Start with an Archangel

Chapter 808 Changing Race

Among the Apostles of the Shadow of Death, Sergey No. 2 is usually responsible for external liaison. When Daliang and Tokugawa Nobunaga decided on the strategy of jointly establishing the Mist Zone Players United Association, Daliang informed Sergey to continue working with Tokugawa Nobunaga. Discuss the next details.

Daliang left the Xuyang Guild's stronghold, and Feng Moying followed him jumping up and down.

The news of the establishment of the legion has spread throughout the Feng Mo team through Feng Moying's chat column. All the ninja boys are happier than they are on summer vacation. Your own legion is about to be established, and having your own ninja village will attract more like-minded companions and more families.

The will of the mist will burn at this moment...

When Feng Moying lowered her head and discussed with her friends what shadow she should be called, she bumped into Da Liang's back.

Feng Moying rubbed her head, looked at Daliang who suddenly stopped in front of her, and asked: "Master Miushi, what happened?"

There is indeed a more difficult matter.

Daliang was just talking to No. 1 about letting Feng Moying join the Shadow of Death. Originally, No. 1 supported the establishment of a good cooperation mechanism with the Xuyang Guild. After all, strong dragons cannot overwhelm local snakes, and the Xuyang Guild is indeed powerful in the foggy area.

However, when No. 1 learned about Feng Moying's race, he said to Daliang: "No. 0, there is no specific race restriction for Death Shadow to increase the apostle. However, in the game settings, undead and elves are the natural enemies of the camp, and we are a camp confrontation team. , the elf will be subject to many restrictions when doing camp confrontation tasks, and it may hinder her development in the elf direction in the future..."

Only then did Daliang realize that he had overlooked this point.

The hostility between the undead and the elves is the basic setting of the game. Even if the cyan alliance joins the good camp, the wizards still do not allow the elves to set foot in the land of the death kingdom. They are natural enemies.

As an elf, Feng Moying would not be affected by some ordinary tasks in the Kingdom of Death, but for camp tasks, her race might cause her to suffer a big disadvantage when accepting tasks.

Therefore, recruiting Feng Moying into the shadow of death is a good thing for the apostle and Tokugawa Nobunaga, but for Feng Moying, her future will be very difficult.

At this time, Daliang asked Feng Moying: "What level has your mission progress reached in the dreamland? Compared with the kingdom of death, which achievement is higher?"

Feng Moying didn't expect that Daliang would suddenly ask this question. She answered directly without thinking: "Since following the Xuyang Guild to the foggy area, I haven't done any missions in the Dream Realm for a long time. As for achievements... of course it's the Kingdom of Death." Too high. Let me tell you, I am a knight of the church in the foggy area, and President Tokugawa is just a trainee knight..."

Realizing that Feng Moying was going to talk about her glorious journey again, Daliang quickly stopped him: "So, you have nothing to worry about over there in the dreamland?"

"My friends are all in the foggy area, and Lord Destruction is also in the foggy area. It's not interesting for me to go back to the dreamland alone."

Daliang asked: "If joining the Shadow of Death requires you to change your race from elf to undead, would you be willing?"

"Ah..." Daliang's suggestion made Feng Moying fall into thinking. She said very hesitantly: "I chose elves because they are so beautiful. It would be really disgusting if they turned into skeletons or zombies. If they were vampires, they would still be reluctant. It's acceptable, and the vampire's four retractable fangs are quite cute, but it will lose the elf's pointed ears..."

Looking at Feng Moying who was struggling there, Daliang said: "The appearance of the undead will not change. I will give you four more vampire retractable fangs. Do you want to change your race?"


Da Liang looked at the time. He was going to meet Metatron with the Fallen Angel in the afternoon. As soon as he was delayed by Tokugawa Nobunaga, it was too late to return to the Black Fire Territory and transform into a bone dragon, so he should change Feng Moying's race first.

Daliang pulled Feng Moying to a deserted corner on the roadside.

At this moment, Feng Moying's heart was like a deer bumping into each other.

I don't know how to transform from an elf to an undead. It must require extremely complicated rituals. Under the illumination of the full moon, Mieshi Sang inserted the sacrificial dagger into his chest and whispered complex spells in his ears.

During the process of transforming into an undead, will I feel cold? Will Miushi Sang use his burning body to warm me? Will there be any specific procedures, such as all my clothes being weathered...

I wonder how Daliang would feel if he knew what Feng Moying was thinking.

After confirming that there was no one around, Daliang asked Feng Moying again: "I can transform you into an undead, but this change is irreversible. Let me ask you one last time, are you willing to change your race and become an undead?"

I don't know how far Feng Moying has completed the scene in her mind at this moment. She looked at Daliang with a happy expression on her face.

"I would like to..."

I always felt like something was wrong.

But since Feng Moying was willing to transform into an undead, Daliang didn't waste any more nonsense and directly summoned Sophia from the Hero Order.

Da Liang pointed at Feng Moying and said to Sophia: "She wants to become an undead, so you can embrace her for the first time."

Specialties of Sophia Hero: First-generation Ancestor (all attributes increased by 25%, bloody rebirth: resurrect from the blood pool after death. First Embrace: consume 50% of the upper limit of blood volume to transform the living hero into a second-generation vampire, and the second-generation vampire has the ability to first embrace Three generations of vampires can be transformed. The number of generations of vampire development is related to the strength of the first generation ancestor. The previous generation of vampires in the blood chain has pressure on the next generation of vampires. The previous generation of vampires will enter a weak period after completing the first embrace, and the duration of the weak period is related to the strength of the caster.)

The first embrace severely consumed Sophia's strength, but this was Daliang's order, and Sophia did not hesitate.

Sophia walked up to Feng Moying.

Facing Feng Moying, who has not yet grown up and is extremely immature, Sophia appears even more cold and mature.

There was no extra emotion in Sophia's eyes, and her momentum made Feng Moying retreat unconsciously, but her waist was hugged.

Feng Moying leaned back, and Sophia pressed her cheek against hers, smelling the scent of her body, and hummed softly in her ear: "I am Sophia, the first ancestor of the vampire family. I grant you eternal life and unparalleled abilities. …”

As she spoke, Sophia opened her mouth, her four sharp fangs lengthened, and then bit Feng Moying's neck.

At this moment, Feng Moying lost control of her body, and her vision turned into a gray world after death. All game entries could not be opened, and only a progress bar in the middle slowly grew.

You are receiving the first embrace from Sophia, the first ancestor of the blood clan, and the second generation of the blood clan is undergoing transformation...

Daliang stood aside and looked at Sophia and Feng Moying hugging each other. This awkward and ambiguous scene was not the same as the first embrace he imagined...

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