Start with an Archangel

Chapter 807 Misty Village

Tokugawa Nobunaga recently also wanted to establish a coalition of player organizations in the foggy area, but his influence is not great. If you take the initiative to form a consortium, you may end up giving others an advantage.

But if we can get the support of Death Shadow, the conditions for the establishment of this foggy area player association will be met. The influence of the Shadow of Death is undoubtedly very great, and Destruction is recognized as the number one in combat power. If they support themselves as the talkative person, that is, the president, who among the other players would dare to object?

Tokugawa Nobunaga confirmed again: "The Shadow of Death is really willing to support me? Can Mr. Destruction make the decision?"

What kind of association Daliang is talking about is, to put it bluntly, a player gang. He is now the ruler, holding the big stick of sanctions in his hand, and he also controls the ownership of the land in the foggy area. No matter how hard a player association jumps, it can't make a difference. On the contrary, the players in the foggy area unite and there is less internal friction. After all, they fight and tear down the house when they have nothing to do. Da Liang can't help but have a headache and earn a lot less money.

It would be great if players can manage players.

Daliang gave Tokugawa Nobunaga a reassurance: "I am now the leader of the Shadow of Death, and the apostles will respect my opinion. The Shadow of Death and I will support President Tokugawa in dominating the Mist Zone. The president can tell me what I said today." Record your words."

Tokugawa Nobunaga has been recording, and after receiving the confirmation of Mie Shi, he immediately saved the video, and then said: "Thank you very much Mr. Mie Shi. If I can become the president of the Mist Zone Club, I will definitely ensure that the Shadow of Death remains in the Mist Zone." Have enough interest and influence.”

"Then I wish us happy cooperation in the future..." Daliang stood up and said, "I have some things to do, so I'll leave first."

At this time, Tokugawa Nobunaga asked: "Mr. Mieshi, do you think Miss Feng Moying has the strength to join the shadow of death?"

Daliang didn't expect Tokugawa Nobunaga to suddenly ask this question, and he looked at Feng Moying. At this time, Feng Moying was also looking forward to the evaluation of her by the most powerful Mie Shi.

Recalling the two battles Feng Moying and himself experienced together, Daliang discovered that this little girl still had some fighting talent. At least for the first time against a hunter in Orion, he was not killed in a duel.

"Except for the slightly inferior equipment, it already meets the standards of an apostle."

Daliang gave Feng Moying a fair evaluation. The hunters in Orion are supported by a guild, and their equipment is naturally of the highest quality. The fact that Feng Moying can fight for so long shows that her operational ability is still very strong.

Feng Moying was very happy to receive such a high evaluation from Daliang, and Tokugawa Nobunaga said at this time: "Mr. Destruction, are you willing to let Feng Moying join the Shadow of Death?"

Tokugawa Nobunaga's words really exceeded everyone's expectations. You must know that Feng Moying has quit the Rising Sun Guild and is a "rebellious nin".

Daliang asked: "President Tokugawa, please explain the matter clearly. The shadow of death cannot be added casually. Each apostle has his own role."

Tokugawa Nobunaga replied: "I intend to establish a Class A corps based on the Fuma Squadron. The corps is stationed in the foggy area, and I hired Miss Fuma Ying as the commander of this Class A corps. The only function of this corps is to maintain Order and security in the Mist Zone, this is the only recognized player military organization in the Mist Zone.

The ownership of this legion belongs to our Mist Zone Players Association, and members of the association jointly fund and arm it.

I think the Shadow of Death would be very willing to control this legion. "

Legions and guilds are player organizations with the same status. A guild can form several legions based on its own guild members; members of a legion can also come from many guilds. A guild is a social group of players with no limit on the number of players; a legion is a military group of players with a limit on the number of players.

Tokugawa Nobunaga proposed the establishment of this Class A corps based on the Fuma Squadron. It is not nominally owned by the Rising Sun Guild, but is owned by the Mist Zone player community. However, because the members are all members of the Rising Sun Guild, Tokugawa Nobunaga can control this army. At the same time, Feng Moying did not belong to the Xuyang Guild and became the commander of the legion. After Feng Moying joined the Shadow of Death, the command of the legion was in the hands of the Shadow of Death.

Tokugawa Nobunaga is not stupid. He knows that since the shadow of death can push him to power, it can also drive him down. Compared with the entire Shadow of Death, the Rising Sun Guild is still too weak.

In order to deepen the chain of interests with the Shadow of Death, Tokugawa Nobunaga proposed a plan to form a legion.

The newly established legion became the link between the Rising Sun Guild and the Shadow of Death. The two parties joined forces to control this legion to jointly control the foggy area.

Daliang felt that Tokugawa Nobunaga's suggestion was very good. To maintain the stability of the foggy area, the player security team was needed to fill the blank area of ​​the Church Knights. It is definitely better to hold the command of this security team in your own hands than in the hands of others. It's just... is it okay to hand over such an important task to a group of middle school teenagers?

Da Liang looked at Feng Moying and saw Feng Moying's big eyes waiting for his answer.

Establishing your own legion and building your own ninja village is the dream of Feng Moying and her friends. However, it is too expensive to establish a legion. The legion station and legion construction are all piled up with real money. Without investment, how could a group of junior high school students who frugally use their pocket money to play games build the ninja village they imagined.

Now that the investment has come, the treatment of the Class A Legion is like a dream.

And the dream only requires a nod from Miushi Sang.

Daliang still felt that these teenagers were unreliable. He didn't believe that these junior high school students dared to play games during school hours.

However, Tokugawa Nobunaga must also know that he will not contribute his real elite legion, nor is he willing to have other uncontrolled legions in such an important position. All he wants is a link to the shadow of death. This group of teenagers who had no ambitions and only wanted to have fun met his requirements.

The important thing is that this group of middle-aged teenagers are very innocent. Other guilds want to insert people into them and control this legion...

Sorry, you don’t know how to play ninja games played by Japanese middle school boys. Once you enter, you will probably be a genin for life.

After thinking about Tokugawa Nobunaga's thoughts, Da Liang no longer had high expectations for this security team.

You can play however you like. Anyway, everyone contributes money to support us.

"Okay, I agree with Feng Moying to join the Shadow of Death, and I also agree to establish such a functional legion in the foggy area."

Daliang's answer made Feng Moying cheer for joy: "Great! I can finally build my own legion, and I can finally build my own ninja village! Thank you Master Mieshi, thank you Master Tokugawa. Don't worry, we will do a good job, Leave the safety of Misty Village to us!

come on! "

Mist Village...

Daliang always felt that he had made a stupid decision.

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