Start with an Archangel

Chapter 811 Meeting Metatron

Four angels and two fallen angels emerged from the birth pool. The bodies of newborns are not yet flexible, so they walk very slowly, one step at a time.

However, a newborn angel walking towards Metatron suddenly stopped, and then the color of his body and wings changed rapidly. When all the white wings turned into black, an angel was led to fall.

Three of the six newborn angels turned to fall. This rate was very rare in the past. In fact, two of the six newly born angels became fallen, and the fallen angels were very satisfied.

The addition of the three new recruits drew collective cheers from the fallen angels, and Belial also laughed. He spread his black wings to challenge Metatron.

Metatron and the angels responded with silence. A companion was lured away midway, which really made them unhappy. Fortunately, the angels they harvested were slightly better than the fallen angels in terms of potential.

The newborn angels and fallen angels came to Metatron and Belial, and then knelt down at the knees of their mentors and received baptism.

The light spots of light and fallenness shone down, and the originally stiff angels and fallen angels became more and more vivid...

Da Liang rode a royal griffon along the edge of the birth pool and flew towards Metatron.

"Fallen human beings, stop your unreasonable actions immediately! Go back to hell with the traitors!"

Da Liang's approach triggered a stop from the angels guarding Metatron. In the birth pool, they cannot attack Da Liang, but they can form a shield wall to prevent Da Liang from approaching.

The baptism ended quickly, and Beria took the fallen angels and returned to Hell's Furnace City along the opened portal.

The angels are also preparing to leave with Metatron.

Da Liang knew that if he missed this opportunity, the fallen angels might not bring him here again, so Da Liang shouted loudly: "Lord Metatron, I am Da Liang. We once met outside the prison where Ergos was imprisoned... "

Metatron stopped leaving. He looked at Da Liang and immediately recognized the culprit who caused the plane war.

Metatron didn't have much expression when he saw Daliang again. He walked over and asked the angels who followed him to take the newborn recruits out of the birth pool, and then said to Daliang: "Can Belia take you to the birth pool?" , it seems that you have joined the evil camp, and your choice is very consistent with the behavior you used to lure Julian.

I dislike you very much, but since you are here, I will give you a chance to speak.

What do you want from me? "

Daliang saluted Metatron and said: "I admit that I tricked Julian into becoming my subordinate when she was in confusion. But after what happened later, I know that Julian is actually the plane war in Cloud City. Victims of the plan.

Now Julian has to bear the pain of the evil gradually getting stronger in her body every day. If she were not an angel who firmly believes in and abides by goodness, she would have been swallowed up by the evil and disappeared.

I am very glad that Julian met me. If she follows you back to Cloud City, what will be waiting for her?

This is not Julian's fault. She can guard Yunzhong City in prison for ten thousand years, and what did Yunzhong City treat her?

This is not my fault. Without me, Julian, who was completely swallowed by evil, would still have cut open Ergus's prison.

Now, both Julian and I are being treated unfairly by Yunzhong City and bear the blame that does not belong to us.

Lord Metatron, you say that I have surrendered to evil. And I want to ask you, is the current behavior of Yunzhong City just? When you watch the number of new-born angels in the birth pool increasing every day, do you feel that the world is heading towards a catastrophe?

I am here this time, hoping to remove your prejudice against me. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, triggering an event that was bound to happen. "

Metatron did not answer immediately. He stood in front of Da Liang, with brilliance flowing around him, with divine majesty.

After an unknown amount of time, Metatron asked, "How is Julian doing now?"

Daliang said: "It's very bad... The evil has corroded her more seriously than I thought. But I have found a way to save her. Although it is very difficult, I will do my best to put her out of pain."

Metatron said with emotion: "I still clearly remember the scene of Julian's birth. At that time, the water in the birth pool slowly receded, and no newborn angel was revealed. And when we all thought that there would be no new angels today, When her companions arrived, Julian appeared, and she stood in the middle of the birth pool, becoming the only focus.

A beautiful archangel.

The talent and potential shown by Julian attracted competition from Beria. At that time, the fallen angels had just rebelled against Cloud City. In hell, they were outsiders, and they had to fight the demons if they wanted to gain a foothold in hell. A large number of fallen angels died in battle, and they were in urgent need of new recruits, especially newborn archangels with unlimited potential like Julian.

However, after Julian opened her eyes, she walked towards me. No matter how tempted Beria was, she didn't hesitate at all.

I couldn't see any impurities in her eyes. I knew at that time that she would become a great angel.

Later, Lucifer successfully trapped the five lords of hell, including Satan, and the fallen angels ruled hell. Then, Lucifer handed over the five hell lord kings to Yunzhong City in exchange for a peace agreement.

It was my idea to let Julian guard Ergus. She needed to settle down, and she needed to stay away from worldly trivial matters and think wholeheartedly, so that her soul could be sublimated.

I have no doubt she will be the youngest supreme angel.

You should also be able to understand how painful it was for me when Julian decided to leave Cloud City.

I thought she had failed me, but in fact, I was the one who failed her.

After all the Hell Lords escaped from prison, I knew the truth of the matter. Julian's decision was correct. "

Daliang did not expect that things would go so smoothly. Metatron understands the righteousness so well. The elimination of his prejudice against him means that he can change Yunzhong City's attitude towards him, and the development of the Judgment Territory can smoothly get on the right track.

At the same time, Metatron revealed the true potential of Julian. He was born in the center of the birth pool. After thousands of years of precipitation, once the evil seeds are resolved, Julian can get rid of his shackles and grow rapidly.

The youngest supreme angel!

What a wonderful future, Daliang said quickly: "Since you also think that this is not my fault and Julian's, can you please correct Yunzhong City's prejudice and difficulty towards me."

However, Metatron said: "Although some things are destined to happen, if Ergos escaped because of you, then you have made an unforgivable mistake."

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