Start with an Archangel

Chapter 810 Birth Pool

Daliang's words were soft and thorny, causing Beria's expression to change suddenly, but he had to admit that what this weak human said was true.

If you offend the Pope of the Mist Zone, the breakthrough that Hell has finally opened in the Kingdom of Death will be closed. When Hell's army was driven out of the City of Sighs, it lost the springboard to participate in the war in the Kingdom of Death, and also lost the strategic buffer for this plane war.

It is better to fight a war in the kingdom of death than in hell.

Moreover, the other party is also a baron conferred by Satan. The fallen angels who control hell may not recognize the legitimacy of this title, but they cannot but recognize Satan's influence in hell. Now it is known that Satan has sufficient military expenditures, a civil war in hell is imminent, and Yunzhong City is eyeing it.

Both Satan and the fallen angels hope that in this life-or-death war, there is an insurance that can stop the war at a critical moment to prevent Yunzhong City from taking over.

In short, Beria can despise Daliang's strength, but he must not despise Daliang's role on the fallen angels at this moment.

There was silence in the field. Even if a portal leading to the angel birth pool opened, no one took any action.

Beria looked at Daliang, and Daliang looked at Beria without showing any signs of weakness.

In the end, Beria lowered his high profile. He returned the invitation to Daliang and said: "Dear Earl, I apologize to you for my rudeness just now. We have no intention of destroying our current friendly relationship.

This is the portal leading to the Birth Pool. I think Metatron has arrived. Lord Earl, please go first. "

"King Beria, please..."

Beria apologized, and Daliang borrowed the donkey from Poxia and walked into the portal with Beria.

Hymns echoed in my ears, and everything in front of me was holy white.

This is the World of Heroic Spirits, the Angel Birth Pool located in Yunzhong City.

It is surrounded by towering white jade stone pillars, which surround a circular area with a diameter of about 200 meters in the middle. Layers of steps and platforms extend downward alternately, enclosing a pool.

The water in the pool emits a soft light.

Daliang was standing on the edge of the birth pool, and the fallen angels came out of the portal one by one. Facing them far away is a group of angels, and standing among the angels is Metatron.

There was no need for any communication between the fallen angels and the angels. This was definitely a non-war zone, so fighting was impossible and there was no point in scolding them. When the new angel comes, everyone will go back to their homes with their own recruits and wait until this time tomorrow.

It's been like this for thousands of years.

Da Liang did not rush to see Metatron, but observed how the angel was born.

The hymn echoing in the birth pool gradually became louder, and the water-like brilliance floated in from the outside of the stone pillars, and they gathered towards the pool in the middle.

The water surface of the pool began to rise after being absorbed into Guanghua, submerging the steps step by step, and did not stop until it reached the edge of the birth pool.

At this time, Metatron and Belia chanted the incantation to summon the angels together, and the water in the birth pool slowly receded during the chanting of the incantation.

One angel was revealed, and then another as the water dropped.

The second, the third...

The newborn angels stood on steps of different heights, closing their eyes and folding their wings, standing like statues.

At this time, Macaulay explained beside Da Liang: "The position where an angel is born determines the potential of the angel. The angel that appears first represents the lower potential, the angel that appears later represents the higher potential. Angels with high potential can be promoted to great angels after being cultivated. Angels. The angels born in the core area of ​​the birth pool are directly archangels, and they all have the potential to grow into holy angels.

But potential isn't everything.

Holy Bella was an ordinary angel when she was born, and now she has been promoted to the supreme angel. The heights she reached inspired every angel and fallen angel. If Holy Bella is willing to return to Cloud City, or come to our hell, he can definitely summon an angel army easily. "

Macaulay suddenly mentioned Holy Bella at this time, and Daliang knew that he must have realized something.

After all, Macaulay had many dealings with Daliang and Divine Bella in Shangjiang, and knew that the relationship between Divine Bella and Daliang was very close. Now that Holy Bella has disappeared after being promoted to the Supreme Angel, and looking at Daliang's appearance that it has nothing to do with him, even if he kills Macaulay, he doesn't think that Daliang doesn't know the whereabouts of Holy Bella.

If Holy Bella does not return to Yunzhong City, she definitely does not approve of Yunzhong City's act of launching a war. If Da Liang can persuade Holy Bella to pull an angel legion from Yunzhong City to work alone, it will definitely weaken the strength of Yunzhong City. If Holy Bella can be persuaded to join the fallen angels, that would be even better.

Daliang was also very moved when he asked Holy Bella to raise the banner and stand on the top of the mountain. However, Holy Bella may not be willing to do it. From the fact that she retains the name of Holy, we know that Holy Bella cares about Yunzhong City. She may not agree with the war, but she will never hold back Yunzhong City.

Anyway, Holy Bella will never do it to build a team of angels now. As for the future...

It also depends on the development of the battle situation.

Da Liang shook off the temptation in his mind and did not respond to Macaulay. Instead, he asked Zuo Yan: "Why are there so few angels in the birth pool? It seems that there are less than ten angels, and the output is too low, right? "

Macaulay did not get any information about Holy Bella from Da Liang, so he continued to pay attention to the newborn angels.

At this time, the birth pool is about to fall to the starting position, and there are only six scattered angels in the entire birth pool. Looking at the current water surface, it is impossible for new angels to appear.

Regarding the output of angels, Macaulay explained: "In fact, six angels are born at one time, which is already a lot. In the past, there were one or two newborn angels here a day, and sometimes there were none. The number of newborn angels increased and This is not a good thing, it means that the scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, and the more heroes die, the more angels are born."

Angels come from the dissipated heroic spirits, and heroic spirits come from those powerful heroes who died.

The increase in angel production means that high-level heroes are dying in large numbers, and it also means that the scale of the war is rapidly increasing.

No wonder seeing so many newborn angels, neither Metatron nor Belia could see any happy look on their faces.

Metatron and the Fallen Angels are both anti-war, but they have different camps and cannot let them sit down and have a drink and chat. They can only experience the all-out war here in Momo every day, which is getting closer and closer.

While Daliang was sighing, there were new changes in the birth pool. The colors of two of the six newborn angels began to change rapidly. The luster of the skin changed from bright to dark, and the folded wings on the back also changed from white to pitch black.

Then all the angels opened their eyes together, stretched out their wings, and completed their new life.

"My lord, Metatron is about to leave the birth pool. If you have anything to talk to him about, just go there quickly."

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