In any case, the outer members of the church had someone to help contain them.

As long as players are not given the opportunity to use special means to help Holy Brandon escape, there won't be any big surprises on the main battlefield.

The mission was determined, and combat missions began to be assigned on the 1st.

He took out the collected information on the main personnel of the Sanctuary and Orion, analyzed the characteristics of each opponent for the apostles, and made targeted tactical arrangements based on these characteristics.

In particular, Houyi of Orion was feared by everyone for his sniping skills.

"Although the sniper attack of Flying Sand and Stone is extremely lethal, its skill recovery time is ten minutes. We cannot prevent him from shooting the first arrow, but we must not let him shoot the second arrow.

Feishaozushi was burned to death by Zero once in the battle of Palm Tree City, and was killed by Zero again in the camp confrontation in the foggy area. If we kill him again, he will die three times and be reduced to level three in a short period of time. He will definitely not enter the battlefield again. "

Da Liang had no objections to No. 1’s arrangement: “Let’s fight like this… The Knights of the Church of the Mist Zone will block the battlefield at the beginning of the battle. If you are in danger during the battle, you can seek help from the Knights of the Church of the Mist Zone. Temporary protection.”

After the plan was approved, No. 1 asked: "Where are our enemies?"

Da Liang looked out the window at an ordinary shop across the street and said, "It's right there!"

Time passed quickly and noon came. In the sky above the foggy area, a bone dragon flew from a distance.

In the Kingdom of Death, bone dragons are not a rare species, especially in the City of Sighs, the main city of the undead, there are bone dragons and ghost dragons flying in groups at any time.

A bone dragon didn't attract anyone's attention.

The bone dragon didn't fly very fast, and it slowly flew over the commercial street.

[Entering the space interference area]

【Enter the battlefield】

[Looking at the eyes of death, all non-undead creatures are highlighted]

A series of information prompts appear in the information bar of players in this area.

Just when the player didn't know what was happening, the ground in the commercial street suddenly rose up, and the sharp bamboo-like protruding rocks lifted up a shop, and in the blink of an eye it rose to more than 30 meters in the air.

Then several large magic haloes lit up around the shop, magic symbols flashed, and the building weathered into powder in a short time and dispersed.

Several players and NPCs with special symbols on their heads were revealed.

[Identification of non-undead creatures...]

The symbol changes finally stopped. The armor represents the human knight, the light ball represents the priest, the crossbow represents the crossbowman... the golden wings represent the holy angel.

Holy Brandon is fully exposed.

He did not expect that the attack from Sigh City would be so sudden. Since he was surrounded, he would fight first and then find an opportunity to escape.

"The space energy here is chaotic. You must find a way to get outside the scope of the space chaos. As long as you open this space teleportation scroll, Yunzhong City will send reinforcements. You must do it before the Sad Lord can't help but take action..." Holy Bran Den calmly threw a magic scroll to the Fool, then unfolded the Holy Angel Wings and took out the Purification Sawtooth. At this time, several black shadows rushed up from the ground, and Holy Brandon recognized the leader as Will, the leader of the Knights of the Holy See in the City of Sighs.

In the previous plane war, Holy Brandon knew how strong Will was. In order to cover the Templar Knights, Holy Brandon ignored the danger of being besieged and charged back against the senior Holy See Knights headed by Will.

The golden and gray sword lights collided in the air, and the accumulated energy in the roar exploded in a ring, and the radiating air currents broke the hard rock pillars at the waist.

The rock pillar tilted, and the Fool led the Templar Knights on their flying mounts to avoid the aftermath of the battle.

Below them, Holy Brandon was already fighting with Will. A very powerful terrifying knight hero cooperated with Will. They both had the ability to fly and pursued Holy Brandon in the air. Through alternating close attacks, they pressed Holy Brandon into a small space. inside.

Other senior Holy See knights were scattered around the fighting airspace, providing magical support for the fierce battle.

The Terror Knight's hand-to-hand combat ability is extremely outstanding. Will, holding the Prophet's Sword in his hand, moves with great force. There is a pair of wings formed by thick gray fog on his back, which shows that Will is no longer a simple terror knight. He should be a mutation of the terror knight and become some special ultimate species.

In terms of creature level, Will should be the same as Holy Brandon, a natural level 15 creature.

In the one-on-one confrontation, Holy Brandon and Will were evenly matched, but Will brought many helpers, each of whom were the top heroes of the Holy See Knights.

Master-level magic is at your fingertips, and the combination is airtight. The attack is precise and the timing is cunning and vicious.

The surrounded Holy Brandon held the Purification Saw in his hand and put up a light shield to defend. He knew that in this situation of being surrounded, he had no possibility of escaping alone, and his only hope was the support of Yunzhong City.

As an important subordinate of Gabriel, Holy Brandon has a relatively high status in Cloud City. Even if the battle occurs in the City of Sighs, the angels will try their best to rescue him.

In the center of the battle, the roaring sound was endless. Will led his men to attack with all their strength. He knew that heroes like Holy Brandon who had lived for an unknown period of time had some means to save their lives, although he had set up many measures in advance to prevent Brandon from escaping.

But a dead angel can make people feel at ease.

The Fool led the Templar Knights and landed on the ground with the help of the cover of the collapsed stone pillars. The airflow caused by the battle swept back and forth, and the Templar Knights turned into the alley next to them to escape.

And at this moment...the flames soaring into the sky suddenly burst out from around them.

Bang! Bang!

The sound of heavy objects stepping on stone slabs quickly approached. When the Templar Knights looked over, they saw the Flame Leader of Destruction, which had wiped them out, rushing over like a truck.

The blazing spear had a flat end, and a row of flames shot out from the tip towards the Templar Knights.


Tower shields as tall as one person fell down and were firmly embedded in the stone slabs. The fireball hit it and splashed out clouds of sparks.

The Fool shouted: "It is the destruction of the shadow of death. Other apostles of the shadow of death may be nearby. Defend in place and wait for support!"

The four knights moved into position and used the tower shield to protect the crossbowmen and priests inside.

The priest chanted, and blessing magic descended one after another, blessing the Templars with buffing magic states.

The brilliance flows outside the heavy armor. The knight, who was originally good at defense, now looks more like an unshakable city wall.

Looking at Mie Shi again, he has disappeared.


At this time, the Fool's backstage support staff shouted: "Above, the world is destroyed above you!"

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