy area. The 500 ninjas of our Fuma team in the foggy area can return to the city at any time."

The Wind Demon Team...500 people.

Daliang always thought that the Feng Mo team was just a dozen middle school kids playing around, but he didn't expect that there were so many of them. 500 people! Do you dare to call the team?

The key is……

"Didn't you break up with the Wind Demon Team? Can they listen to you?"

"Break up? No! Is Mie Shisang talking about what happened in the tavern that day?" Feng Moying was very confused about what Daliang said: "We often improvise and interact with our own characters. We usually play together and Doing a mission?"


Let you mind your own business...

Daliang just wants to give himself a slap now.

A group of children were playing role-playing games and actually brought themselves into the play. If I hadn't asked clearly today, I would still think that I was a hero saving the beauty that day.

What a shame.

Daliang did not dare to say more on this topic and quickly returned to the topic: "Is it okay for your Feng Mo team to keep it secret?"

"We are all ninjas, and confidentiality is the most basic requirement."

There is something to be said for the persistence of the middle school boy. It's just them. Anyway, they can't find anyone they can trust at this time. Daliang said to Feng Moying: "Now let all your friends return to the city to prepare for the battle. I will tell you how to fight specifically."

"Yes, Lord Destruction! The wind demon's will is burning, let our swords harvest all your enemies! Come on!"

Recalling the fierce battle with Mie Shisang, Feng Moying's fighting spirit was burning at this moment: "Attention all ninjas in the Fengmo team who have no mission, I am Feng Moying, a jounin! The hero in charge of the flame has issued a summons to us, we Our village is about to be invaded. My companions, return to the city and fight! Use our lives to defend the glory of the Feng Demon clan!"

The young men from the Wind Demon Team who were scattered in and around the City of Sighs returned to the city.

For a time, the painting style of the city return point in the foggy area suddenly changed.

Looking at the groups of players dressed as ninjas who rushed out shouting slogans, everyone around them knew that this group of Japanese teenagers was going to engage in some kind of performance activity.

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